Chapter 3: Karts, Golf, and meeting a tomboy princess.

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(Y/N's POV)

I was looking out the window in anticipation of going to Mushroom Kingdom city, I was thinking about what I wanted to do. Oh man, if there's one thing I know about the Mario universe, it's that they have a lot of fun games to play and there would be an almost endless amount of fun to be had.

Peach- Excited Y/N?~

Y/N- Yes I am Peach, so what do you want to do?

Peach- Well, I actually want you to let you decide on that.

Y/N- Yeah?

Peach- Yes. I want to see what kind of fun you like.~

Y/N- Oh...then you definitely won't be disappointed cause I know how to have fun.

Peach- *Giggle* Then I cant wait to see what you mean Y/N.~

I wasn't gonna let her down cause showing her a good time is the least I can do when she has done nothing but good for me and I want to thank her for that.

Y/N's mind- Then... let's get this party started!


(No POV)

Some time passed when Y/N and Peach arrived at the city and it was very bustling with creatures of all kinds and most were having fun at the various amusement park attractions. Y/N and Peach got out of the bus and went on their way to the city and Peach guided Y/N to the map kiosk.

Peach- So here Y/N, the city has many attractions we can go to, so look around and see which one you see fit. 

Y/N looked around and was hyped the more he looked around the map. There was a section called Party land where you can Mario party like minigames which was hype already. There was a waterpark with the option of deepsea diving where you can hang out with Cheep-cheeps and much more sea creatures. The list just kept on adding till he saw huge tracks like area and he assumed already that this is where you can play some Mario kart. 

Y/N's mind- Oh shit! Mario Kart!! Hell yeah, we are going there!

Y/N pointed the area of the map to Peach and she took him there as soon as she saw the smile on his face.

10 minutes of walking later......

Y/N was now in front of the Mario Kart game area and it had so many tracks Y/N knows, he didn't which one to start with first.

Peach- Come on Y/N! We should get there before the line fills up!~

Y/N ran to peach and stood in line to get their tickets and all Y/N did was look in awe of the other drivers racing one another and it was chaos all over the place but that's why Mario kart is so much fun in the first place. After waiting for some time, Peach bought both of their tickets and entered inside and chose their Karts and the track their gonna race in. The two looked around and chose their special karts. Peach chose the Kitty cat-looking car and he chose the Lamberguini looking Kart and they chose the track: Electrodrome! 

Y/N- I'm gonna nail this track.

Peach- I do like a challenge, how about the winner gets to choose lunch?~

Y/N- Oh, it's on Peach!

Peach- *Laughing*

The two walked to the race track and along with other racers, this was gonna be one hell of a race. Y/N got on his Kart while Peach did the same and was waiting for Lakitu to start the race. The music was loud and awesome, the Koopas and others were dancing like there was no tomorrow and the lights were shining and looking rad as it would be expected if this track in literally a drivable dance club. was time.

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