Chapter 13 - Day 2

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You woke up the next morning feeling even more frail than the previous day, just like you hypothesized. It was almost like you could feel yourself crumbling away. You feebly wrapped the small blanket around your body and attempted to move to the door to get your daily meal- if they even decided to give it to you.

It was then slid under the door, and you wobbled across the cell to the tray. Without strength, you sat on the ground and faced the tray. You saw your reflection on the surface of the glass of water- your skin was ghostly pale, your (E/C) eyes were weak, and you had bags under your eyes. You could also see that you had rapidly lost weight, and this caused your skin to look sullen and sunken in. You were a weak shell of your former self- all thanks to your boss.

You couldn't find any way to escape- and the one thing that you had a sliver of hope in you weren't even sure knew what was going on. That one thing was Germany.

You thought he cared about you, but you weren't sure. After all, he wasn't the greatest at always showing emotion clearly, and you knew you were awful at reading them. Besides, at this rate, you'll probably be gone by morning if there's no intervention.

You then nodded your head and dozed off on the cobble floor of your cell, wrapped in the allotted threadbare blanket.


There was an odd noise that occurred behind you- almost too quiet to be noticed. You slowly opened your eyes to see that your cell was dark, meaning that it was night. Something small then lightly hit your shoulder and fell to the ground beside you. You slightly turned your head to see that it was a small pebble. You turned your head more to find the source of the pebble.

It was Germany- he was crouched at the window, holding the now removed bars.

You weakly smiled at him, and tried to get up to move to him. It took effort, but you gave all of your willpower and strength to move across the room. You would rather be with him than your boss.

"(Y/C/N)," he quietly gasped, looking at your weak and frail body. "Give me your hand- I'll pull you out of there."

He reached his hands down through the window. You reached up as high as you could, and were finally able to grab his hands. He then moved his hands to your now bony wrists and pulled you up and out of the prison cell and onto his lap where he held you.

"What did they do to you," he whispered as he looked at you sadly.

You slid your arms around the back of his neck, buried your face in his neck right under his chin, and cried.

You didn't know why you cried, or that you even had any strength left to cry. Maybe you were crying for yourself, or for joy of rescue, or for your dad, or for everything. Germany gently laid a hand protectively on the back of your head. You then forced yourself to stop crying. You weren't completely out yet- but the interaction with Germany caused for your strength to certainly increase, most likely because he was a country himself.

Still slightly teary-eyed, you sat up to look at him. He pulled something familiar from his bag on the ground next to him. It was your cloak and weapons. He unfolded the cloak and tied it properly around your neck, and handed you your shape shifting bracelet and purse.

"I'm sure you have a lot of questions for me."

You nodded.

"You're not my prisoner anymore- the war is over. It's time you got these back. You're going to need them if we're to escape. Are you feeling better? Can you move well?" he quietly asked you.

You silently nodded once more.

"Thank you," you whispered. "Do you have a plan on how to get out of here?"

"Well, kind of," he whispered back in reply. "I know the guards are at the south and west ends- maybe we can escape between them."

"That's better than no plan."

He pulled the large gun off of his back. You moved off of him and changed your silver bracelet into a gun as well. He stood up, and you did the same.

"It'll be nice working with you instead of against you this time," you whispered, slightly smiling at him. "The only orders I have now are my own."

"I'm here for you- I had no orders but my own as well," he quietly said, intently staring at the field you both needed to cross to leave.

You then leaned over and began to quietly move through the field next to Germany, guns trained in front of you.

Orders (Germany x Country!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now