Chapter 2: Gonna have some fun in the mushroom kingdom.

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(The next morning)

(Peach's POV)

I woke from my sleep to get myself washed, and dressed and went downstairs to the kitchen where I would order Y/N some breakfast. I don't know if he is still sleeping or not but either way, he will have a very good breakfast to start the day. I arrived at the kitchen and the toads were already at work, I walked up to the counter and a blue toad saw me and went to me.

Blue toad- Good morning Princess Peach!

Peach- And a good morning to you. 

Blue toad- What do wish to have for breakfast today?

Peach- Well...

I know just the right kind of breakfast Y/N would want.~

(Y/N's POV)

I woke up and felt great, man I hadn't slept this well in forever. I got up from the bed and went to the bathroom to take a leak and brush my teeth. I went about my business and once I did that, I looked for a toothbrush and toothpaste, and soon I found one in the medicine drawer and brushed and brushed. I rinsed my mouth and was done with that, so I walked out of the bathroom and was gonna go to the kitchen and get some food but I heard someone coming inside the room and I backed out before the door opened and would've hit me hard in the face.

 I rinsed my mouth and was done with that, so I walked out of the bathroom and was gonna go to the kitchen and get some food but I heard someone coming inside the room and I backed out before the door opened and would've hit me hard in the face

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It was just Peach and with her, she had some very good-looking pancakes and it had strawberries in it

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It was just Peach and with her, she had some very good-looking pancakes and it had strawberries in it. Yummy!

Peach- Oh! Good morning Y/N, I wanted to check to see if you were up!

Y/N- I sure am Princess and what's with the pancakes?

Peach- Why, these are for you silly~ 

Y/N- Oh really?! How did you know that pancakes were my favorite?

Peach-*Giggle* An extremely lucky guess.~

Y/N- Why thank you for the breakfast.

I sat down on the bed and ate the pancakes while Peach sat next to me watching me eat. I didn't pay any mind to it as I was devouring the pancakes but a piece of the pancake got on my shirt and there was syrup on my chin. I was going to use my shirt to wipe it off but Peach got out a napkin of sorts and got close to me.

Peach- Oh dear, look at the mess you made. But don't worry, I'll take care of it.~

She wiped my chin, grabbed the piece of the pancake, and threw it away in the small trash can near the drawer.

Peach- There..all better now.~

Y/N- *Mouth stuffed* Thank you.

Peach- *Giggle* you're so silly Y/N, your mouth is full, I couldn't hear you at all. 

I swallowed my food before I tried again.

Y/N- I said thank you.

Peach- There! Much better and your welcome by the way.

I continued to finish up my pancakes and once I was done, Peach grabbed my plate and stood up from the bed.

Peach- I'll just take this back to the kitchen but before I do so, I got two things to say to you.

Y/N- What's up?

Peach- First, I never got the chance to return this to you, so here.

She pulled out my gray switch, I was wondering where it was and I thought I lost it back there.

Y/N- Oh my god, thank you Peach!

Peach- It's no trouble at all. And the second thing I wanted to say was...

Y/N- Hmm?

Peach- Since you're not planning to leave this place for a while, I was wondering if you would like me to take you to the Mushroom Kingdom City. I know a few fun places you can have fun in and maybe we can get to know each other some more and have some more fun conversations with you. How does that sound?~

Y/N- Well, that is a damn good steal, how can I say no to that? Let's do this!

Peach- Excellent! Then we'll take off in an hour or so, in the meantime, you can go wherever in the castle you want to go.

Y/N- Ok! Well, I can't wait for today!

Then, I ran out of the room super hyped and was going to find the Mario bros and see what they were doing at the moment. 

(Peach's POV)

*Giggle* Ahh~ It's just so cute to see him get all excited, I wonder what kind of parents Y/N had? But whatever about that, I need to prepare for this special that only Y/N and I will get to have.~

Peach- But first, the dirty dish needs to get cleaned.

So I made my way to the kitchen to drop this off and when I did, I went to begin planning for what we should do. Oh, there are the Kart races today, I'm sure he would love to get on one of those, there is the swimming pool, and oh gosh..there are so many things to do, it's almost impossible to list them all so.....

Peach- I'll just have to let Y/N choose what he wants to do, and it would make this day even more interesting.~

It's been decided then, today will be our day and this day will be just one of many special days I have planned for just the two of us.~

Peach's mind- Get ready for some fun Y/N, because this won't ever be the last day you will ever have here.~ 

(No POV)


After some intense planning for Peach's day with Y/N, she was more than ready to get the day started and began to search for Y/N. She went everywhere before she ended her search when she found him with Mario and Luigi doing some fun jump games. Peach called to Y/N and he took notice and went to her but not before he waved the Mario Bros bye and they did the same for Y/N. Peach grabbed Y/N's hand and took him outside where a car was already ready for them to go to the city of the mushroom kingdom. The bus door opened and a yellow toad greeted them and was ready to take them. Y/N, being the lowkey gentleman he is, allowed Peach to go first on the bus.

Peach- Why thank you Y/N.~

Y/N- My pleasure princess.~

He tried to do the best prince impression but failed a bit but Peach didn't mind and was just happy to go with Y/N and she already was not planning to let Y/N out of her sight. They were ready to go and the yellow toad closed the doors and drove off to their destination. 

Y/N's mind- I wonder what kind of fun you can have around here?!

While the two were busy though, someone was watching them leave the castle and was curious about the boy who looked different and was not from there. But their curiosity got the better of them and now want to find out about that boy.

????'s mind- I wonder what kind of person he is. I wonder if likes...astronomy.

(End...for now)

And here it is folks! Now, have yourself a good day and I'll see ya'll later! :)

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