Chapter 33: Had a few odd encounters.

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(Y/N's POV)

After Gloria and I got our uniforms, we were told by the front counter that we were going to Turffield where the first challenge gym is and it's a grass-type gym with a leader named Milo. But that was tomorrow and so, we got a hotel to stay the night in and it's not far from here so that was that. We walked out of the stadium and went to the shopping area of the city to pass the time and while we walked, Gloria didn't really talk to me the entire time and had a strange look on her face. She smiled but it was more robotic and the fact that she walked like an NPC means that something wasn't right.

Y/N- Gloria? Did something happen? You seem tense.

Gloria looked into my eyes and didn't move one bit.

Gloria- I'm fine Y/N, just...thinking about something....that's all.

That was cryptic but maybe going somewhere in these shops and paying for it would cheer her up a bit, at least I hope. 

Y/N- Wait, how about we go into that food shop there and I pay for it, how about that?

She seemed to brighten up a bit and shook her head, yes and so, we went inside this cozy-looking cafe shop and ordered.

Y/N- Hi sir.

The man who was at the register turned around and had a big smile on him.

Man- Well, hi you two! Welcome to the Pokemon battle cafe!

Wait wait?!

Y/N- Uhh... what's that?

Gloria- It's a place where we battle the manager here like himself to order and if we win, we get it for half-off, and if we lose it's the full price we have to pay. 

Manager- You got that right! 

Y/N- Well, I did say I would treat you Gloria and that's what I'm gonna do. Let's do this!

Gloria- That's what I'm talking about!

Manger- Then it's settled then, let's begin!

All of a sudden, the cafe turned into an empty battleground and my switch went into battle mode.

*Y/N and Gloria challenged Battle Cafe Manager*

*Y/N sent out Ralts!*

*Gloria sent out Joltik!*

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*Gloria sent out Joltik!*

*Gloria sent out Joltik!*

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