Chapter 17: Being nursed back to health.

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(Y/N's POV)

I woke up in intense pressure on my body and come to find out that I am laying on a bed with no shirt on and have wrapped bandages on the wound I got. I tried to get up but the pain was too much for me and laid back down hoping to God that wherever I am, the person who got me is not here to kill me or something horrible like that. I waited for something to happen and calmed down so I don't panic and make things worse for me in my injured state, then the door opened, and braced myself for anything.

 I waited for something to happen and calmed down so I don't panic and make things worse for me in my injured state, then the door opened, and braced myself for anything

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But that was no creature of terror, instead, it was a girl with silver-like hair like Robins only longer. I tried moving again but the pain was there to stop my plan.

"Don't move as much please, it will only delay your recovery. Relax, I'm not here to cause you more harm."

I nodded my head and she smiled warmly at me.

"It was a terrible injury you had, I'm no royal doctor but I know enough medicine to make sure you don't bleed to death or catch a disease."

Y/N- T-thank you for saving me. Wait, but what about the dragon? Is it still out there?! What if-


She closed my lips and shut me up.

"No more speaking for now young boy, you should rest and let me take care of everything until you recover.~"

I nodded my head and laid back down again when she took off the bandages to most likely change it.

"I'm glad you woke up, I was worried you would never do so. Well, since it's gonna be a while before you fully heal, I should introduce name is Corrin.

Interesting name but I like it.

Corrin- Now, tell me only your name and that's it ok?

Y/N- Y/N L/N.

Corrin- Y/N, pleased to meet you. ~

She said it in an odd tone but I guess she's trying to make me feel comfortable, so it's fine.

Corrin- There we go, fresh bandages. Now, I gonna guess you are hungry right?

I nod yes.

Corrin- Well, I'll make some fresh hot soup for you and a glass of freshwater, be right back.

She left the room and I looked at the roof now knowing that I'm in a safe environment with Corrin but then a feeling of uneasy hit me.

Y/N's mind- I wonder if Robin is ok, god I hope so and Anna too. I miss her, to be honest.

(Robin's POV)

I was on my last legs, I was so bloody, feeling weak but I was not about to let this woman win, I will defeat her and go look for Y/N and take him back.

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