A Fleeting Love (Hope Summers)

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Hope Summers was sitting near the edge of a building in New York, watching the starry night. She had a smile on her face but the truth was that she was trying not to show her pain. She had left the Hellfire Gala a couple of hours ago, as the painful sight of one of her previous lovers, Fantomex, had a happy expression on his face as he was enjoying his moment with Cluster, a female clone of his.

"This really sucks..." The red haired teen sighed as she closed her eyes. Memories from her past made its way to her mind as she also remembered the other two boys that have held her heart once upon a time. Emil Spence and Gabriel Cohuelo, two boys that were currently dead. And while she would probably return with Emil, she was never going back with Gabriel, even if he was the last man on Earth. She really didn't want her heart broken by a betrayal once more. "I really am alone..."

A soft breeze made contact with her face, obligating her to close her eyes as she felt the wind on herself. She had a small sad smile on her face, unable to look back at the moments she had with those three men, but always getting heartbroken one way or another. She wanted to be happy alongside someone that would be able to understand her. The majority of the mutants had someone back at Krakoa, but she had no one at all.

"Hope? What are you doing here?" The teen looked back, a more sincere smile made its way into her face as she managed to see the one who had mentored the best. The one who had taught her more than she would actually care to admit. She was looking at the Amazing Spider-Man, the vigilante hero of New York.

"Nothing..."Hope stated, making the man cross his arms. She just shook her head a bit as she went back to look into the stars in the sky. She noticed how the hero sat right next to her, looking at her with slight curiosity. Something that made Hope a tad bit happier. Even if it was just a bit. "Just thinking about something"

Both heroes stood silent for a bit, both of them looking at the stars as they enjoyed the silent atmosphere around them. It was a beautiful moment, a moment that was a first between the two because the only moments they had in the past were training sessions.

"You know... I can see it clearly in your eyes, Hope" The female teenager looked back at one of her teachers, looking at how the man was giving her a side glance. She had never realized just how he always managed to know what was wrong with her, but it always made her feel more at ease. "Memories of the past that only bring you more pain..."

"Yeah..." She didn't even want to know just how the man knew about her current situation. He always had an answer for every kind of situation, that she had to guess that the arachnid hero had lived through something similar. It made her frown a bit when thinking that her mentor had suffered through more than she could actually guess.

"Look... Probably I am not the correct person to even tell you what to do, but I can tell you this..." Hope looked back, only to widen her eyes as she could now see the face of the man behind the mask. She was honestly shocked to see such a handsome man in front of her. She had thought that he was covering his face for the same reasons as Deadpool. "There will be a time when your heart will lead you astray, but there is just one moment that it will not. And it is at that moment that you will have to make the choice not with your mind... but with your heart"

"I-I..." Hope didn't even know how to react to the words that had been said by Spider-Man. And while she recognized the hero to be Peter Parker, the only owner of the now destroyed Parker Industries, she would have never guessed it, not even with hints. But then her mind went back to the previous statement from the man, analyzing each and every word meticulously.

"Well... That's all I have to say. Enjoy your night, Hope!" Hope didn't even get the chance to even say a word because in a matter of seconds, the arachnid hero was already swinging away from their position. She could only follow him with her weight until she couldn't any longer.

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