First day of school at Hogwarts

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This morning I woke up very happy because today I am going to be learning at Hogwarts for the first time. When I woke up I changed into my school robes and went to the Great Hall to have breakfast.

 When I woke up I changed into my school robes and went to the Great Hall to have breakfast

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This is what you had for breakfast if you don't want to eat French toast,then you can just imagine something you want

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This is what you had for breakfast if you don't want to eat French toast,then you can just imagine something you want.

When I finished eating I went to class, then I accidentally bumped into Fred again. This time he was by himself and George or Lee weren't with him. I have to admit I think Fred is kinda cute. I was happy when I bumped into for the second time. I didn't talk for a while then I said "I am sorry for bumping into again"
"It is ok" Fred said
"Where is George and Lee" I said
"They are at the Great Hall I am on my way to the Great Hall to have lunch"He said
I was on my way to my common room again when bumped into him, then after I put my stuff in my dorm I was going to the Great Hall. He asked if I wanted to sit with them at Lunch so I said Yes, but first I have to go to the Hufflepuff common to put my stuff away. I put my stuff away then I went to the Great Hall and sat next to Fred, George, and Lee.
"Hi Y/n Fred told us you bumped into him again on your way to the Hufflepuff common room" George said
"I did bump into him on my way to my common room, but this time I was walking" I said
"What is your next class" Fred and George said at the time
"My next class is charms What about yours" I said
"Our next class is Charms too" Fred said
"You should eat something before it is too late to eat"Lee said
"I completely forgot about that thank you Lee"I said
"You're welcome" Lee said

"Hi Y/n Fred told us you bumped into him again on your way to the Hufflepuff common room" George said"I did bump into him on my way to my common room, but this time I was walking" I said"What is your next class" Fred and George said at the  time"M...

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This is what you had for Lunch, just like the last food if you don't want to eat this, then imagine something you want.

I ate Lunch, then I walked to charms with Fred, George, and Lee. When we got to class we learned Lumos Maxima.

Time skip

Class ended so I went to my common to put away my books. I didn't bump into Fred this time. I started studying until it was time to go to dinner. Instead of sitting with the Hufflepuff's at the Hufflepuff table I sat with Fred, George, and Lee at the Gryffindor table. We didn't talk to each other until after we ate.

 We didn't talk to each other until after we ate

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This is what you ate for dinner. If you don't want this, then imagine something you want.

I had spaghetti for dinner. It was really good.

Everyone went back to their common rooms and got ready for bed.

These are the clothes you wore to bed because I thought they were cute

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These are the clothes you wore to bed because I thought they were cute.

I went to bed and woke up in the morning for my second day at Hogwarts.

Word count: 516

A/n: I worked really hard on this and The last chapter, so I hope you liked it.

The Gryffindor and Hufflepuff (Fred Weasley x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now