Chapter 20 - New Beginnings

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Ludwig and you rode on the train to Siberia across Russia. You went along as well to make sure Russia did as he agreed to, and Ludwig came along to make sure that neither Russia nor your boss tried to hurt you. You sat next to Ludwig in the train car, eyes closed and listening to it's humming. Ludwig then spoke.

"Have you decided to get a new boss?" he asked.

"Well, I think my country's people are through with bosses," you thought aloud. "I may end up being my own boss- running my government completely through majority rule."

He raised an eyebrow.

"I know it's never been done before," you sighed, "but it's worth a shot. After all, I represent the people. Why not represent the government as well?"

He looked at you for a moment before explaining how his nation would take care of the situation.

"Our council will select a new boss for my country and I. I hope that he won't be like the old one." Ludwig spoke. You placed your hand on top of his.

"They know what happened- I doubt they will choose unwisely," you reassured.

He nodded solemnly. You looked out the train window to see a sign for Siberia. Looking at the surrounding environment, it was essentially a desolate frozen landscape. You turned your head back to the interior of the train as Russia came walking down the middle. Ludwig noticed this and slightly tightened his grip on your hand- you forgot you were both still holding hands. You moved your leg to hide it from Russia's view.

"We're here," he said smiling. "It will be interesting to have a new inmate here."

Unsure of what to say, you simply gave a small nod. He turned and walked away. You thought to yourself for a moment.

"What's going to happen when this is over with? How can I trust that Russia will keep him here?"

You then felt the train lurch to a stop as you slightly leaned towards Ludwig as the train stopped. Mindlessly, you stood up, let go of his hand, and moved to the cabin door. You put your hands on the door frame and looked out the window. You felt Ludwig place a gloved hand on your shoulder.

"Let's go."

Listening to his words, you opened the door and jumped out. Walking forward on the platform, you heard Ludwig's feet hit the platform behind you. Russia exited the train car in front of you and turned and walked towards you.

"We will send guards to transport your boss into the prison."

"I would like to go with them," you flatly stated. He nodded.

"I will be going as well," you heard Ludwig say. You slightly wrapped your cloak around your cold frame and walked to the congregation of guards at the front of the train. Stopping, you calmly placed your hands behind your back and watched your handcuffed former boss be pulled out of the train. He turned at you, and you made sure not to show any emotion. The guards then prodded him to make him move forward, and you followed the group.

Walking into the prison, you noticed Ludwig's presence moving next to your own. He was going through the same situation as you. You wondered about the thoughts currently coursing through his mind.

Looking ahead into the group of guards, you saw your old boss lower his head as he walked. You pitied him, but he was getting what he deserved- he imprisoned you and caused you to become weak, so you were going to do the same.

After numerous winding and twisting hallways filled with cells, they finally stopped at an open cell and shoved your boss in. On impulse, you found Ludwig's hand and held it. You could feel yourself shaking, and used him as an anchor. He must have noticed it, because he began slowly rubbing the side of your hand with his thumb. You let out a breath you weren't aware you were even holding.


You were both silent on the trip back. When the train arrived back at the station, it was if all of the stress of everything had finally melted away- and you felt yourself slowly smiling. You hugged Ludwig, who stiffened from the sudden embrace but then hugged you back.

"Ich liebe dich, ja," he softly spoke into your hair as you nuzzled into his chest. Understanding that this meant he loved you, you looked at him and smiled wider as you returned the words to the best of your ability. He was smiling himself with a red tint adorning his face. Laughing, you kissed him. He smiled into the kiss. Pulling away, you looked at him once more.

"The problem with our boss, the war- it's all over," you happily spoke. He nodded. He looked nice when he smiled.

This was the beginning of a new era for you both.

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