part 47

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on her way there she called everyone else because she knew after a while she wouldn't be able to stop hitting her once she made it though she parked the car and put her hair in a tight low bun then she got out the car walking inside seeing brooke sitting on kobes lap and her eyes went from their usual pretty green to a dark almost black color and she felt anger from everything come over her she doesn't even know how she moved that fast but next thing she knew she had brooke on the ground sitting on top of her and making direct hits to her face while kobe tried to make sure jihoon didn't jump in and try to pull y/n off at the same time the time he was close to pulling her off she turned around looking at him and when she saw brookes lipstick on his face she got mad all over again and somehow managed to get out his grip and go back to brooke punching her again harder when jihoon walked to y/n kicking her in the leg she got up grabbing her shirt and without even thinking she slung her against a wall things escalated and y/n was now fighting brooke and jihoon when the others came they pulled y/n off of brooke and made her let go of jihoons neck so she could finally breathe then someone held them back brooke moved her hair out of her face and put her finger under her nose then looking at it seeing blood

Brooke: ugh fucking bitch not my fault your man thinks of me i was just trying to help him
Y: say it again do it

y/n was trying to squirm out of dayshawns grip but he had her too tight but she kept trying anyways

Dayshawn: y/n stop
Y: dude i'm gonna kill this bitch
Dayshawn: but you don't want to that's why you called us
Y: that was before she started talking shit let me go imma shut this hoe up
Brooke: your man already does that

y/n squirmed even harder and she was almost out of his grip until messiah and smitty grabbed her as well and she started getting more pissed off causing hot tears to pour down her face

Brooke: and since you're tied up tell her how you kissed me back once if i'm correct after you said it you said "wait no this isn't right move"
Kobe: yea i told you to move
Y: after you kissed her back are you fucking kidding me
Kobe: baby-
Y: you're the reason we aren't gonna last you son of a bitch

y/n felt her anger build up and her heart break at the same time and she fought to get out their grips even more the girls were too scared to get involved so they only held brooke and jihoon back but once y/n got out all of their grips they let brooke go while the boys yelled at y/n to stop she didn't listen though she just grabbed brookes hair and with all the might slammed her to the ground and started hitting her head on the ground over and over again actually trying to kill her the boys noticed and they went to her grabbing both of her arms when brooke grabbed y/ns hair then the girls went to her grabbing her hands as well so now they were just looking at each other

Y: bitch when i catch you off guard on my mama i'm whooping the fuck out you bitch fuck that dirty ass kiss because next time when i beat your ass i ain't stopping till i see blood and lots of it you nasty bitch
Brooke: can't be too nasty if your fiancé wants me well maybe ex now

y/n didn't say anything she just smiled and got up acting calm so the boys let her go and she started walking to the door from the corner of her eye she saw brooke get up and she saw a vase so next thing anyone knew y/n picked it up and launched it at brookes head but kobe tackled her to the ground so she dodged it just in time when y/n noticed she started running to him about to beat his ass until dayshawn caught her and put her over his shoulder while she yelled at kobe kicking and trying to get down she was yelling and talking so much that they could barely understand what she was saying everyone mainly heard cuss words she didn't call him the same word twice she called him different ones and rapidly when they took her outside she was still pissed off she was so mad she grabbed a brick and threw it through brookes car windshield busting it so she came outside

Brooke: you're fucking crazy
Y: nah bitch trust me you haven't seen crazy don't let me catch you by yourself on my mama imma make sure you remember me bitch

y/n moved her hair out of her face and got in the car speeding off she was driving so fast she made it back to kobes house within three minutes and brooke lived ten minutes away when she made it she got out the car walking inside grabbing all of her things and walking back downstairs hugging vanessa giving her the keys back then she hugged kiya walking back to the door

Vanessa: what's going on
Y: i'm just not gonna be around for a while
Vanessa: even if something happened between you and kobe you're still family y/n
Y: yea i know i love you guys
Kiya: we love you too

y/n walked out the house and started walking to her house while kiya looked at vanessa

Kiya: i don't think we should've let her go
Vanessa: why
Kiya: mama i know that look and somethings not ok at all


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