part 92

685 22 26

months passed since then y/n was now five months pregnant and her stomach was definitely growing ever since y/n has been pregnant leona tries to fight her but one of the others always jumps in there was even a time where all the girls jumped leona and wouldn't get off of her until she was choking on her own blood today was kiyas birthday and she came in town so everyone got dressed up while y/n wore a baggy shirt and shorts and they mainly drove around town and went to a few restaurants then once they decided they wanted to walk around y/n decided to stay in the car due to the fact she knew she wouldn't be able to keep up so kobe decided to stay with her even though she said no

Leona: she said no leave the bitch by herself
Melina: might wanna watch your mouth kobe ain't walking with us to protect you
Leona: ugh whatever leave her by herself
Kobe: no just go walk or some shit shut up
Leona: you've been such a dick these last four months
Kobe: maybe because you've been trying to fight her these last four months
Leona: why do you care y'all aren't even together
Kobe: but it's my child why wouldn't i care
Leona: you know what i don't even care stay with her

leona got out the car walking off so the others got out as well while y/n turned her back to kobe and when he tried to talk to her she turned up the radio but he turned it back down so she just laid there

Kobe: so you're not gonna talk to you sleep with me and ignore me wow ok
Y: you did it first if i'm not mistaken
Kobe: how
Y: a day after it happened i tried to talk to you no response i called you went straight to voicemail text you my message didn't go through let's not get it confused on who played who you jerk
Kobe: i had a reason for that
Y: and i have one for this
Kobe: and what's that
Y: you know what kobe i could've faced the fact that you wanted to move on and be with someone else but the fact that it was the same girl who went and talked shit about me on the internet and the same one you got caught cheating with then you top it off the same exact one you told me not to worry about now i can accept moving on but that's just cruel
Kobe: yea it was messed up i messed up and i'm sorry but come on
Y: there is no come on with this situation you betrayed me and that's hurts way worse
Kobe: in the four months i've been with leona not once have i slept with her
Y: how is that supposed to make me feel better
Kobe: so you're gonna sit there and tell me that me letting you know that didn't take any weight off your shoulders
Y: so what kobe what if it did you're still with her
Kobe: i never asked her to date me
Y: ok yet you sleep in the same bed as her our bed if you want me to be specific and you still kiss her
Kobe: she doesn't sleep at the house we go to hers or i'll stay at the house and she'll go home
Y: yet she's still been in the bed
Kobe: i mean yea but you sit in dayshawns bed all the time
Y: yet i've never kissed him
Kobe: i don't know that
Y: yes you do don't play dumb
Kobe: so you're telling me the four months we've been apart you haven't slept with anyone
Y: why would i ass hat
Kobe: because don't pregnant women have like crazy hormones or some shit like that
Y: what does that have to do with me sleeping with someone else
Kobe: mother fucker i just said- never mind you're dumb
Y: you're dumb bitch

kobe just looked at y/n confused while she rolled her eyes turning back around until kobe grabbed her neck making her turn back towards him and he just looked at her until he leaned in kissing her and she kissed him back soon they were making out and he moved his hand from her neck to her lower back pushing her as close as possible to him before her stomach got in the way making him smile then he stuck his hand in her shorts

Kobe: damn well someone missed me
Y: shut up

kobe kept going then soon things escalated once they were finished they got dressed again and rolled down the windows while kobe looked at y/n grabbing her hand

Kobe: i missed you
Y: sure you did
Kobe: so after all i just did you don't think i miss you
Y: ehh i've had better
Kobe: don't play with me
Y: fine i guess i missed you too
Kobe: i heard about you locking yourself in a room and eating all day
Y: well that's what happens when you get replaced with someone who tried to fight you multiple times was told wouldn't replace you and got caught with your ex fiancé
Kobe: damn you ain't have to add ex in front it was a break
Y: breaks don't last four months
Kobe: they can
Y: whatever kobe
Kobe: ok for real though i did mess up and i realized that when i started missing you and i know it shouldn't have took that long for me to realize but sadly it did but come on i never slept with leona and i never asked her to date me that has to say something
Y: congrats you kept it in your pants you want a high five
Kobe: no i just want you back
Y: kobe
Kobe: i know and we can take it slow if you want but this is all i ask


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