part 93

708 19 20

Y: you're asking me for a lot right now you said you'd wait until after the baby-
Kobe: i know what i said but i can't wait that long if i wait any longer i'll lose you and i can't do that i need you back now
Y: but you left me
Kobe: and i was fucking stupid for doing it when you told me you were pregnant i should've swept you off the ground and picked you up and just gave you as many kisses as i possibly could but i didn't i regret that so much and i know it'll be hard to forgive me and if you do then that's your chance to get revenge and if that's what you decide to do then i deserve it but i messed up not being there for you when you needed my support the most i wasn't there for most of your pregnancy and i was in the wrong because you didn't make the child on your own so it was wrong of me to treat it as if you did and i'm going to spend the rest of my life trying to make up for that and maybe one day i'll get a redo but i'm so sorry y/n sorry for everything
Y: how am i supposed to trust you again
Kobe: you can have the password to everything but snapchat no cap there's some old shit in there and yea but i mean everything else go for it
Y: i hate you like deeply hate you
Kobe: thank you i get that a lot
Y: no problem i forgive you but i'm not getting back with you especially not this easily you got some work to put in starting with them coming back to the car
Kobe: ok watch this

the others started walking back to the car and once they got in leona reached her hand over from the back seat trying to touch kobes shoulder but he leaned forward getting on his phone so y/n kept driving while she was going kobe grabbed her hand kissing it while the others sat in the back watching it all happen but not questioning it once they made it back to the house they all got out the car walking inside while kobe walked to the door opening it for y/n and everyone else then walking in and letting it go before leona could make it

Leona: jeez thanks for holding the door ass

they continued walking in and sitting on the couch all talking and playing games while y/n sat there in unnoticeable pain but when amador looked at her he could tell so he got up walking upstairs then he walked back down with the u shaped pregnancy pillow he bought her laying it on the ground so she looked at him smiling then laid on it while kobe looked at him

Kiya: see i love the way y/n thinks i'm gonna go grab a pillow and blanket and i'm laying next to her
Lucianna: no y/n is lazy
Y: in my defense-
Dayshawn: you're pregnant we know
Y: then shut up i'm comfy that should be happy news for all of us
Smitty: if it means we don't have to hear you complain about your back pain then yes we're very happy for you
Y: thank you smitty loving the support

smitty smiled shaking his head then kiya came down laying a pillow on the ground then laying on it tossing a blanket over her and y/n

Y: aww the blanket is for me too
Kiya: of course i wouldn't get one for myself and let you stay cold
Y: i feel loved
Kiya: for the first time in a while right
Y: right

kiya gave y/n a side hug placing her hand on her stomach and looking at kobe who looked back at her rolling his eyes

Kobe: so when's your doctor appointment to figure out the gender
Y: tomorrow actually
Kobe: do you want me to come with you or-
Amador: actually she asked me and dayshawn to come
Y: i mean guys it's his-
Kobe: child yea it's my child now if i'm correct you didn't help make anything so don't cut me off
Y: ok why don't all three of you come
Kobe: they don't need to be there
Dayshawn: it's fine we can wait in the waiting room
Y: sure do th-
Amador: no you've been m i a through half of her fucking pregnancy now you think you can just come back in whenever you want that's bullshit no
Y: amador come on
Amador: no he doesn't deserve to be there if he's not helping with anything we bought things to keep you comfortable to keep you fed warm snug all of it he's not gonna come back after not doing anything and have a say do
Kobe: you must've thought all because you did all of that she was gonna get with you or some shit congrats you did the bare minimum you want a fucking cookie
Amador: the bare minimum so the bare minimum is taking care of a pregnant woman while the man who got her pregnant in the first place is out with some washed up bitch he told her not to worry about
Kobe: i don't worry about her really i bought her more shit than you can afford in your whole miserable ass life you're so mad that she wants me there to see our child i don't know if you thought you'd have the opportunity to play step dad or some shit but you were wrong
Amador: y/n you can't seriously be letting him come
Y: what it's his child as well amador
Amador: yea now that he decides it is
Dayshawn: come on amador he deserves to be there it's his first kid
Amador: so we're all just team kobe now
Y: no but we're saying-
Amador: y/n you're gonna defend him as long as he's giving you dick so your side of this whole argument is fucking irrelevant


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