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Xiao Zhan and Lan Wangji was now in Xiao Zhan's house.

It was not too fancy but it was neat and big enough for 6 people.

"So ummm...."Mumbled Xiao Zhan with his full of hesitance voice...

Lan Wangji looked at Xiao Zhan...


"When are you planning to umm... Change clothes?"

Lan Wangji blushed.

It was only an hour ago when he noticed that everyone who sees him and his clothes would laugh.

He knew he was an outcast.

He didn't fit in.

Everyone thought that he was funny.

And he knew that Xiao Zhan felt uncomfortable for him whenever someone would laugh at him.

And that time,he was embarrassed.

Even though it didn't show to his face,he really was embarrassed at Xiao Zhan then.

If only he knew it a little earlier,he wouldn't have had struggled when all the other nurse kept saying for him to get naked and Change clothes...

And he would have had believe when others said that his clothes were weird.

It's not like he didn't see how others dress but still...

He saw some small people that other patients and even nurses liked watching in or mirror or another world where others who dresses like him lives.(He meant or is describing TV)

Actually,he would have loved to get in that world too.

But he didn't like being watched so at second thought,he would just stay on Xiao Zhan's side and protect him.

If only he knew,he would have had changed his clothes earlier than being laughed at and making Xiao Zhan feel uncomfortable for him.

Being seen naked by the nurses would be less embarrassing than being laughed at by many people.

But unfortunately,he didn't think of that because he knew that his Wei ying is the only one he would allow to see his body.

"I....I want to change clothes now."

Xiao Zhan then scratched his nape and awkwardly laughed.

But he was actually relieved,he was afraid that Lan Zhan wouldn't agree because the nurse told him that Lan Zhan got mad when they asked for him to get Changed and after that,it seemed like a routine for Lan Zhan to look at those Nurses with murderous eyes and always try and get far away from them as if they're a pervert.

Xiao Zhan sighed and then told Lan Zhan to wait for him and he'll look for Clothes that would fit Lan Zhan.

Lan Wangji just nodded and Xiao Zhan then left.

Xiao Zhan was innocently looking at Clothes that would fit Lan Zhan in his room when meanwhile,Lan Wangji was blushing....

Xiao Zhan just straight forwardly asked him to change his clothes....

Does that mean...Xiao Zhan wants to see him naked?

Lan Wangji's face turned red after that.

Xiao Zhan....Xiao Zhan is still as naughty as in the past.

His Wei ying... didn't change...

After a minute or so Xiao Zhan got out with a big shirt and baggy pants.

XIAO ZHAN,YOU ARE MY WEI YING!Where stories live. Discover now