Y/N L/N is a 15-year-old Super smash bros fan that's been playing the franchise since he was 4 years old, all the way back to super smash bros for the n64. Now, it was another normal day for him, just playing a few games of online play when all of a...
The concert for Pauline ended and Daisy and I went to the snack booths to grab a bite to eat. I grabbed some hotdogs and Daisy got some cheese pizza, we went to a nearby bench and ate our food while we talked about the festival.
Daisy- *Laughs* Dang Y/N, you were singing and dancing to the song as if you knew it for a long time.
Y/N- Well, all I'm gonna say is that the song felt real to me.
Daisy- Well I guess if that's your way of seeing things, then that's a nice way of thinking dude.
Y/N- Thanks.
We continued to chat till I saw a man wearing a suit and tophat come up to us and look at me.
Man- Excuse me, sir, I'm sorry to intrude on your night but I must ask you to follow me for a moment.
Y/N- Uhh...Am I in trouble or something?
Man- Not at all sir but Mayor Pauline wants to meet with you.
Y/N- ....M-me?
Man- Yes sir.
I couldn't believe this...the mayor of New Donk City wants to speak to me!
Y/N- Well then.....lead the way.
Man- Very good sir.
I stood up and threw away my trash and went to follow the man but Daisy walked with me and had a concerned look on her face.
Daisy- Gee Y/N, I hope you aren't really in trouble.
Y/N- I hope so too. Don't worry, I'll be back...hopefully not in handcuffs or something.
Daisy then stopped following and went to sit back down and I followed the man to wherever Pauline is. We reached a fancy building and we entered inside and went to an elevator with the man pressing the number 50 button. So I assume we are going to the biggest floor in the building, well then again she is the mayor of a huge city so I guess this is no surprise there. We reached the 50th floor and he led me to a set of fancy cherry wood doors and the man knocked three times.
I heard a voice which was Pauline behind those doors.
Man- I have the boy with me as you requested.
"Good, you may leave now and he can enter my office."
Man- Very good Mayor. *Whisper* have a good day sir.
He then left without looking back and I turned to face the doors and was very nervous about opening the door but I persisted and opened the doors revealing the Mayor.
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Pauline- You can have a seat on the sofa over there if you wish.
I took her offer and sat down and Pauline went to me with a smile on her face.