Chapter 22: A heck of a night.

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(Y/N's POV)

It was around midnight and I found myself not sleepy at all, l don't know why though. Lucina is sleeping and there was nothing to do other than play with my switch. I'm still not at my own home, so there are very limited options in this world. But, as I stared at the windows looking at the city outside and it was very grand, to say the least. So much so that I want to lowkey sneak my way out of here and look around. But that is very dangerous and who knows who can attack me. But...oh man...

Y/N's mind- Oh what the hell...

I decided to go anyway cause I didn't get far by playing it safe and I'll just grab one of Lucina's swords just in case. Like, I have no training in using this but I'm sure it's not that hard. I got everything I needed including my switch this time as it has a full 3D map of this city so marking the hotel will be easier to find my way back when I decided I have enough exploring around. I snuck out with little trouble and told the innkeeper I'll be back. He only nodded and I headed out to the outside. It was chilly but nothing too bad, I got my cloak on and started walking while checking the 3D map. 


It was sure nice and peaceful for the most part exploring the city without the troubles but I checked the clock and it was 2 am in the morning and I began to feel sleepy a bit so I decided to go back to the hotel. I headed to the pointed directions on my map and started walking, but on the way back, I had to take a long dark alleyway and as much I didn't want to do that, I had too so I prepped myself and turned on the flashlight on the switch. I felt something was off and speed-walked my way out of here but not before long...I felt something near my stomach, it was sharp like a dagger.

????- Well well, look who we have here.

It sounded like an older man and it didn't sound friendly at all.

????- Another poor prey to loot from, now surrender your gear including that thing you have in your

So this was a petty criminal I stumbled upon, oh shit this isn't good at all.

Y/N- N-no.

Criminal- No? Well...

He pushed the dagger a little deeper into my stomach and it began to hurt more and more.

Y/N- *Panting* H-*HMPH!?*

Criminal- Don't try to yell for help, now give me your loot, or else this is your final day here.

he covered my mouth and now I really didn't know what to do, I don't want to die here but I don't want my gear and Lucina's sword to go to his son of a bitch. I didn't give an answer to him and all he did was push the dagger more....oh no!

Criminal- Then I'll have to take it from you from your corpse then, say goodbye to your life and...

????- Not if I have to do anything with it.

Criminal- Wha-


I felt his grasp loosen and I took the chance to run out of the alleyway, not even looking back to see who got him and saved me. I ran and ran but then I heard the voice again...

????- Your not even gonna thank me for saving you? I mean...come on.

I looked behind me and the one who saved me was another character I know...

The mercenary turned professor at the Officer's academy here in the city

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The mercenary turned professor at the Officer's academy here in the city...Byleth!

Y/N- Oh, I'm sorry for that, I was so scared that I ran without a second thought. 

Byleth- I understand, someone like you would never know how to fight back despite carrying a sword on you, a nicer one of that. 

Oh no, she's catching on that I can't fight.

Y/N- Y-yeah.

Byleth- Well, are you ok for the most part? 

Y/N- Yes I am.

Byleth- Good and second, what are you doing wandering around here in the middle of the night?

Y/N's mind- I can say the same to you but since you are the professor of ass-kicking, I won't ask that detail for my sake.

Y/N- Well...

I told her about my adventures so far and I can tell she listening but not sure to believe me or not, like who were some of the people I mentioned like Robin or Anna, she didn't know who they were. I can see why as this world takes place in different places with different characters who will never meet each other. 

Y/N's mind- I wonder what if they did meet?

Byleth- I see, so you are just a traveler looking for a way home?

Y/N- Yes.

Byleth- Well, then welcome to Fodlan and I hope we can meet again. I shall get going, but wait...I never got your name.

Y/N- Y/N L/N. 

Byleth- I'm Byleth, and see that huge building over there? That's where I am for most of my days as a professor, if you wish to visit sometime, tell them that I sent you.

Y/N- Sweet, got it. Bye Byleth!

I got up and ran back to the hotel feeling very giddy, not only I didn't die, but I also meet the recent fire emblem character and she didn't disappoint.

Y/N's mind- Only if she knew how controversial she was when she got announced for smash. Man, what a heck of a night I had.

(Byleth's POV)

Walking back to the academy, I kept thinking about that young boy Y/N L/N, as he was not what I expected but that feeling I got earlier was there. Was he the one that got me to feel the chills in the first place? I didn't know what to think about that but I did know one thing, he's not in this world, that is much of what Sothis told me. Then....why am I letting him go so easily? Yes, I could've made him come with me and ask him some questions of my own and then see if he's battle-worthy. I may have made an amazing discovery tonight and I didn't think of that sooner. Good thing I made the move of not asking questions while we were outside, he would've run and hidden from me. Well, I'm not gonna let that happen, am I?~

Byleth's mind- Y/N, I changed my mind. You're not gonna go to the academy by your own choice now. I'm gonna get you inside and never let you out of my sights.~

(No POV)

Meanwhile, The three girls, Anna, Robin, and Corrin were on the way to Fodlan at a rapid pace, it didn't take long for the three to find his tracks and Corrin felt another presence with Y/N and she didn't like that one bit. Once they get him, who knows what they agreed to do during their travels together but if they have to make compromises for Y/N then they shall do so for that sweet smile they love so much.

Anna/Robin/Corrin's minds- We are getting closer to you Y/N.~

(End...for now)

I have a question for you folks, is there anyone I should add that we are in the academy mini-arc? If so, who and what can I do to make it work? Anything words are helpful and soon we are about to leave the fire emblem and maybe in a chapter or two, I'll ask to see where to go next. Well, till that happens, I'll see you in the next update...See ya'll later! :) :)

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