A Passionate Flight (Fernande)

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"Kill me..." Fernande, an angel from Heven fighting at the side of the league, pleaded softly for her demise. She was already harmed by the monstruos armor in front of her, who had its hand on her neck. She had her eyes closed, waiting patiently for the strike to arrive.


"Mind if I cut in?" Fernande grumbled slightly, as she felt her body be forcefully pulled back. She fell to the ground, the rough landing hurting her back and wings slightly. But she quickly started to get back up, looking back to see two members of the league: The Amazing Spider-Man and Ro Bloodroot. "Fernande, what the hell are you doing?!"

"The only thing that makes sense!" She shouted back to the arachnid hero from Midgard. While she was grateful to him for opening her eyes to the truth, even he didn't know the entirety of her pain and suffering. Her heart was in a turmoil of pain ever since she had seen the death of her lover, Anemone, who was a fellow angel.

"What?" Peter, the man behind the hero Spider-Man, asked, a bit calmed down from his exalted attitude. He could see how the blonde haired angel managed to stand from the ground. She had a glare in her eyes, but Peter could see through the glare. And all he could see was pain.

"My Anemone is gone. Killed pointlessly" Fernande could feel just how her heart clenched itself slightly. She could only feel just how dead cold her heart has become ever since she saw Anemone's death. "Like a fool, I believed that if I kept fighting, if I drenched myself in dark elf blood, that I was somehow balancing the scales!" She was angry at everything. She really didn't care who was the hero in front of her, she could care less at this point. All she really cared was about avenging Anemone, but even that was still not enough to make her feel at ease once more. "But there are no scales. So what is the point?"

"Fernande, trust me, that's not-"

"You can't possibly understand how I feel!" She made a side glare, giving it her all into that particular glare. But all that welcomed her was the stoic stare of the Amazing Spider-Man. It made her slightly aware of her words, making her stop even looking at the man as she looked to the front once more.

"Seriously?!" Peter shouted, already annoyed at the attitude of Fernande. She was avoiding his own stare, which just served to annoy him even further. "Losing a loved one to a pointless death?!" Peter shouted, this time a bit lower.  He knew that the angel in front of him didn't even have the chance to even mourn for her beloved's death. "I know about them all too well. So I get it... I really get it. It seems really dark right now. But it's not killing the darkness. It's about saving the light... Your light, Fern-"

Peter stopped talking abruptly, his Spider-Senses warning him of danger approaching. So Peter acted without any warning, pushing away Fernande from the stone statue that was thrown at them. Peter fell on top of Fernande, his chest against her own as he could see just how the eyes of the angel were wide in shock.

"Sorry for that...'' Fernande didn't even react to the three words, her mind still processing what had just been said to her and what had just happened. Anemone had been the light in her life, someone that she failed to save. But she could clearly remember just how beautiful Heaven was, how beautiful the people were in Heaven. But most of all, she could see the beauty of the people that had welcomed her into their little group.

She unconsciously moved her hand to her chest, near her heart. She could feel the beats coming from her heart, reawakening something in her she deemed lost ever since the death of Anemone. The fire in her heart lit once more by simple words said to her by the man who had not only convinced her to walk a better path, but had led her straight to the place where she wanted to be. But now she needed to be something more, something that would make the arachnid hero really proud of her.

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