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Lan Wangji already landed on the airport and saw the person his manager hired.

He fastly walked near him and gave all the luggage in his hired driver/helper.

After that,the two Walked towards the car.

Lan Wangji sat and leaned his head on the Car Window.

"Anything else you need sir?"

Lan Wangji just gave a side glance at the guy and Shaked his head.

The guy Nodded and started driving,he also started playing serene musics since his Employer seems tired.

And the Helper was right of course,Lan Wangji was way too excited that he wasn't able to sleep in the plane.

He couldn't help but look forward into seeing Xiao Zhan again.

Lan Wangji faintly smiled.

Xiao Zhan....just wait for me.

After that,the whole drive was quite and Lan Wangji even managed to doze off a little.

"Sir,we're already here."

Lan Wangji opened his eyes to see a Beach resort in front of him.

This is where Xiao Zhan's staying for his Vacation?

He couldn't help but look forward into seeing Xiao Zhan.

Lan Wangji Looked at the driver then politely bowed his head a little.

It was his way of saying thank you,the driver/helper smiled at his polite gesture.

After that,Lan Wangji informed the Hotel staffs about his booked room in the resort's Room and he was Politely escorted into his room.

Lan Wangji layed on his bed for a while and looked outside his window.

Lan Wangji Looked around for a while until he saw a Man excitedly running around the sand followed by 3 other men.

He kept looking at the first man he saw until that man turned around and his beautiful face was seen.

Lan Wangji sat up and started paying more attention at the man's face.

It was his Xiao Zhan's Smiling face.

Lan Wangji was Star strucked.

His Xiao Zhan had become more pretty than in the past.

His Xiao Zhan was glowing under the burning sun.

Lan Wangji's knees weakened.

Xiao Zhan's impact on him had become stronger than in the past.

He felt butterflies on his stomach and tears started falling down his eyes.

He missed his Xiao Zhan so much.....

Suddenly, all the emotions he had kept in him for 3 years started coming out.

Happiness,Sadness, Misery... much he had missed his Xiao Zhan.

Lan Wangji stayed in his room all day, Looking at his adorable Xiao Zhan playing in the Ocean.

He doesn't have the courage to go out and he also didn't want to ruin Xiao Zhan's mood.

He seems so happy,Even without me...

Lan Wangji slapped himself after making himself sad.

What the hell is he doing?

He's here to take Xiao Zhan back,not to be all sad and cowardly.

But for now,he just wanna take in Xiao Zhan's happy appearance since he's afraid that after he starts chasing Xiao Zhan,he'll see nothing but disgust and loathe in Xiao Zhan's eyes.

He's afraid but damn it, despite it all he can't see any willingness in him to give Xiao Zhan up.

After a while of observing, Lan Wangji noticed something strange.

There's been a human-like-dirt-bag that's attached to his Xiao Zhan!

Lan Wangji Punched the glass in front of him.

What the hell?!Am I this late?! Why is Xiao Zhan acting so close with that leech?!

This Leech!

What are you doing?!Get the hell away from my Xiao Zhan!

After Minutes of cursing the leech attached to Xiao Zhan,Lan Wangji couldn't take it anymore and started going downstairs to confront the leech.

This is not right,he's not allowed to touch Xiao Zhan!

He can't!

He ran as fast as he could and when he was already near Xiao Zhan and his friends....

Lan Wangji stopped and turned around.

He Quitely and slowly walked away from the crowd and even Covered his face.

When he was already In his room Lan Wangji Panted and looked at his window to see if Xiao Zhan had noticed him and to his demise and happiness, Xiao Zhan or anyone in Xiao Zhan's group didn't seem to Take notice of him.

Lan Wangji Jumped on his bed and started pulling all of his hair out.

What was he doing?! Obviously,he has no right to act all jealous and make them break up or something!



"Xiao Zhan?What are you looking at?"

Jiang Cheng asked when he noticed Xiao Zhan strangely looking behind them as If he'd seen a ghost.

Jiang Cheng weirdly looked at Xiao Zhan when Xiao Zhan didn't answer and to his Surprise, Xiao Zhan didn't take his eyes off the Resort's hotel Door as if waiting for someone to come out.

"What the hell?Xiao Zhan!"

Jiang Cheng then started Shaking Xiao Zhan's shoulder which Caught Peng Chuyue and Jackson Wang's attention.

"What's wrong?"

Both Jiang Cheng and Xiao Zhan looked at Jackson Wang.

"Well he was looking at the Res---"

Jiang Cheng was cut off by Xiao Zhan when Xiao Zhan talked without Letting Jiang Cheng finish.

"Nothing,I think it was just my imagination."

"What do you mean?what did you imagine?" asked Peng Chuyue as to which Xiao Zhan ignored.

Xiao Zhan then looked at the Resort's hotel Door again and Jiang Cheng had no choice but to just distract Xiao Zhan since he already knew that Xiao Zhan wouldn't tell them even if he kept probing about Xiao Zhan's strange action just a little earlier.

"Then what the hell are you doing staring down that door?Are tryna break that glass door with your curious stare or something?let's just play!"said Jiang Cheng and started to splash Ocean water on Xiao Zhan's Face.

Xiao Zhan fakely Laughed and started to splash Ocean water back at Jiang Cheng's face.

The four then started playing again, forgetting about Xiao Zhan's strange action.

After a while,the four of them decided to stop playing and go to their own Rooms.

"Well,that was nice,this place is a really great place for vacation huh?"asked Peng Chuyue and The 3 other people nodded.

They started walking to their rooms when Jiang Cheng noticed Xiao Zhan looking at the Door again.

Jiang Cheng's eyebrows Knitted.

"Xiao Zhan!What the hell are you staring at again?!let's just go!"

"Coming!" Said Xiao Zhan and looked at the door one last time before closely following The other 3.

XIAO ZHAN,YOU ARE MY WEI YING!Where stories live. Discover now