part 48

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thirty minutes and y/n made it home she walked into her room changing clothes seeing her shirt had a bloodstain on it and she mumbled fuck taking it off and putting on a crop top with a pair of nike pro shorts then she put her hair in a messy bun and went downstairs into the laundry room scrubbing the stain out her shirt with a magic erase laundry pin then she threw it in the washer out of frustration turning it on and walking out she went into the kitchen about to just make dinner so she pulled out a knife and a pack of steak and her anger got worse then left and filled with sadness then it came back  and she was angry and sad it was only those two emotions and by the time she realized what she was doing she stabbed the steak over and over again to the point it wasn't even edible anymore she got mad throwing the knife down and putting her hands in her hair leaning on the counter and breaking down when she heard someone say her name she looked up seeing everyone and i mean everyone then they moved out the way and revealed kobe and she looked down at the floor where the knife was then she looked back up at him

Dayshawn: don't even think about it
Sharan: girl you officially scare me if you got this mad because she kissed him i hate to see how mad you'll be when he cheats

y/n removed her eyes from kobe to sharan burning a visual hole in her

Sharan: sorry
Y: why is he in my house
Kobe: i came to apologize
Messiah: aye she might love you but i'd advice you not to get too close when she's mad like this
Kobe: i'll be fine
Messiah: ok watch
Kobe: y/n i'm sorry ok i don't know what i was thinking i just got caught in the moment and i kissed her back it didn't mean anything to me i swear i was just stressed out from our conversation earlier and i lost myself for a second but i didn't do anything else after that i told her to move
Y: so your hands don't work right
Kobe: i couldn't hit her
Y: you can damn sure push her off of you the same way you push me off you when i piss you off
Kobe: i wasn't thinking and she had her chest in my face and i could barely focus

when kobe said that part y/n lifted one eyebrow then laughed slowly turning around before quickly turning back to kobe slapping him in the face and hard

Y: oh sorry i could barely focus
Kobe: i didn't mean it like that
Y: nah mother fucker you meant it exactly like that
Kobe: no i di-
Y: spents i got a question ok answer it no matter what
Spents: aight

y/n spilt water on her shirt so now it was see through then she faced him looking at him

Y: how old am i
Spents: eighteen
Y: where are you looking right now
Spents: your eyes
Y: why's that i mean can you focus
Spents: perfectly fine
Y: exactly you looked because you wanted to
Kobe: first off don't disrespect me like that
Y: how am i disrespecting you
Kobe: you're my girl and you're over here basically flashing another nigga in front of me
Y: that's not flashing this is

y/n was about to lift her shirt until kobe grabbed her wrists looking dead into her eyes getting closer while she looked back at him

Y: what i can't give him some to look at but brooke can for you
Kobe: i wasn't looking i couldn't focus because she was in my lap and trying to make me look so i had to avoid them being in my face moving her hands from touching me and trying to get her off of me without hitting her
Y: all that and yet you can still kiss back
Kobe: it was a kiss it's not that big of a deal
Y: what did you just say
Kobe: it was just a kiss it didn't mean anything it's not like i fucked her
Y: so if i kissed spents or mike or derek or vallyk it doesn't matter right because it's not that big of a deal as long as i don't fuck them it's fine
Kobe: stop trying to twist my words
Y: i'm not twisting shit i'm letting you hear how mother fucking dumb you sound so you know exactly why i slap the shit out of you again when you let me go
Kobe: i fucked up yes i get that but all this because i kissed her you don't think that's a little overdramatic
Y: i can show you overdramatic it would've been overdramatic if i slammed that vase against that bitch head
Kobe: you tried to
Y: yea and you moved her out the way i should've thrown one at your ass instead
Kobe: you wouldn't hurt me like that
Y: keep playing with me and find out
Kobe: so if this is over a kiss what if i did more
Y: you don't want to find out trust me
Mike: shit she ain't even my girl and i don't even want to find out
Brooke: i should kill you bitch
Y: brooke i'd watch what you say
Brooke: or what
Y: who you ride here with
Brooke: ko-
Y: let me go
Kobe: i'm not doing this again
Y: i'm not about to touch anyone let me go

y/n was yelling at the top of her lungs so kobe let her go and she picked up the knife scaring everyone until she put it up then threw away the meat and went into her laundry room taking her shirt off and putting on a new one then she walked back into the kitchen opening the fridge and grabbing a bag of grapes and turning off her lights then walking up her stairs and into her room


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