Y/N L/N is a 15-year-old Super smash bros fan that's been playing the franchise since he was 4 years old, all the way back to super smash bros for the n64. Now, it was another normal day for him, just playing a few games of online play when all of a...
Both Sonia and Marnie didn't stop fighting over me despite my complaints and were tugging me back and forth towards them.
Sonia- Stop embarrassing us and let him go.
Marnie- Just save me the trouble and let him go.
Sonia- No chance.
I sighed heavily and prayed for something to break me free from this fight.
Y/N- Someone end this madness, please.
Then I heard people gathering around, forming a crowd, and saying many things at once. I looked to see that the crowd was at the front door of the gym which had me questioning what the hell is going on. Then a woman walked out of the crowd dressed all fancy and had an emotionless look on her face.
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She stopped to look at both Sonia and Marnie and soon stopped fighting to look at the woman. She looked at me with an intense look on her face almost like she is examing me for like a check-up or something.
???- I must say, you don't look like much but I sense something in you.
Sonia- What is she doing here?
Marnie- I don't know, maybe for...
???- The boy, what's your name?
Y/N- Y/N L/N ma'am.
???- Interesting, I am Oleana and as the chairman requested to meet you and I'm here to take you to him.
Y/N- Who?
Oleana- You will meet him soon, follow me.
I got out of their grasp and began to follow Oleana but I turned back to see Sonia and Marnie looking kind of a mix between shock and...another kind of emotion I'm not sure what that one is. I only could do a confused shrug and turned back to face my direction.
Y/N's mind- I wonder who is this chairman is and why does he want to talk to me?
(Gloria's POV)
I won against Nessa and got the badge from her but she hesitated to give it to me which I had to force out of her hand a bit but as long as I showed her that I'm the best in front of Y/N watching, then that's fine by me. I ran to the locker room to quickly got changed and see Y/N again. When I got out and went to the front of the gym, I only saw both Sonia and Marnie without Y/N. I was going to confront them and tell me where is he.
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