Chapter 20: Heading back to the ship.

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(Y/N's POV)

I was slowly waking up with no idea where I was, all I remember before I passed out was the cougar and...the blur-haired girl with the sword. I know now her to be Lucina, the famous swordswoman in the fire emblem series and back home, one of the most popular female characters by many. While I was thinking about that, I heard someone coming here and I didn't know if that was Lucina or someone else but I needed to know if I'm going to survive now. I stood up and all I wore was a simple shirt, leather pants, and some skin shoes of sorts. The tent flap opened and...

 The tent flap opened and

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There she was.

Lucina- Ah, thank the gods that you are awake now. I was afraid that you would never wake up sooner.

Y/N- Uhh..sooner?

Lucina- Yes, you were passed out for a solid two days, turns out you had some strange magic inside your body that could've been fatal to you so I did what I could to help you and I'm glad to see it worked in the end.

Some dark magic inside me? Well...I do remember when I stayed at Robin's place, I tried to do some magic spells on my own but I guess I said the wrong spell cause I felt something in my chest and it hurt a lot but I didn't say anything cause I didn't want to get in trouble with her. So it was mostly ignored by me but I felt some pain occasionally and was worried at times but I guess it was gonna clap back at me if it wasn't for her help. 

Y/N- Huh? No clue what that was.

Lucina- Well, either way, you are ok now and that's what matters to me. Now that you are awake, you must be hungry from that sleeping. Come with me, I got some rations to share with you.

I followed her outside and it turns out we are in a makeshift camp with no one else besides Lucina and me.

Lucina- Here you go young man, it was made 10 minutes before, so it's still hot.

Lucina- Here you go young man, it was made 10 minutes before, so it's still hot

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It looked so good and when I took a sip, it was beef stew with some vegetables. Some of them I don't like but beggars can't be choosers so I sat down on the floor and chowed down the stew. I looked at Lucina and all she did was smile and look at me eating so it was quiet all throughout the meal.

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