Chapter 18 - A Second War?

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Even though you did forgive America and England, you were still wary of the two men. You didn't know how they would act now that the war was over- you highly doubted that everyone would simply be friends. The meeting was beginning, and you entered the main conference room and took your assigned seat.

You were surprised that Ludwig mentioned your relations between your boss- he explained how your boss treated you when you returned to the compound. It was after the initial address of this ordeal that he called a quick break.

"Ludwig! Why would you tell them about that?!" you privately scolded him when the room had been cleared. He looked down at you.

"They can help you. That's what these meetings are for." he calmly explained. "After all, you are a prisoner of war, so it's something that must be addressed."

You thought for a second.

"My country is in a revolution now because of my boss- any bit of help would be good. I know for a fact that I side with the people, but how can I know that the other countries won't support my boss?"

You simply nodded, slightly trusting Ludwig's judgement more.

"I really hope you're right."

He put a hand on your shoulder and kissed your forehead.

"I'm already on your side, (Y/N)."

You closed your eyes and nodded once more. When you opened them, he looked at you for a moment then walked away.

You were glad Ludwig was going to help you- but would he be enough?

"Eh, did that really happen to you? You being imprisoned by your boss?" you heard a quiet voice behind you question.

Turning around, you saw a slightly translucent man with blonde hair and purple eyes looking at you for an answer. He became more opaque as you focused on him.

"Yeah, it did," you confirmed. He blinked as if surprised you responded and slightly frowned.

"I'm so sorry that happened. I'm Canada- if you need help, I can offer my aid."

"Thank you, Canada. I really appreciate it."

He nodded with a slight smile and walked away. You slightly blushed, hoping that he didn't see Ludwig kiss your forehead. You didn't want any of the other countries to see that you had an emotional attachment to someone- too risky.

By this time, a lot of the other countries were returning back into the room. England and France rolled through the door on the ground fighting as America walked in behind them laughing his head off at the two. Slightly amused but annoyed, you pushed the two men apart and held them at arm's length. England was heavily breathing and immediately started pushing against your stiff arm as France decided to kiss your hand- which you pulled away. America was now laughing harder.

"Honestly, you two," you began, "we're at a meeting. Don't fight."

England stopped pushing and crossed his arms. France leaned on one leg. You let your arms fall to your sides.

"It's only because he's such a black sheep," France said nonchalantly.

"WANKER!" England screamed and lunged at him, and you put up your arm once more to stop him. He then turned around and walked away. France did the same. America then walked up to you.

"Dudette, why did you end it?" he said, still slightly laughing.

You slightly leaned back on one foot and crossed your arms.

"We just got out of a war- let's not start another one," you replied.

"Nah, they're always doing that!" he said shrugging and walking back his seat. You returned to your own seat, sat down, and crossed your legs.

Ludwig readdressed the state of your country, and asked if there were any countries willing to provide aid.

Out of all of the countries, America, England, Canada, China, France, Japan, Italy, and Germany all raised their hands. You gave a head nod of thanks to the men.

"Is there anyone else?" Ludwig asked. To your surprise, Russia raised his hand with a smile. Ludwig's face slightly paled and you felt fear begin to creep into your throat. Pushing it down, you tried to search Russia's expressions for a reason why he was offering help, but to no avail. You warily nodded to him.

It was on that note that Ludwig ended the conference. You stood to leave and heard someone calling your name. Turning around, you met a pair of red eyes. He clasped your shoulder.

"Mädchen, helping you would be awesome, but... I wouldn't be able to..." Prussia began. You shook your head at him.

"It's okay, I understand, Prussia."

He weakly smiled.

"Danke Mädchen," he said. "Keep an eye on Russia though, I don't want what happened to me to happen to you."

You nodded. Prussia then turned away from you and ran over to speak with France. Curious as to why Russia decided to help you, you found the man and walked over to him.

"Hi, Russia," you quickly greeted him- only for the purpose of pleasantries. He turned and smiled down at you. "If you don't mind me asking, why are you helping me?"

He was silent for a moment, then spoke.

"Think of it as an apology."

You looked at him strangely. He never struck you as the type of man to apologize for his actions.

"If we didn't throw you out," he began, "you wouldn't have had that encounter with your boss, da?"

"Well, yes, that is true."

He then nodded as you put two and two of his explanation together and walked away.

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