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Xiao Zhan woke up on midnight to hear moans besides him...

What the hell is happening?

Don't tell me....he's jerking off behind me?!

This guy!!!I knew he couldn't resist me!

I knew that he was so horny for me!

Xiao Zhan pouted then blushed....

Xiao Zhan then turned around and was ready to look at Lan Wangji with an accusing gaze when he saw what Lan Wangji's holding....

Xiao Zhan felt like his whole face was starting to burn and his mouth was trying so hard to move and start talking....or rather... explaining...

Xiao Zhan felt like dying when Lan Wangji turned to look at him with a curious and blushing face...

"This....why is there something like this in this....thing(cellphone)"

Xiao Zhan quickly snatched His phone when another loud moan erupted again..

The moans he had heard....were all caused by his phone!!!!!


Lan Wangji found his downloaded porn videos and watched it!!!!

Oh god!!what shall he do now?!

Why did he have to download those kind of videos anyway?!

Shit!so embarassing!

"Did you....see all of it?"

Lan Wangji blushed,looked away,then nodded.

Xiao Zhan felt like dying from embarassment.

He's so humiliated.

"Look's not that I'm a pervert it something but it's just...I... actually...things like this...I mean"

Xiao Zhan couldn't utter any words that would explain as to why he had so much porn videos in his phone....

And most off all,most of the porn videos were gay porn!!!!

God!how did he end up in this situation?!

Lan Wangji was so shocked at the the same time happy.....He's glad Wei Ying's still as naughty as he was before....and that....Wei Ying's still and undeniably gay...

Lan Wangji looked at a red faced embarassed Xiao least he's not as shameless as he was before...

Or was it because we're not yet close?

Or perhaps it's because I look like a sad dog he felt like he needs to explain because he's scared of me and my ugly face?

And so....Lan Wangji thought the stupidest idea ever.

"It's okay...many people could sometimes be perverted...."

To Lan Wangji,it's a comfort....

But to Xiao's an insult and he's more humiliated!!!!

Xiao Zhan was called a pervert!

Who even told Lan Wangji to watch it though?!

It's not his fault!


after screaming Xiao Zhan repeatedly hit Lan Wangji with his pillow!

Then ran!!!!

Leaving Lan Wangji dumbfounded.


Xiao Zhan was panting hard when he finally stopped running....

XIAO ZHAN,YOU ARE MY WEI YING!Where stories live. Discover now