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"Don't tell me you fucking forgave this retarded bastard?! That's why I kept saying that dumbshits fucks like you shouldn't even be allowed near that shit! Look! Chuyue, you see this fucking dipshit looking at us with his smug face?this fucking fucker dares to hmpppp--" Jiang Cheng was cut off by Peng Chuyue hurriedly grabbing Jiang Cheng's mouth with his hands...

"C'mon Cheng! You don't need to curse so much! Let's let them be ugh-" before Peng Chuyue was even able to finish his sentence, Jiang Cheng suddenly punched him.

"Let go of me! This fucking bastard thinks he can just go around fucking everyone up just 'cause Xiao Zhan liked him a bit! I'll fucking teach this bastard a lesson!" Peng Chuyue still held him back

"Yah! Are you crazy?! This is why you're not loved by anyone you know?! you're a warfreak!ouch!ouch!ouch!ouch!" After that, Jiang Cheng and Peng Chuyue Kept hitting and arguing with each other to no end resulting into them getting bruises.

Jackson Wang watched the two for a while and then chuckled without any hint of wanting to stop the fight between the two, he's become accustomed to seeing the two fight everyday.

Jackson Wang got near Xiao Zhan and blatantly ignored Wang yibo who's with Xiao Zhan

"You okay?"

Xiao Zhan was confused by Jackson's question

"What do you mean?"

"Didn't a lunatic forcibly took you away from me?"

It was obvious that Lan Wangji was displeased to hear himself being called a lunatic but since he's decided to act a little mature for Xiao Zhan now, he's guessing to let Jackson Wang's insult towards him pass for now.

Xiao Zhan who knew exactly who that Lunatic was suddenly felt awkward, He knew that Jackson Wang deliberately insulted Lang Wangji in front him even while knowing that Lan Wangji's able to hear him.

It was surprising though, for years that Xiao Zhan had known Jackson Wang it was the first time that he saw Jackson Wang being openly hostile to other people.

"Oh that....yeah well I'm ok know...we actually talked about a lot..."

Jackson Wang acted oblivious and raised his right eyebrow as if signalling for Xiao Zhan to continue since he's interested in whatever he's saying.

"We made up, I'm gonna court Xiao Zhan again."

Jackson Wang just gave Lang Wangji a judging eye and looked back at Xiao Zhan once again, pretending not to hear Lan Wangji's words.

"And so? What happened?" Asked Jackson Wang again as if Lan Wangji didn't already tell him what happened.

"Ohhh...that...I've actually decided to give him a chance again?"

Jackson Wang sighed as if disappointed by Xiao Zhan's decision.

"It's a shame Xiao Zhan, you're such a gorgeous person and you don't really deserve to be with someone as low as him but...I guess I'll just root for you and If it doesn't work out, always know that I'm here to comfort you. Who knows? It might work out this time since they do say that second's time a charm."

Lan Wangji turned even more upset after realizing that Jackson still haven't given up on flirting with his Xiao Zhan.

"It's actually third time's a charm though."

Jackson Wang laughed.

"Then why don't you leave him again so the saying that third time's a charm would work for you two?"

Jackson Wang knew he's out of line, but anything would do as long as he sees the Lan Wangji's face all crumpled up.

The bastard deserved it. How dare he leave someone like Xiao Zhan for the past few years? Jackson Wang wouldn't have done that.

" I don't need to do that anymore, I already have him."

"And yet they say nothing last forever."

"Yeah, just like how your life wouldn't last forever."  Lan Wangji now actually miss having his bichen with him, oh how badly he wants to slice this arrogant bastard named Jackson Wang right now with his bichen, it's just too bad that he can't contact nor command his bichen to come to him unlike in his original world.

Xiao Zhan, already feeling the growing tension between the two started to get the two away from each other.

"Calm down lol" Said Xiao zhan while trying so hard to make the two drop their deadly glare against each other.

It's already enough that Peng Chuyue and Jiang Cheng is already fighting, he can't have another two fight in front of him.

Jackson Wang, hearing Xiao Zhan's words that are almost done in a tone of plea just decided to ignore Lan Wangji's glare and bit his lip trying to suppress his rage with this cocky Lan Wangji.

Lan Wangji didn't want to back out, he still held his deadly glare while directly looking at Jackson Wang's eyes but when he looked at Xiao Zhan who's already giving him his scariest glare ever, Lan Wangji folded.

The two just kept quiet and that's what Xiao Zhan wanted to do to if only Peng Chuyue and Jiang Cheng's wasn't getting way too physical for his fighting.

Xiao Zhan sighed and knew he had no choice but to get between the two too. At that, Xiao Zhan was about to stop the two when Jiang Cheng suddenly picked up a lot of sand and was about to make it hit Peng Chuyue's face until Xiao Zhan suddenly walked in and the sand got into his eyes.

Xiao Zhan hissed from the pain of having sand in his eyes and Both Jackson and Lan Wangji hurriedly came running towards him.

"Xiao Zhan, Are you okay?!" Jackson Wang's panic stricken face and voice resounded in Xiao Zhan's ears while Lan Wangji quietly checked his eyes and lifted Xiao Zhan while in search of a faucet near the beach.

Everyone who could see Lan Wangji's expression can tell that he is mad about something and that the reason for that was because of Xiao Zhan's eyes having sand in it.

XIAO ZHAN,YOU ARE MY WEI YING!Where stories live. Discover now