91. I Do

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After Aura collects herself the pair travel back up to Olympus to meet Zeus with the news and of course he's overjoyed. He wrangles one of the helpers to organise the wedding at once, something in the back of his mind is telling him they must do this quick in case she changes her mind. "Midday, in the Great Hall", he says. They both agree, though Aura puts her foot down on one thing. There is to be no one there, just Thor, her and Zeus. He agrees with a fleeting smile, granting anything to ensure that the event goes ahead. Then the pair leave his presence with a curt nod, walking back down the mountain. As they walk through the awaking city, Thor pulls Aura into a quaint little store in a lane. She tips her head back in a laugh when she sees all the jewellery before them.
"Pick something, I will too." Thor insists as the shop keeper comes to their hand. She settles on a golden ring with a beautiful but unique stone setting and Thor picks a simple band. Aura slips the ring on her finger as they leave the store in fits of giggles, trying to make light of the situation. They continue on their path through the city walking about the streets. It's something Aura rarely does, but it feels so thrilling to her. Her movements were always very secretive whenever she was in Olympus, she liked it that way. Though whenever Thor came to visit, although rare, they would always venture through the city without a care in the world. They would often get stopped by citizens but most were unfazed.

"Hey!" They both look towards Bucky and Leia who are walking towards them.
"Hey!" They all smile and Thor and Bucky share a handshake.
"Where've you guys been?" Thor asks.
"We just got breakfast that's all." Bucky tells him.
"What're you guys doing?" Leia asks curiously.
"Oh you know, just getting married." Aura shrugs waving her hand showing the ring they'd just got.
"What!?" Bucky and Leia both exclaim. "Hold on I think I missed a few chapters!"
"No you didn't really, Zeus is still making me get married and Thor stepped up, simple as that." Aura tries to explain.
"Wait so are you two..." Bucky looks between them.
"No, no... no!" They both laugh. "I'm just doing it for a friend." Thor adds and Aura smiles beyond thankful for him.
"Well congratulations!!" Bucky and Thor clap hands again and pull each other in for a hug.
"This is great news!" Leia hugs Aura. "So when is it happening?"
"Noon, we're just about to go get ready." Aura says.
"By yourselves! Absolutely not-"
"No, we asked Zeus for there to be no guests!" The goddess interrupts.
"But what about bridesmaids! Or groomsmen!" Leia can't think of a single wedding in the few she's seen where there weren't any people beside them.
Aura looks up at Thor silently questioning him.
"Would you help us? I might need someone to do up my dress. Do you even know how to tie a tie?" Aura asks Thor, funnily enough having never seen him with one on before.
"Do you even know how to tie a tie?" Thor mocks her jokingly and they all laugh. "Come on Bucky we'll leave these two to get sorted out, they'll probably take longer anyway."
"Mm you're right Thor." Bucky smirks and they both walk off.

"He really wouldn't budge huh?" Leia asks as they walk back.
"Nope, he yelled at me and everything." She sighs.
"I'm sorry."
"It's fine, I'm fine. Weddings are supposed to be a happy time so let's just get excited." Aura smiles trying her best to change the subject.
"You're right. Wait have you even got a dress, where is this happening, Aura I have so many questions!" Leia's voice is bubbly and in that moment Aura's glad to have her as a friend.
"I'll explain everything on the way." She smiles.


"Aura we are so late!" Leia fluffs her friends veil as they walk through the palace.
"A queen is never late, everyone else is simply early." Aura remains unbothered grasping the bouquet of flowers.
"You're a queen?" Leia looks at her with wide eyes.
"No!" Aura laughs at the gullible girl next to her. "I just don't care."
The two women haven't seen Thor or Bucky since they parted ways earlier in the day. They went back to Aura's house and collected everything that they needed before heading right back up to Mount Olympus. That's enough back and forth for one day. Sticking to her word Leia helped Aura get ready into the most stunning gown she's ever seen. It's a beautiful A-line dress, with off-the-shoulder long sleeves, and gold trimming every hem. Leia pinned the goddesses hair back into a low bun and the veil sits atop it. When they arrived at Aura's room in the palace there was a dress awaiting Leia too. A nude coloured slip dress as well as two bouquets of a beautiful assortment of native flowers. Now they hurry through the palace towards the Great Hall.
"Oh my god finally, you're late!" Bucky stands by the closed doors to the hall.
"Oh shut up." Both Aura and Leia say in sync. Leia fluffs Aura's train and makes sure the veil is sitting right before linking arms with Bucky.
She sends her friend a wink of good luck before the doors open in front of them and they walk on through. Leia smiles as she walks with Bucky taking in their surroundings. The room has been completely turned upside down since the night before. The long table is long gone and Zeus' throne has been moved and in its place, the alter where Thor and Zeus stand dressed to the nines. Surrounding that, across all walls of the Great Hall are stunning white flowers and golden leaves, matching those in both Leia and Aura's bouquets. It really is a sight to say the very least.

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