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                 2 YEARS LATER

"You still haven't found him?"


Lan Wangji was devastated to hear another negative news with others trying to find Xiao Zhan.

"Are you sure you're looking carefully?"

"Yes sir."

"How could you not find him for 3 years when he's literally the fucking son of a Billionaire?"(Xiao Zhan's dad used to be a millionaire but he's now a billionaire cause I guess the Business is booming?anyways,back to story.)

"But he wanted to lay low and hide his identity so it's even harder cause not even paparazzi can touch him since the last one who did ended up in jail for harassing him..."

Lan Wangji starting biting his nails.

Xiao Zhan.....where are you?

The Detective looked at the poor Lan Wangji who's been looking for his loved one for 2 years.

He felt guilty,not because he couldn't find him but because he couldn't tell him where he is.

Should I at least give me a hint?

"Sir,how about finding someone from other companies?How about laying low and making sure that you firing me and hiring another detective is kept as a secret?"

The Detective knew that he Could lose his job for helping this man but he Still couldn't find the heart to ignore the man who was the same as him when his wife died.

A soul less person.

"Instead I hope that when you find this person, you'd be able to have him fall in love with you and treat him well."

Lan Wangji used to be naive but not anymore,But maybe it was because it's about Xiao Zhan that he's been acting a little stupidly.

Why didn't he think of hiring several detectives aside from this one?(ikr,Very stupid....only him tho,please don't get me involved🤧)

"You're right,I'll think about that and you can leave now."

"Yes sir."said the detective and left.

After that,Lan Wangji started calling several different detective Companies and asked for them to discreetly look for Xiao Zhan's location.

Lan Wangji was scared, scared that Xiao Zhan would look at him with hate after seeing him again.

But he still didn't want to let go of Xiao Zhan,not after realizing that whether it be Xiao Zhan or Wei Ying,he's willing to love both.

There's a chance that Xiao Zhan would misunderstand him again but he'd still try his best for Xiao Zhan to understand and be with him.

I had let you go twice cause I was stupid ,but please give me this one last chance and I promise to never let you go again,even if you get tired of me...

Lan Wangji's contract with his Company has already ended.

Of course,Lan Wangji didn't just depend with his modeling job,he now also owns several restaurants, resorts and many more that he didn't find hard to manage cause of his knowledge about his and this world.

It was surprisingly easy to Create business that makes fast money.(Of course it is,he's literally a famous public figure)

Actually,the Company wanted For Lan Wangji to stay and Model more for them but Lan Wangji refused and decided to just take his manager and Create his own studio,in that way he could still accept jobs without company rules to obey.

He'd be free to Chase Xiao Zhan and would be able to refuse works that he doesn't like.

Especially the ones that shows too much skin.

The only person he'd allow to see him in that attire was Xiao Zhan.

Once,Lan Wangji was asked to model boxers and brief it was so inappropriate that he wanted to refuse and just quit but at last,his manager,Cai Xie managed to Convince him about bearing with it for a while.

That was the Time When Lan Wangji Thought about creating his own Company/studio to be able to move a little freely and not abide to any of the shitty company rules.

Like for example,No dating allowed.

Like holy moly how would he date Xiao Zhan if he's not allowed to date?!

Lan Wangji could have sworn something was wrong with that Company.

Its rules were way too off as if any of its idols is not allowed to find happiness other than entertaining other people.

Lan Wangji sighed, he's glad that all the hardships he beared with his company was now all over.

He's now free from restrictions and has everything he need to live.

The only left,is His Xiao Zhan.


"Xiao Zhan!Xiao Zhan!Xiao Zhan open the door you crazy Motherfucker!how dare you destroy my fucking limited edition figure!"

Xiao Zhan woke up to the sound of Jiang Cheng's unending nagging and complaints.

"Cheng Cheng,I'm still sleepy can't you just pull my hair when I wake up?"

"Whaaaaaaatttttt?!you think doing that would make me feel better?!You bitch just get out this god-damned room and watch me separate and rip your body!"

"Jiang Cheng?What are you talking about?why are you threatening Xiao Zhan?"another voice appeared.

"Great timing!Jackson!look at this!I'm pretty sure he's the one who broke this figure!"

"You can just buy it again though?what's the big deal?"

"What in the fucking limited edition do you not understand?!"frustratingly asked Jiang Cheng towards Jackson.

"Still,there's no need to go that far just because of him accidentally breaking it.Just let it go Jiang Cheng. If ever,I'll be the one to take responsibility and buy you a new one now let Xiao Zhan sleep."

Jiang Cheng just gave a mean stare towards Jackson and rolled his eyes.

"Whatever you asshole just way too in love with Xiao Zhan to the point that nothing he does will ever be wrong in your eyes!you fucking simper!"

Jackson just laughed at Jiang Cheng's words and looked at Xiao Zhan's room door,he looked at it for a while and kissed it.

After that he fondly looked at Xiao Zhan's room down and sweetly smiled.

"Sleep well,Zhan-ah."

XIAO ZHAN,YOU ARE MY WEI YING!Where stories live. Discover now