85. Olympian Speed Dating

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Aura walks through the living area of her massive home bypassing the gazes of all her new friends.
"Where're you going?" Steve's voice stops her and she lets out a light sigh. She looks at him and the others who all stare at her, looking her up and down.
"Zeus has found me a sizeable list of suitors and I have to go meet them." Aura explains through gritted teeth. This is the last thing she wants to do today. Yes, she had to get dressed up to meet the men, upon Zeus' request. If it was up to her she would've gone in jeans and a shirt but "That isn't appropriate for a goddess". She has to hold back her eye roll remembering Zeus' words.
"Now this I have to see!" Tony exclaims, standing up.
"Olympian speed dating! I am so in!" Sam adds and before she knows it the whole team is ready and rearing to accompany her to the event.
"Well I suppose it won't be that bad. Let's go take the piss out of this thing." Aura grins slightly coming around to the idea. Not the speed dating itself but the fact she'll have a cohort for moral support.

"You've bought your friends! Wonderful. The more the merrier." Zeus exclaims. "Right-"
"Sorry we're late. The guards wouldn't let us in." Loki interrupts hurrying in with Thor and Wanda. He stops dead in his tracks seeing the group before him but mainly Aura. She's dressed in a beautiful green dress, the silk shining upon her movements. But before anyone can notice he blinks a few times and averts his eyes.
"Okay well... as I was saying... I've taken your list into consideration and rallied the most eligible men of the realms." Zeus produces a scroll and drops it down. "We have no blondes, dark hair, no short hair specifically buzz cuts, not overly buff, a lot taller than you, chiseled features, a gentleman, with a good personality, intelligent. And absolutely no idiots." The god looks at his granddaughter for approval only to find her with cheeks as red as the sunset.
"So Aura's type is Loki then?" Tony pipes up and Aura's cheeks turn and even deeper shade of red.
"No, no! For the love of everything, please can we just go in." Aura waves her hands hurriedly.
"That's the spirit my dear!" Zeus grins opening the door as Aura hits her forehead defeated already.

The group walks into a large room. It's walls made of sandstone and there's foliage on every corner of the room and snaking its way up the window frames. There's a bench running along the length of the wall and everyone but Zeus and Aura sits down awaiting what's to come.
"Alright my dear, here you are." The god hands her a small remote which has two buttons on it. "Just press the top one when you wish for a candidate to enter. Good luck." With a final flourish Zeus leaves the room.

"This is absolutely going to be the worst experience of my life." Aura mumbles to herself seriously regretting the choice of bringing everyone along. She can feel their invasive gazes staring at her and the pair of chairs in the centre of the room.
She looks at Leia and dramatically presses the button. Moments later the door to the right on the opposite wall opens and a man walks through. He's tall, with short dark hair that falls effortlessly to the side. He's got a chiseled jaw covered in a very well groomed beard. He's dressed sophisticatedly and very well for the occasion. Aura glances at Leia quickly, having a silent conversation with her.
"He doesn't have long hair!" Quill yells without thinking.
"Hi, I'm Aura." The goddess introduces and holds out her hand. The man takes it in his and shakes it gently.
"I'm Anders, your majesty." He grins.
"Your majesty isn't necessary." Aura smiles gently, sitting down. "So um, what do you do for fun Anders?"
"I really love to ride." Anders says.
"Horses?" Aura has to clarify.
"Yes of course." The mans accent is rather captivating.
"Wow. Okay um thank you I guess. It was lovely to meet you Anders." Aura smiles once again at the very attractive man.
"You too your majesty- sorry Aura." He stumbles. He swiftly leaves through the left door.

"Starting strong. I love it!" Sam is the first one to speak.
"Aura toss us the remote. We can have some fun with this." Tony grins when Aura tosses him the small golden device. "Alrighty, candidate number two you may enter."
The door opens once more and the next man walks through. He's once again tall, with somewhat broad shoulders and red hair. Aura's eyes widen upon the sight.
"Nope, absolutely not. Get out." She says pointing towards the door.
"Good to see you too Aura." He says.
"Get out Hyllus!" She puts her foot down. The man leaves just as quick as he entered.
"What was wrong with him? You don't like red heads?" Tony asks.
"He's my cousin!" Aura groans silently reprimanding Zeus.
"Jesus Christ." Quill says and everyone laughs hysterically.
"This is gonna be a long day." Aura groans sitting back in the high stool.

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