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Lan Wangji Continuously walked without knowing where to go.

He wandered and wandered until his legs ran out of energy.

After resting for a bit,he realized that he shouldn't have left.

Because he already miss Xiao Zhan like Crazy and also....he's hungry.

Lan Wangji wandered again, looking for Xiao Zhan's house but since he can't fly and he's new in this world,He didn't know what to do and where to go.

Lan Wangji Face palmed and Bitterly smiled.

As time goes by,he's realized how much he had to rely on Xiao Zhan for everything.

And he felt sorry for hurting Xiao Zhan because of his bad and confusing emotions or decisions.

After A While,Lan Wangji found a chair and sat there,he also looked at the sky to find out that it's already Night time.

Lan Wangji spaced out...

What should he do now?he doesn't even know where to start...Can he even find a job right now?and even if he does,What kind of job would he get?

Right now,he's ignorant of everything,Nothing good would come out with him trying to work without anything.

After Spacing out,Lan Wangji walked again.

I wonder what Xiao Zhan's doing right now?

Did he already notice that I'm gone?

If so,would he look for me?even though I'm such a disappointment?

Lan Wangji mockingly smiled at himself.

I don't think so.

Lan Wangji was walking when someone suddenly grabbed his arm.

Lan Wangji looked at the one who grabbed his arm(low-key hoping it's Xiao Zhan) and was disappointed to see a stranger excitedly looking at him.

Lan Wangji Remained quiet then raised an eyebrow at the Middle aged woman when she didn't let him go.

"hi!I'm Cai Xie from ****** Entertainment,Have you thought about being a model?"

Lan Wangji doesn't understand.

Model?What is that?

"Can you please define what being a model is?"

The middle aged woman strangely looked at him,a little confused.

"What do you mean?of course it's when make the clothes you're wearing shine while walking on stage!"

Lan Wangji's eyes widened when he heart of the word 'Shine'

He suddenly seemed interested and excited about the woman's strange words.

"Are you saying that magic also exist?"

The Middle aged woman weirdly looked at the Attractive guy in front of her.

"I mean...if making so much money in just one job would be considered magic then yes?"

Lan Wangji was about to ask more annoying questions until he heard about making money!

Money!That's right!If he comes back to Xiao Zhan with So much money,He'll be so happy!

One thing that he noticed when he was with Xiao Zhan was that,Wei Ying and Xiao Zhan is just the same in terms of loving money!

Maybe this is the right way.

"What do I need to do then?"

"Oh!first you'll have to sign a contract with me and then the company would be the one to mind your lessons."

XIAO ZHAN,YOU ARE MY WEI YING!Where stories live. Discover now