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"So you're telling me that you've picked up a guy who doesn't even know anything but nonsense?!"

Xiao Zhan scratched his head and awkwardly laughed.

"I just have to get him papers and I'll take care of everything so...."

"What the hell Xiao Zhan?!Why do you always pick up weird people?!I swear something's wrong with you!"

Xiao Zhan pouted....

"It's not may fault the poor guy seems so poor!"

"Yeah,he's literally poor!and a nuthead!Who dresses like that these days?!and he's not even a cosplayer!"

Xiao Zhan and Peng Chuyue looked at Lan Wangji to see Wangji already glaring at Chuyue.

"And also!why does he keeps glaring at me?!"

"I don't know...maybe he's just not familiar with you that's why?"

"As if he's familiar with you!"

"Hey!it's been a week since I took care of him in the hospital!"

"And now that he's getting discharged!you're taking care of him too?! besides!I've been with you while you're taking care of him trying to help with his papers!if anything....he shouldn't be glaring at me but thanking me!"


Xiao Zhan zipped his mouth.

He couldn't argue with that.

Xiao Zhan looked at Lan Wangji and Lan Wangji stopped glaring at Peng Chuyue then looked at Xiao Zhan's eyes with his puppy eyes...

And then Xiao Zhan looked at Chuyue again.

"But look at his puppy's so....cute."

Peng Chuyue gritted his teeth!

It's so obvious that the guy is faking!

"Look!that guy!is fake!you don't even know him!"

"I know him!he's Lan Zhan!Right Lan Zhan?!"

Lan Wangji smiled...

Wei ying used to call him Lan Zhan too.....

(But obviously that's because it's his name 🙄 )


Xiao Zhan looked at Peng Chuyue with his proud eyes..

Peng Chuyue raised his eyebrows.

"Don't get proud with me you punk!"and then Started jumping on Xiao Zhan Pulling his ears not minding that they're in the hospital.

Xiao Zhan then kept screaming for Peng Chuyue to stop.

Lan Wangji suddenly felt that his Wei ying was in Danger!

And so he put his bichen and walked to where Peng Chuyue is.

"Let him go."

Peng Chuyue looked at the blade on his neck and looked horrified.

He looked at the end of the sword and looked up to see Lan Wangji's glaring eyes...

Peng Chuyue got so scared he had let go of Xiao Zhan.

Xiao Zhan who was about to argue looked at Peng Chuyue to see Lan Wangji pointing his REAL Sword at Peng Chuyue's neck....

"What the hell??Lan Zhan!stop!"

Lan Wangji looked at Xiao Zhan and then sheated his bichen.

Peng Chuyue after a while then managed to breathe and fell down on the floor while gasping for air...

XIAO ZHAN,YOU ARE MY WEI YING!Where stories live. Discover now