part 136

560 21 8

Kobe: if you want to kiss me just say that
Y: i'd never want to kiss you
Kobe: i mean your head is right next to mine
Y: my head is towards the ceiling you're the one looking at me so i think it's obvious who wants to kiss who
Kobe: you're right so do it
Y: no
Kobe: i almost died
Y: yea almost but guess what you didn't
Kobe: whatever nerd
Y: so how long you gone be here
Kobe: until they tell me other wise i guess but then again the icu has more security so they might keep my runaway ass in here until i'm able to go home
Y: until you're able to go to my house
Kobe: for what
Y: so i can watch over you
Kobe: i'm not a kid
Y: i didn't ask you're coming to my house and you're not leaving unless i know where
Kobe: y/n i'm a grown ass man
Y: and i'll believe that whenever you act like it until then you're staying with me so you might as well use my phone to order some stuff for your room
Kobe: this is some bullshit
Y: too bad here

kobe sighed going to the website and actually doing it just ordering a bunch of things he liked then he handed it back to y/n

Y: um why are you giving it back to me pay for it
Kobe: i'm not paying for it with my money
Y: this shit is three thousand dollars i could use that to pay bills i'm not buying it either
Kobe: alright then let me sleep in your room

y/n looked at kobe seeing he was smirking then she said no and paid for everything then laying her phone down on the dresser until it started buzzing so she picked it up looking at the caller id seeing it was taurus

Kobe: so you plan on answering it huh
Y: i don't know
Kobe: you can if you want or you could keep talking to me
Y: it could be about amerie though
Kobe: then answer

y/n answered the phone putting it up to her ear and turning it down some so kobe wouldn't hear

Taurus: where you at
Y: the hospital still
Taurus: damn is baby boy ok
Y: yea he's doing better
Taurus: so when you coming back
Y: um i don't know yet
Taurus: just leave him he's ok
Y: i'm not leaving him
Taurus: is he forcing you to stay
Y: no it's optional

y/n kept talking to taurus while kobe quietly mocked them and rolled his eyes at the conversation then he looked at y/n

Kobe: damn you talk too much
Y: shut up
Taurus: huh
Y: none i'm not talking to you
Taurus: so you leaving or not
Y: i'll let you know ok
Taurus: aight

y/n hung up then she looked at kobe rolling her eyes while he laughed sitting up in the bed

Y: lay back down
Kobe: i'm fine calm down
Y: no lay back down
Kobe: mcht
Y: i don't care lay down

kobe laid back down but when he did he pulled y/ns hair so she fell back with him then she just laid down going to hbo max on her phone and watching a movie while kobe scooted closer to her watching it as well and throwing the cover on her they watched movies for hours until y/n fell asleep so kobe watched movies by himself on her phone until he got tired as well so he put it on dnd then turned it off laying it down next to her and closing his eyes sleeping as well they were in a deep sleep even when the sun shone through the windows even when the doctor came in to change his IV they only woke up when their stomachs growled and they sat up looking at each other

Y: so what you wanna eat
Kobe: it don't matter
Y: aight so mcdonald's
Kobe: ehh
Y: taco bell
Kobe: nah
Y: in and out
Kobe: not right now
Y: jack in the box
Kobe: not really
Y: popeyes sonic wendy's steak and shake subway dominoes papa johns little ceaser
Kobe: nope
Y: you know what imma starve i'll be back
Kobe: just get subway
Y: didn't you- never mind i'll be back
Kobe: don't leave me too long
Y: you'll live

y/n got off the bed putting her shoes on then she grabbed his keys and walked out the room then the hospital getting into his car and driving off she didn't feel like listening to the radio and since she just woke up she didn't even feel like talking to anyone but when she made it to subway she parked the car and walked inside

Worker: how may i help you
Y: um what's your favorite thing here
Worker: ooo i love that question my favorite thing is a meatball sub with american cheese on white toasted grilled bread with a bag of lays barbecue chips and a fruit punch
Y: ok well two of those i guess

the worker started making it while y/n stood there slightly dozing off but when she finished she gave her everything and she walked out getting back in the car and driving off back to the hospital then she remembered she was supposed to let taurus know if she was coming back or not so she felt around for her phone but when she didn't feel it she just shrugged her shoulders and kept driving after a while she made it back and she grabbed everything going into the hospital then to his room laying the bag down and grabbing her phone going to her messages

Y: when did you learn my password
Kobe: how'd you know i learned it
Y: you text yourself hey i love you i miss you so much i want us to get back together i'm gonna marry you kobe of course i forgive you don't worry i'll also bring you back some weed
Kobe: and you didn't even do the last one
Y: if you have my phone texting yourself how am i gonna get the message
Kobe: you should've felt my energy
Y: boy shut the hell up and we're gonna ignore how you wanted subway at eleven in the morning
Kobe: this is around the time the caucasians eat lunch
Y: sir you're half caucasian
Kobe: exactly so are you so it's not racist when i make a joke like this


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