part 111

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Y: man to think i could've- never mind i would say i'm disappointed but hey you've disappointed me a lot in this relationship i would say i don't care but that would be a lie because i do care and since it's with her hell yes i care but i'm done fighting for you and i'm done fighting for this relationship we're done and honestly we can stay that way i always knew you'd run to her sooner or later because of the adrenaline rush you get when you sneak around with her but i wanted you to prove me wrong that's all i wanted and you couldn't even do that
Kobe: y-
Y: don't even i wasted time on your eight inch ass when i could've had that plus four should've cheated when i had the chance
Kobe: what
Y: you heard me so don't say what and don't even try to lecture me because i'm not the one that got caught fucking some other bitch in my car but hey don't let me ruin your fun i'll only get in the way 
Kobe: y/n come on i messed up
Y: no you didn't mess up you fucked up and there's no forgiving that her out of all people are you kidding me i could sleep peacefully during all the drama knowing hey at least she didn't sleep with him now what kobe huh now what the fuck am i gonna say when that's something she can brag about i can't say or do shit but be embarrassed so thank you for that thank you so fucking much
Kobe: so what we're done you're gonna leave me like everyone else
Y: duh kobe
Kobe: you're just gonna leave after everything i've done for you
Y: what have you done for me
Kobe: i helped you when you were sad i bought you so muc-
Y: give it to her give all of it to her and thank you is that what you want you want a thank you for helping me for being there when most of the times i felt like i was drowning and you made me drown even more most days i was sad you did something anything to make it worse those four months that we thought she wouldn't make it you made those pure hell for me i couldn't even talk to you without you looking at me like you blamed me for everything i would try talking to you even after and you wouldn't listen ever since we haven't been able to do anything you've been such a dick and honestly i'm glad i get to say all of this because i'm tired of keeping it in yesterday i was talking about how i loved you and how i wouldn't go on a date with keith because i was with you looking back on that i sound like a fucking clown and all of this was one sided as fuck i'm tired of changing to be perfect for you when in reality i never will be
Kobe: you are perfect for me
Y: stop lying for once in your damn life if that was true you wouldn't have cheated no one cheats on someone who's perfect for them but you did which shows that's a lie you said i was the only girl you would want in your life and boom that was a lie as well we're done everything about us is nothing but history and whenever you decide to run to your mom about this make sure you tell the truth about how you fucked up and while you're at it tell her about how i almost fucked keith
Leona: oh baby get over it
Y: actually i will and i'll say the same thing to you when he plays you and you know i would fight for you but nah you're not even worth it

y/n turned around about to walk off but kobe grabbed her hand and she turned around slapping him then snatching her hand away and walking off going into the house and in their room packing everything she bought but she left everything including the engagement ring then she walked into ameries room grabbing her things as well once she was done she walked downstairs

Lucianna: i'll ask questions later do you want me to drive your car wherever you're going
Y: please
Lucianna: come on guys

the girls got up and y/n put her and ameries suitcases in the car while kristen buckled her in once she finished lucianna got in y/ns car starting it up while she got in the g wagon and they drove off while the girl blocked kobe so he wouldn't try and go to her

Kobe: get your heads out of her ass this is our relationship not yalls i should've been able to go talk to her
Melina: maybe you should've thought about that before you cheated piece of shit
Kobe: like jaidens never cheated on you
Melina: actually he hasn't all because he's your best friend doesn't mean he acts like you dumb ass
Sharan: you didn't deserve her from the minute you got her
Tatyana: and of course you're the bitch he cheated with
Leona: what can i say i'm irresistible
Tatyana: yea and so is this ass whooping get out the car
Leona: make me
Tatyana: ok

tatyana walked over to the other side of the car trying to open the door but it was locked so melina reached inside the car even though kobe tried to stop her and she unlocked the doors so tatyana opened it pulling leona out by her hair while all that was happening they were still driving and y/n was on the phone with dayshawn telling him everything from when they were on the couch to the date to then

Dayshawn: damn girl
Y: yea i know
Dayshawn: so where are you going
Y: this house i bought
Dayshawn: i love a one step ahead girl
Y: i just knew shit would boil over but i would've never thought like this
Dayshawn: sometimes shit happens unexpectedly
Y: like yea i messed up making out with keith and i would've owned up to that no matter what but even when i caught kobe he tried to give me that bullshit you're gonna leave me like everyone else speech
Dayshawn: no he didn't bitch


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