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Jiang Cheng, Jackson and Peng Chuyue was flabbergasted.

They didn't know what happened but Lan Wangji Suddenly started hanging out with them....or maybe just with Xiao Zhan.

It was Obvious, Lan Wangji keeps chasing Xiao Zhan like a lost puppy even when he's clearly being ignored... doesn't he feel any shame?

The three looked at the desperate lan Wangji, trying to offer Xiao Zhan the foods he Bought.

"Xiao Zhan! You should definitely try this! it's yummy!"

Jiang Cheng's mouth opened wide...never in his wildest dream did he ever imagine to see Lan Wangji trying to be cute.... he's utterly disgusted by the trying hard to be cute Lan Wangji in front of him.

Xiao Zhan didn't pay any attention to Lan Wangji which resulted into Lan Wangji offering him another type of food and being blatantly ignored once again.

Jackson could not take it anymore and decided to intervene.

"Hey What are you doing? Xiao Zhan doesn't seem to like it."

Jackson was for sure expecting Lan Wangji's glare but when he looked at Xiao Zhan, he was surprised to see Xiao Zhan also glaring at him.

At That, Xiao Zhan had made it evident that he likes whatever stupid things Lan Wangji was doing.

Jackson showed a bitter smirk and looked at Lan Wangji...what the hell did this guy do to be so lucky? It seems that no matter how good he is to Xiao Zhan...he still won't be able to compare with Lan Wangji.

By that factual realization, Jackson had no choice but to give up.

Ever since he was a child, he's never liked playing in a losing battle and of course, his feelings for Xiao Zhan were no exception.

Maybe Lan Wangji and Xiao Zhan were really the ones that are meant to be together.

Jackson was brought out of his thoughts when Lan Wangji rudely spoke.

"It's none of your business."

Jackson was pissed but still managed to smile.

Lan Wangji's lucky that he's liked by Xiao Zhan Because if not, he could have sworn he would have had already punched this petty and rude model.

"Not if I'm someone who deeply cares about Xiao Zhan."

Jackson Wang never liked playing a losing game, but who said that he doesn't enjoy pissing off his opponents? He loved it.

He loves making things hard for his opponents and judging by Lan Wangji's attitude, There's no doubt that Lan Wangji would be his favorite rival.

Meanwhile, Lan Wangji ridiculously looked at Jackson as if it's going crazy. He rolled his eyes and looked at Xiao Zhan to see Xiao Zhan walking away, trying to leave him.

Lan Wangji Suddenly started running towards Xiao Zhan

"Z-Zhan-ah! Wait for me!" Said Lan Wangji and hurriedly followed Xiao Zhan's footsteps.

While Jiang Cheng, Peng Chuyue and Jackson Wang was left all alone.

The three turned silent until Peng Chuyue started to speak out.

"Shouldn't we go after them?" Confusedly asked Peng Chuyue

Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes at Peng Chuyue's insensitivity to drama.

"Shut up idiot." Said Jiang Cheng and Jackson, even though not amused, laughed.

After all, I'd rather laugh than cry for a lost love that I wasn't even able to get my hands on.


When Lan Wangji managed to keep up with Xiao Zhan, Xiao Zhan stopped walking.

Xiao Zhan sighed and looked at Lan Wangji, annoyed.

"You're annoying, you piss me off."

Lan Wangji kept smiling

"Still, I want to spend time with you."

"I'm saying that you annoy me."

"Yeah yeah"

"Do you really not care about my feelings?"

"Then what should I do?" Xiao Zhan halted, He didn't expect Lan Wangji's question.

Xiao Zhan knew Lan Wangji's question was wrong from the get go.

The question wasn't about what he has to do but more on does he even have to do something?

But that made Xiao Zhan feel relieved, he liked that Lan Wangji has not yet known how much Xiao Zhan loves him, it was better that way. At least he wouldn't look a lot more pathetic than he already is.

"Shut up and never come near me again." And Xiao Zhan walked away.

He was scared, he's already on the verge of giving up but he knows in himself that his pain is worth more than Lan Wangji's begging.

It wasn't enough because the pain was too much.


Lan Wangji stood there, motionless.

Maybe it was his karma for being too stupid hence he had to hear such words.

But being stupid once was enough, he knew he had hurt his Xiao Zhan way too much and that he deserved every bit of Xiao Zhan's harsh words.

But that doesn't mean that he's gonna give up, he's already promised himself that no matter what, he'll work hard for Xiao Zhan's love again.

Because he knew...he knew that aside from His Wei Ying, Xiao Zhan would be the only person he will ever love.

Lan Wangji walked around the sea and then saw one of Xiao Zhan's friend.

He couldn't remember his name but he's pretty sure that he's the one that's been shipped with Xiao Zhan.

"Hey." Lan Wangji called, he felt like everything inside him is about to explode, he hated that fact that this motherfucker was able to be beside Xiao Zhan when he wasn't even allowed near him.

Jackson Wang didn't look at Lan Wangji, how could he? He hates the guy. More so after knowing that He doesn't stand a chance against some snobby model like Lan Wangji.

Lan Wangji raised his eyebrows at Jackson's cockiness.

"Why don't you try looking at me?" Lan Wangji didn't know what he was doing, maybe it was Xiao Zhan's words or his regrets or the fact that someone who can replace him is in front of him but he feels like he's about to explode.

Everything was painful for Lan Wangji, the calm air, the calm sounds of the sea splashing, and even his breathing.

He found everything unbearably painful that he couldn't help but clutch his chest.

After a while minute of silence, Lan Wangji felt that he couldn't hold on any longer and was about to leave when Jackson Wang started to talk.

"Xiao Zhan and I...We once had sex."

XIAO ZHAN,YOU ARE MY WEI YING!Where stories live. Discover now