part 94

774 21 30

Kobe: first off watch your fucking mouth-
Kiya: can we not it's still my birthday for two more minutes

kobe looked at kiya then back at his phone and as soon as the clock struck twelve he looked back at amador

Kobe: it's bothering you so much that she doesn't want you that you're getting mad at her for no reason you're pathetic
Amador: i'm pathetic really i'm not the one leaving her for another girl you're the pathetic one
Kobe: i'm pathetic because i made a mistake-
Leona: mistake
Kobe: yes mistake but you're standing here yelling at a pregnant woman because she doesn't want only you at her ultrasound get over it you're not her boyfriend and you'll never be
Amador: i treat her better than you ever could
Kobe: congrats you did some corny shit and think you deserve a higher title than a friend you were wrong
Amador: sometimes corny is better than only sex
Kobe: if you knew anything about our relationship then you would know that's a piece of shit lie you just said
Amador: i don't need to know about your relationship to know you only care about getting your dick wet
Kobe: there's been plenty of nights were we've just sat up at night talking and singing and times i sat next to her putting a heated pad on her stomach you don't know shit about me you just want to try and make some dumb ass point in front of everyone to make it seem like you do more than me and you don't
Amador: i took her to a swing to look over the city
Y: guys can we not-
Kobe: wow con fucking grats i've been dancing in the rain on the beach at night star gazing late night walks late dinners snack rides late night drives all of it i've been there with all of it if you've done it i've done it better there's not topping me and there's no replacing me get that through your fucking head boy
Amador: yet all that and you still left like the punk you are
Y: guys ok for real stop you're giving me a headache
Kobe: aight i'll stop but i stand on what i said and i'll be there tomorrow regardless if you like it or now

kobe sat down getting on his phone while amador sat there shaking his leg then standing up

Amador: that's what i thought...too pussy to're not a good dad you're the worst...and you wonder why you'll never be treat everyone in your circle like crap and expect something to change...explains why your dad barely comes around now
Kobe: excuse me
Amador: nah don't play dumb now you heard me
Kobe: y/n imma ask one time how does he know about my dad
Y: i was telling him about our family and-
Kobe: ok but personal shit i tell you should never be in a conversation with another nigga especially not one who'll spill shit just to get close to you
Y: i'm sorry i told him about my parents as well
Kobe: ok that's your information to tell that was mine and i trusted you with it
Y: that's all i said i didn't tell him anything else and i'm sure if you let me tell the whole conversation then you'll understand-
Kobe: i don't want to hear it i trusted you and you told him
Y: i-
Kobe: i'm out
Leona: well can you at least give me a ride home
Kobe: sure dude come on

leona got up walking out with kobe and getting the car while y/n looked at amador with watery eyes sighing and getting up grabbing her pillow and going upstairs with kiya right behind her and into the room she's been staying in while they were in there talking kobe was parked in front of leonas house making out with her then once leona took off her shirt he stopped shaking his head

Leona: what's wrong
Kobe: i can't do this
Leona: why not
Kobe: because i'm still in love with y/n
Leona: oh
Kobe: yea i thought since she pissed me off i'd finally be able to move on but in the car i had sex with her and i fell for her all over again i'm just not ready to move on from her
Leona: then when will you kobe
Kobe: probably never leona i hope you understand
Leona: i can never understand how you have me on your lap ready to do whatever you want and keep it a secret yet you still only want one person
Kobe: ok and maybe one day you will but i'm not sleeping with you so put your shirt on and go please
Leona: wow you're kicking me out
Kobe: if that's what you want to call it then yea

leona shook her head in disbelief and got out the car walking into her house while kobe sighed going back to his showering then putting on his briefs and shorts and getting under the cover by himself looking at his ring sitting on the nightstand then he turned the lamp off closing his eyes and falling asleep while kiya and y/n were upstairs watching a comedy movie until y/n fell asleep so kiya was about to go to sleep as well until kobe woke back up and started calling y/ns phone so kiya reached over answering

Kobe: hello
Kiya: she's sleep kobe
Kobe: yea i figured
Kiya: she was pretty upset you left
Kobe: was she crying
Kiya: no i made her watch movies with me to keep her mind off of it
Kobe: thanks
Kiya: no problem
Kobe: i'm sorry if i messed up your birthday
Kiya: no you literally stood there and waited those two minutes just for me you made it better trust me
Kobe: alright well i'll see you tomorrow i love you
Kiya: i love you too bro
Kobe: oh do me a favor
Kiya: sure what is it
Kobe: kiss y/ns head for me
Kiya: got it

kobe hung up so kiya placed y/ns phone back down then kissed her head laying down as well


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