Y/N L/N is a 15-year-old Super smash bros fan that's been playing the franchise since he was 4 years old, all the way back to super smash bros for the n64. Now, it was another normal day for him, just playing a few games of online play when all of a...
As Y/N and Marnie were on their way to Hammerlocke, the two were chatting and catching up with one another telling about the progression of their journeys, like good friends. Until Marnie proved otherwise when a while ago, Y/N fell asleep as he was still a bit tired from waking up earlier and the heavy breakfast he had didn't help either so he was knocked out in a good sleep. Marnie saw an opportunity to get even closer to him as she grabbed his arm and pulled him closer to her and had his head lay on her shoulder, making her heart beat faster and her face blush red with a soft loving smile on her. To top it off, she got her phone and took a selfie of the two with her smiling at the camera doing a peace sign, she looked at the photo, downloaded it, and edited a message saying: "Partner for life.~"
She put her phone away and just lay next to him for the rest of the trip.
(Sometime later)
As much as she would have loved to stay like this forever, the train stopped and in a flash, Y/N quickly woke up, and Marnie let go of him and acted like everything was normal and prayed that he wouldn't ask questions which luckily for her, he never asked anything and just got his stuff ready to get out of the train. Both of them left the train got to the Hammerlocke terminal and entered the main entrance of the city, before they went their separate ways again, Y/N turned to face Marnie and said that he had a great chat with her and kinda apologized for falling asleep which Marnie quickly said it wasn't a big deal at all, no big deal in the slightest she thought to herself. Y/N then smiled and waved her goodbye and wished her luck on her journey, Marnie watched him run till she no longer saw him. As she began to walk, she looked at the sky and said in her thoughts.
Marnie's mind: "Today was the best day of my life, and I know soon, I will have that best day every day when Y/N becomes mine forever.~"
(Y/N's POV)
I walked over to the nearby Pokecenter that the map showed was in the center of Hammerlocke, so that's where I was heading to meet up with Oleana. While walking, I couldn't help but take in the views of the buildings, and the way the city looked, kinda reminds me of a medieval castle. I want to look around some more later if Oleana will let me, I'll ask her if I can sometime soon.
Y/N- What a view, oh there it is.
I made it to the center of town and I looked up and was just shocked by the view.
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It looked so medieval yet freaking futuristic at the same time, damn the world of Pokemon can be awe at times. I snapped out of it and went inside the center and didn't see Oleana. Then I thought that she is running a bit late which is no problem, I'll just wait in the meantime. I got out my phone and played a game to pass some time, and not long after I got a text message from Nessa. I was surprised at first but then I remembered she gave me her number after my battle with her. I read the message and it said.