part 70

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y/n was constantly messing with kobe trying to just throw him in the water but kept failing when he would throw her instead but she kept getting back up doing it again and again while kobe kept getting revenge laughing at her fails and just doing random things to make her laugh they stayed at the beach all day playing with each other and having fun until the sun went down then they just walked alongside the water holding hands and talking until kobe stopped moving and stood in front of y/n placing his hand on her cheek

Kobe: close your eyes
Y: why
Kobe: come on just do it

y/n closed her eyes then kobe told her to hold out her hand so she did then he placed something in it and she opened her eyes seeing a pair of keys

Y: what's this for
Kobe: us
Y: what do you mean us
Kobe: ok that's a dumb question us as in me and you as in y/n and kobe as in two lightskin mother fuckers
Y: i'm still confused
Kobe: damn our kids have no hope

y/n looked down letting out a small laugh as well as kobe

Kobe: it means i bought us a house
Y: wait why
Kobe: so me and you can live there without anyone else just busting in or without worrying about watching our mouth
Y: where is this house
Kobe: LA
Y: kobe
Kobe: i know i'm asking for a lot but you don't have to answer today i'll wait as long as you want if you want we can buy a house for all of our friends to stay in they can come with us
Y: but all of our memories are here
Kobe: that's the bright side of moving you get to make memories somewhere else and besides we can always come back and visit
Y: what about kiya and vanessa
Kobe: we can visit them whenever we want or whenever you start to miss them baby i'm willing to make this work if you are we both just have to make a few sacrifices and everything else will fall in place
Y: so just us in a house in a new city leaving behind everything we use to know to make new memories in a place i've never been memories that'll last a lifetime being in a house with the one person aside from my brother who means the world to me looks like we're going to LA

kobe smiled picking y/n up off her feet and kissing her over and over again while bouncing her up and down

Y: when your two months is over and you're home for a while we'll move
Kobe: why then
Y: your mom deserves to hang out with you for a while before you go m i a in LA
Kobe: as long as you're there with me i'll go wherever whenever

kobe went back to kissing y/n before running into the water with her making her laugh a few more hours passed and they were back at the house showered and in their pajamas watching a movie under the cover cuddled up it was around ten pm when kobe got a phone call from his manager and he answered it

Kobe: hello...yea i'm busy...tomorrow...damn ok...yea i'll see you then i guess...will do

kobe hung up the phone and he sighed pinching the top of his nose so y/n looked up at him

Y: what's wrong
Kobe: i gotta go back tomorrow at six in the morning
Y: wait why i thought he was gonna let you stay until the day after
Kobe: yea that's how it was supposed to be but he said something came up and he needs all of us back as soon as possible
Y: well now i have to wait another two months
Kobe: that's it then i'm all yours again
Y: this sucks
Kobe: yea i know but i'll be back i promise then after i'm home for a little it's us LA and a new home where we can do whatever we want sound good
Y: sounds great

kobe kissed y/n and she kissed him back before he turned off the tv and they fell asleep when y/n woke up she saw kobe with his hoodie and joggers on and his bags in his hand so she got up putting on her slippers and grabbing her keys then she walked downstairs waiting for the others to get ready as well when they were done they all got in the car with their things and she drove off to the airport holding hands with kobe the whole way there when they made it they got out the car walking into the airport getting their bags checked then kobe hugged his mom and sister while y/n walked him to the terminal just like last time and she hugged him not wanting to let go but soon his flight got called so she gave him a long kiss she didn't pull away so kobe had to then he kissed her head

Kobe: don't fall in love with somebody else while i'm gone
Y: i can't because i can never fall out of love with you

kobe smiled and kissed y/n hugging her at the same time while she kissed him back hugging him as well they made out for a few minutes until his plane was called for the last time so he pulled away kissing her one more time then giving her his beanie putting it on her head and kissing her forehead

Kobe: i'll be back before you can even say you miss me

kobe held y/ns hand then he slowly walked off until he let go and he waved while y/n touched his beanie and watched him once again disappear when he walked past the corner

Y: ...i miss you


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