part 91

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once y/n finally stopped she thanked amador and got up rinsing her mouth out then brushing her teeth then she just scrolled through her camera roll tryna find a picture of how she wanted the nursery if it was a boy or girl and she saw a bunch of pictures of her and kobe and she felt her eyes water but she closed them and counted to ten while existing out of it and going to instagram

once y/n finally stopped she thanked amador and got up rinsing her mouth out then brushing her teeth then she just scrolled through her camera roll tryna find a picture of how she wanted the nursery if it was a boy or girl and she saw a bunch of p...

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liked by 2916495 others
y/n.bae: damn can't even fake it i took an L with this one for real 💔

y/n.bae: i wanna cry lmao
*comment pinned*
supporter: L??
y/n.bae: huge L^^
luciannasanchez: imma need you to be happy
kristenware_: too pretty to be sad
dayshawn.wilson: behind every curse is a blessing
messiahdixonn: don't stress the small things you can fix
melinacohens: remember people get took out of your life for a reason
gloryboyjai: gone speak to bro
kiya.reese: me and ahiella gonna visit you soon
hater: bet it's about kobe
vallyk: girl stfu^^
s.h.a.r.a.n.j: be a bad bitch not a sad bitch
thekidsmitty: my turn yet??
kristenware_: imma leave you keep playing^^
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after the post y/n sighed getting up and going downstairs grabbing a tub of ice cream and a spoon then going into one of the guest rooms sitting on the bed crying and watching romance movies with the door locked even when someone would knock she would ignore them and stayed locked in the room she only got up to use the bathroom once she ran out of snacks she forced herself to stop crying and waited until her eyes were in there normal state then she walked out the room going downstairs and grabbing her keys

Melina: where are you going
Y: i'll be back
Lucianna: are you ok
Y: don't i look ok

y/n walked out the house and got in the car taurus bought her starting it up and driving off going to the store when she made it she walked in going straight to the snack aisle buying random ones and weird food cravings she was having once she was done she checked out then went outside putting her bags in her car when she was done she put the basket back then while she was walking back to her car she saw kobe and leona holding hands and talking so she rolled her eyes pulling out her keys and unlocking her doors about to get in until she heard kobe say her name and she sighed turning around

Kobe: hey
Y: what
Kobe: none just thought i should speak
Y: you don't have to
Kobe: how have you been
Y: why are you trying to talk to me as if what happened didn't happen
Leona: this is hilarious
Y: bitch if you don't do anything else with your miserable ass life learn to shut the fuck up and wipe them fake ass lips off
Leona: well kobe doesn't have a problem with them
Y: the fuck that gotta do with me...exactly dumb ass
Kobe: so how's our kid
Y: you've got to be kidding me
Kobe: come on y/n
Y: fine they're perfectly fine not that you care
Kobe: i do care that's why i asked
Y: sure
Kobe: oh when did you get a new car
Y: i didn't taurus gave it to me as a gift for the baby
Kobe: oh like a family car
Y: yea
Kobe: that's cool
Y: are we done yet
Kobe: yea i guess stay safe ok
Y: i will thanks

y/n was about to walk off but kobe gave her a hug while she just stood there then he kissed her cheek and moved his hand from his back showing the bear he bought her

Kobe: you left this and i know we might not be on best terms right now but i thought you might still want it back

y/n grabbed the bear and gave him a small smile before getting in her car and starting it up watching them walk off then she laid her head on the steering wheel lightly crying until she backed up pulling off and going back to the house with all her things going back into the guest room unlocking the door and sitting on the bed turning the bear on about to put it down until she noticed something was inside it so she looked at it confused then she turned it over opening the bottom and reaching in until she felt some and pulled it out closing the bear when she looked at the object in her hand she noticed it was her engagement ring and she just shook her head placing the bear down and laying then ring next to it going back to watching the movies and stuffing her face she was just in her own little sad world until her phone went off with a notification and since she didn't have anything else to do just wiped her hands and picked up her phone looking at it

y/n grabbed the bear and gave him a small smile before getting in her car and starting it up watching them walk off then she laid her head on the steering wheel lightly crying until she backed up pulling off and going back to the house with all he...

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liked by 2174047 others
kbreeezo: i can admit when i fucked up i fucked up
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while y/n was looking at the picture she noticed he had on the heartbroken beanie she got him for christmas she just put her phone down and looked back at the tv until she felt her eyes get heavy and she closed them going into a deep sleep a few hours passed and she woke up with her lower back hurting so she groaned in pain sitting straight up and placing her hand on her back trying to massage it until someone moved her hand and started doing it for her once it felt better she backed up to see who it was

Kobe: don't say anything ok i know you don't want to see me right now i know that i just wanted to come see you and maybe-

kobe placed his hand on y/ns face while she just looked at him then he leaned in kissing her while she hesitated but kissed him back letting it slowly escalate


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