Y/N L/N is a 15-year-old Super smash bros fan that's been playing the franchise since he was 4 years old, all the way back to super smash bros for the n64. Now, it was another normal day for him, just playing a few games of online play when all of a...
The two teenagers were exploring the huge open wild area in search of potential new members of their teams. While Y/N thinks he knows what to do, in secret he seeks Gloria's help with how to correctly weaken a pokemon, which Pokeball to use for the best catch, and many other mechanics he's familiar with within the games but this time, he is doing it for real rather than on a portable console. Gloria is more than happy to help out, after all, her plan is to make him rely on her more, and soon, she will have his heart all to herself.
Gloria's mind- Your good as mine Y/N.~
(Gloria's POV)
Y/N was slowly getting the hang of catching, he caught a Cherubi but he said that it wasn't what he was looking for, so he realized it but he thanked the Pokemon for helping him practice and he waved it goodbye. That filled my heart with warmth, I knew he was something else nice. And that's why he best stays with me, and we will be the best champions in the whole region.
Gloria's mind- I know we will.~
Once he was done, he got back to the tall grass and soon got himself in a wild battle, I went to see which Pokemon was and it was a...
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Y/N- I'm gonna have you on my team.
Gloria- You go Y/N.
While he was battling it, I couldn't help but think that this kind of Pokemon is a female-only one, and while I shouldn't be jealous of that...I just couldn't help it really. But I don't have to worry about it too much, as he has me and I know that he will slowly start to like me the way I like him. I was lost in my thoughts when I heard Y/N cheer as he caught the Bounsweet and that weird device he had shown everything in detail like a Pokedex, I wonder where he got it from but I quickly ignored that as I congratulated him on his catch.
Gloria- That was nice Y/N, you are natural as this.
Y/N- *Chuckle* Thanks, but it was you who taught me more than what I knew before so, thank you, Gloria.
My cheeks heated up and I couldn't help but feel weak in my body.
Gloria- Oh, it n-not a problem at all Y/N. I'm here if you need me ok?
Y/N- Yeah, I get you. Well, I'm gonna catch another before we head forward.
Gloria- Ok, I'll come with you to catch some of my own.
And while he was searching, I saw two Pokemon that I knew were gonna help me achieve the goal of defeating Leon.
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