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Xiao Zhan enthusiastically woke up in the morning.

He was excited about Lan Wangji's First day as an intern in his father's Company.

"I wonder how he'll do~~"excitedly sang Xiao Zhan while cooking...

After cooking,Xiao Zhan called Both Jiang Cheng and Peng Chuyue and told them to wait for Lan Wangji before eating.

Both grumbled but still nodded.

Xiao Zhan left the two in the dining room with a satisfied smile.

He's so excited for Lan Wangji!

Now,he'll see a Lan Wangji wearing an office wear...

I bet he'll look so hot in it.

Xiao Zhan even imagined himself drooling while looking at Lan Wangji's.....attire and everything.

Xiao Zhan knocked on the room they both slept in yesterday.

But of course,they wouldn't always sleep in this room together,maybe it was because they just made up and was still feeling lost and at the same time craves each other's touch and comfort and that's why the two of them just naturally slept together in a Same room.

"Lan Zhan?"

Xiao Zhan then heard a faint 'mmm' and God was it so hot that Xiao Zhan even thought about just barging in the room and then kissing Lan Wangji as if there's no tomorrow (okay that's so exaggerated and I'm cringing 🤮🤮forgive me 🥺) and proceeded to ask.

"Are you ready or..."

"I'm coming out."

Xiao Zhan smiled and moved a little far from the door.

He's so excited to see What Lan Wangji would look like in his office wear!

Lan Wangji stepped out and Xiao Zhan,to say the least,was shocked.

Lan Wangji looked....good,he won't deny it..but...

Suddenly,he realized something.

He hadn't told Lan Wangji what clothes to wear!

But still....what made him think that he could cosplay even in the Company?!

"Lan Zhan,why are you wearing that?!"

Lan Wangji looked puzzled.

"You said I should wear something formal?"

"And that's formal for you?really?"

Lan Wangji nodded.

"You real---"


Xiao Zhan was not able to finish his words when he suddenly heard laughter's behind him.

Xiao Zhan looked at the source and oh is his expectation not disappointed.

It's Peng Chuyue laughing at Lan Wangji's clothes while also yelling for Jiang Cheng to come and look at Lan Wangji.

And Jiang Cheng,who's always in for trouble,fastly got in the second floor to also laugh at Lan Wangji.

Of course it was funny for the both of them,but not for Lan Wangji.

Lan Wangji didn't like that someone other than Wei Ying/Xiao Zhan is laughing at him.

He didn't like it.

Lan Wangji glared at both idiots and the two instantly shut up.

Xiao Zhan sighed looking at his two friends and just rubbed his forehead while nearing Lan Wangji.

Way to go and really ruin his expectations in seeing Lan Wangji in a suit.

"Let's just go and change into better clothes ok?"

Lan Wangji nodded and followed Xiao Zhan.

Xiao Zhan laid out the suit that he told his father's secretary to buy for Lan Wangji and laid it on the bed.

He should have done it from the start and told Lan Wangji to wear it.

"Here,wear this."said Xiao Zhan and looked at Lan Wangji to see Lan Wangji undressing in front of him.

Xiao Zhan's eyes widened and his cheeks reddened,he also covered his eyes with his hands but kept it open so he can still see the beautiful view in front of him.

"W-wh-what are you doing?!"

Shouted Xiao Zhan and Lan Wangji looked at him before realizing that Xiao Zhan was uncomfortable with him seeing undressed.

Lan Wangji then remembered something that he tried so hard to forget.

To Xiao Zhan,he was someone who looks like a sad dog.

Lan Wangji fastly turned around and was about to go to the bathroom to Change when Xiao Zhan held his wrist.

Lan Wangji sadly and confusedly looked at Xioa Zhan.

Xiao Zhan blushed and then shyly mumbled.

"Where are you going?I want to see more...."






An awkward silence enveloped the two.

"What?"asked Lan Wangji in awkwardness  mixed with Confusion.

I thought he didn't like it?

Xiao Zhan let go of his wrist as if his question has electrocuted him and said.

"Nothing!"then ran away.

Lan Wangji just looked at the door Xiao Zhan closed for a few minutes before everything registered onto him.

Lan Wangji then started laughing.

After a few minutes of Laughing,Lan Wangji looked at The mirror and had a new found confidence in his face who looked like a sad dog.

Come to think of it, don't Xiao Zhan actually find dogs cute?

Lan Wangji looked at himself in the mirror.

So maybe Xiao Zhan finds someone who looks likes a sad dog cute?

Lan Wangji suddenly found his confidence and fondness of dogs,reaching it's highest level.

Lan Wangji have a little smile and continued dressing up.

After that,he made sure to look at the mirror before going out.

Lan Wangji opened the door to see a nervous Xiao Zhan continuously pacing on the front door.

"I'm done."

Xiao Zhan was startled.

"Oh!you're done!"repeated Xiao Zhan and glanced at Lan Wangji.

God,he looks so good in the suit.but he looks better without it too though huhu

"L-let's go and eat."

Said Xiao Zhan and Lan Wangji followed.

After eating,the two got out of the house and Xiao Zhan's new hired driver for Lan Wangji drived Lan Wangji and Xiao Zhan in his father's Company.

Xiao Zhan also made sure that he wouldn't be seen by his father while touring Lan Wangji to his mentor.

His father's annoying.

When Lan Wangji got to his mentor Xiao Zhan and the mentor talked for a while and then Xiao Zhan bid his goodbye to Lan Wangji.

Lan Wangji was a little reluctant,but he still bid his goodbye.

Lan Wangji sighed....

He already wants to go home and just stare at Xiao Zhan all day....

XIAO ZHAN,YOU ARE MY WEI YING!Where stories live. Discover now