97. Endings, Beginnings

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Song to listen to while reading the following;
Arrival of the Birds by The Cinematic Orchestra

Deep purple skies cast a dark glow against the desolate landscape, dead tangled roots creep upon the uneven gravel path. If it were any other situation, this would be considered one of the most beautiful sights they've ever seen. Everything is oddly peaceful, the air having an ere to it, an uncomfortable weight settling on everyone's shoulders.
"Stay sharp people." Steve commands sharing a knowing look with Tony. They continue on the path, a giant doorway coming into view on the horizon.
The path reaches it's peak and the ground plateaus into a maze like space of boulders and untamed roots. Their paces are short and slow as they creep around each rock, careful not to disrupt the seemingly sentient terrain. The cold wind around them whispers, like it holds people's last breaths. The hairs on Leia's arms raise as they reach the largest, and most likely last boulder. The group slowly round the corner, their eyes landing on the eerily beautiful scene Clint had described all those years ago. Steve stops still, nervous to continue, his breaths are jagged as he looks up to the towering pillars he recognises. He feels a hand lace with his and looks to his right. Leia stands there with a comforting smile, praying for the same thing he is. He takes a deep breath looking at her with thankful eyes. He feels a presence to his left and sees Bucky standing beside him, saying nothing at all yet he understands.
Leading the way they continue forwards, the Guardians close behind feeling less hopeful than the super soldiers ahead of them. The first thing Steve sees is the orange glow of the sunset, framed by dark gloomy clouds. The silence is deafening as the wind ceases abruptly, each person can hear their own heartbeats.
Steve's eyes settle on a figure sitting upon a fallen tree by the edge of the cliff. He can make out Natasha's braided hair. He breaks free of Leia's hand, striding forwards slowly picking up his pace into a run.
Natasha hears the crunching of heavy footsteps on the gravel and looks back. The smile grows on her cheeks and it's like electricity flows through her body as she jumps up and begins a sprint to meet him. It feels like slow motion as the pair close the gap crashing into each others arms. Natasha buries her face in Steve's neck taking in his familiar scent that she'd missed so much. Tears well in both of their eyes as they hold each other so tight. His body shakes beneath her, his tears streaming freely and she just holds him tighter.
A moment passes and she looks up over his shoulder seeing the group that follows. Steve puts her down and watches as she runs to greet Tony, her smile just as bright as theirs. Tony engulfs her, his tears flowing also, Thor wraps both of them in a tight hug, letting his tough exterior down. Leia quickly runs to join the group as Nat breaks free grabbing her quickly, violent sobs escaping both their lips. Leia pulls back to look at her, holding her face between her hands, making sure that she's not dreaming. Nat's eyes avert to a figure to the side, recognising Bucky.
"We did it?" Nat asks her and Leia just nods with tear filled eyes. Natasha runs over and hugs Bucky, the first person she's seen saved from the Blip.
"Good to see you."
"You too Nat." Bucky smiles softly.
Her eyes move to the ground where Rocket waves. "Thank you for saving my family."
He looks behind him to the Guardians who stand with solemn looks on their faces.
"Any time." She grins.

Whilst everyone is reuniting Aura stands awkwardly tinkering with the tiny device. She inspects the small bar realising what it is and the feelings of confusion and betrayal wash over her. A dark shadow looms over her making her look up to see Loki's sympathetic face looking down. She snatches her hand away grasping the device tight in her fist as she fights the tears that are threatening to form.
"How's your wrist?" He asks trying to make conversation.
"Pretty- um, pretty good thanks to Leia." Her voice breaks, coughing to cover it up. Aura looks down to her feet, her mind a whir of all the possible answers as to why she has a detonator chip of her own design in her arm. Then she feels a gentle touch beneath her chin and Loki lifts her head.
"Talk to me." He looks down at her with soft eyes. She stays silent and he gently grasps her tight fist. She doesn't refrain from the action as he gently opens it between them.
"What is it?" He inquires, as he gently picks it out of her palm.
"No Loki!" She gasps grabbing it back quickly.
"Darling what is it?" He asks as she's clearly distressed. She looks up at him once again with wide eyes.
"Loki you can't say that to me." A pink tint forms on Aura's cheeks.
"Why not... I'm not with Wanda anymore?"
"It's too soon, we can't..." She trails off as Loki looks at her in a way she's never seen before.
"But I-"
"It's a detonator." She interrupts him completely disregarding the topic despite her wanting to continue. "I developed this weapon many years ago. Zeus used it to control millions of prisoners. I was so excited when he chose it after Ares tried to pass it as his own." Aura looks back on the memory fondly. "But here I find it in my own arm. I'm nothing more than a fucking prisoner."
Aura breaks down silently hugging Loki's torso. "And I don't even know why he did it." She struggles to get the words out through her quiet sobs. Loki holds her, softly caressing her hair.
"Gosh, sorry." Aura steps back quickly, wiping her cheeks and pulling herself together a little too quick for Loki's liking. She tucks the small rod back into her pocket as she sees an unfamiliar woman walking over to them.
"Loki." Nat grins warmly, resting a hand on his shoulder. The god smiles at her as she pulls him in for a hug.
"We missed you." Loki chuckles light heartedly.
"So introduce me to your friend?" Nat raises a brow at him.
"I'm Aura." She holds her hand out to greet.
"She's the one who found you." Loki adds.
Nat looks over the goddess and her smile only grows, instead of shaking her hand she opens her arms, sharing a hug.

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