part 96

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Amador: i wanted to talk about us
Y: as in me and you
Amador: yea i really just wanted to say that i like you a lot and i know you might not feel the same but i've liked you since i met you and when i was getting close to you i thought maybe we could make something more out of this i know you like kobe but maybe he could wait
Y: amador me and you have a great fr-
Amador: see right there i don't want to be your friend y/n i can't go through this life being friends with you when i know i have such strong emotions for you y/n you can't say we're only friends and you spent four months sleeping next to me cuddling me hugging me talking to me messing with me me does he know about any of that because that doesn't sound like something only friends do
Y: i know but i was in a sad place with me and him breaking up an-
Amador: exactly he broke up with you when you were pregnant and when you told him he still didn't give a flying fuck yet you're giving him another chance y/n i'm so in love with you that i'd wake up everyday and massage your feet while brushing your hair and making you breakfast every morning and dinner every night even though they're not mine i'd get your kid ready for school each morning and make them a lunch and pray one day you'll have one with me y/n i love you so much and i want us to be something anything
Y: amador i don't know what you want me to say i'm with kobe
Amador: why though
Y: because he's who i want to be with
Amador: you led me on for four fucking months four i took you on dates bought you things for the baby made you feel better when no one else could and when he comes back around you ditch me that's so fucked
Y: i'm sorry if i led you on but when we met me and kobe were only on a break
Amador: a break where you caught him making out with another girl if it's a break he would've stayed single and acted as if he was still taken he didn't and he went and did that
Y: ok but if that's the case then i'm just as bad because i kissed you
Amador: i waited months for you to kiss me
Y: ok
Amador: i waited for you y/n i sat there through all the times you cried because you missed him i-
Y: you weren't there every time there was times i locked myself in the room and stuffed my face and just cried and not once did anyone even knock on the door
Amador: because it was getting pathetic you were letting a guy everyone knew wasn't good for you make you cry there was no point in comforting you because it wouldn't matter you would just see him again and get right back on that sap ass shit like always
Y: wow ok
Amador: yea wow because you know i'm right it's just disappointing
Y: disappointing no what's disappointing is you coming in here and trying to make it seem as if we had something going on then you're dragging me for going back to the mother fucker that got me pregnant there was plenty of nights when we stayed up and i told you about the shit me and kobe used to do and then the next day you would try and do the same shit yes i noticed that and it didn't work because those are things me and kobe do i'm not doing that with any one else and i don't want to like i said sorry if i led you on but you're not gonna stand here and try and bash me for some dumb shit
Amador: he's gonna fuck you over one day and you're gonna realize i was the realest one in your corner then you're gonna see all the shit i've done for you but you know what it's gonna be too late because i refuse to be some second choice for any girl that all i did was try to give the world to he's gonna treat you like shit one of these days and don't you dare look in my direction for help i loved you when he wouldn't even pick up your calls and this is the thanks i get that's so fucked up bye y/n

amador walked out the room and y/n sighed flipping over so she was on her back and just looked at the ceiling with thousands of mixed feelings


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