part 109

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after that conversation hours passed and amerie fell asleep again while y/n was showered and in her pajamas laying under her cover about to go to sleep until she heard the door slowly open she knew it was kobe so she didn't even say anything she just tried to make herself go to sleep even faster once he sat on the bed he laid behind her and she could smell perfume on him but this time she didn't acknowledge it she just stayed still faking sleep she wanted to say something or push him off of her but when he wrapped his arm around her waist pulling her closer she felt safe and comfortable so she just gave in and loosened up now actually going to sleep hours later she woke up and he was gone she got up going into the shower and started letting her mind take over when she snapped back into reality she wiped her face not from the water but from the tears and she finished up stepping out and wrapping a towel around herself and going straight to ameries room gently waking her up and getting her cleaned fed and dressed she carried her back into her room laying her on the bed then she finished getting dressed picking her back up and going downstairs sitting on the couch turning on the tv

Lucianna: hey girl
Y: luci you almost gave me a heart attack
Lucianna: you need to lock your doors
Y: they were locked but kobe came in late
Lucianna: again
Y: yup it's fine though he cuddled with me yesterday
Kristen: aww maybe he's chang-
Y: he smelt like perfume
Kristen: never mind
Melina: did you say anything
Y: first hey missed you yesterday and two no wasn't nothing to say
Melina: sorry i was with jaiden yesterday he wanted to hang out and why not
Y: because i'm tired of arguing i love him to death and if he left it would be shitty but i can't keep arguing with him about the same topic and expecting a different outcome i can't force him to change or love me differently and he's not going to if he doesn't want to i'm surrendering everything i can't do it anymore
Sharan: i don't blame you if he's not gonna show you attention someone else will
Y: i just tried so hard i did everything to be the perfect girl for him i tried to change everything about myself and it's just not good enough i don't see him all day and when he comes home i'm either sleep acting sleep to avoid an argument or begging him to talk to me it's so tiring
Lucianna: you are too pretty and sweet to be putting up with the bare minimum
Y: but i feel so attached to him
Lucianna: yea dating or being around someone for years can make you attached to them and that attachment can be one hell of a heartache if you don't let go when the time is right you shouldn't have to try and be perfect for any guy if he doesn't love you when you're being yourself then he's just not worth it
Y: i want him to be
Tatyana: you can want a lot of things but if he's not willing to put in the work to even help out then it's not gonna happen
Melina: babes sometimes it's best to let go of the hardest things you built an emotional and physical connection with kobe and that can be hard to let go of but i promise when it's all said and done you're gonna be ok no matter how much it hurts you have to realize your own worth and i promise it's more than any validation from a man who can't even bother to at least wait until you wake up to leave
Kristen: we're gonna tell you whenever you need to hear it that you deserve so much more than he's giving you babes you deserve keith
Y: what is your obsession with me getting with that man
Kristen: see right there you said man when you talk about kobe you usually say boy that has to mean something
Tatyana: i mean sorta yea
Y: no
Melina: ok forget kobe for a minute let's get you ready
Y: what it's ten in the morning
Melina: oh well what are we gonna do until when
Y: six
Melina: oh well what are we gonna do until six
Lucianna: talk about y/n not knowing her self worth
Y: i hate you

even though y/n didn't want to that's exactly what they ended up talking about for hours and hours until it was four pm so they got all up going into y/ns room and she sat at her vanity while kristen got her dress and lucianna started on her makeup while melina did her hair it was around five forty when they finished and y/n got up putting on her dress and heels with some jewelry then looked in the mirror while the girls stood around smiling

Kristen: you look perfect
Y: ugh are y'all sure i feel wrong doing this
Lucianna: yes we're sure now stop overthinking it

y/n checked her phone seeing it was five fifty and keith had text her saying he was on the way so she grabbed her phone her wallet and walked downstairs while kristen and the other followed with amerie

Y: alright so she needs to be sleep by nine pm no later i'm getting her on tight sleeping schedule and feed her every let's say hour if she doesn't finish the bottle but if she does then every hour thirty minutes make sure to warm the bottle before you give it to her do not give her it cold also bathe her either with one of you or in the sink what am i missing oh change her clothes for bed then when she wakes up and she usually goes on herself every thirty minutes so look out for that don't give my baby no damn rash
Tatyana: y/n we got this

Y: alright so she needs to be sleep by nine pm no later i'm getting her on tight sleeping schedule and feed her every let's say hour if she doesn't finish the bottle but if she does then every hour thirty minutes make sure to warm the bottle befor...

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