Asking her (Taylor) to be his (Eli) girlfriend

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"Hey Eli Why do you look so nervous?" Freddie asked as he got to the table
"I'm going to ask Taylor to be my girlfriend"
"Oh I see I felt the same way when I asked N/n to be my girlfriend"
"And she said yes"
"Yeah Obviously she is my girlfriend isn't she" 
"Yeah she is"  Eli said as Taylor came to the Table
"Hey Guys What are you talking about?" She asked
"Um Nothing" Eli said "Just wondering what things you like besides hanging out with your family, Quidditch, and Football (For my fellow Americans Soccer)"
"Well I do love my younger sisters, but if I had to choose something I like that doesn't have to do with my sisters I would choose the Beach. I love the Beach (I chose beach because I went to the beach today)"
"Okay Is there anything else you like? Like any type of flower? Or Any type of food?" Eli asked
"Well I do love Roses and Chocolate Strawberries" Taylor said
"Okay Thank you so much Taylor I'll see you later" He said as he left the table
"I'll see you later Eli" Taylor said "What was that about?" She asked
"You'll find out later" I said
"Okay" Taylor said "Is it something good?" She asked
"Yes it is"
"Are you sure?" Taylor asked
"Yes I'm sure" I said
"Okay Well I guess I'll find out later then because obviously your not going telling me what it is"
"Your right I'm not going to your just going to have to wait and see"
"Okay fine I'll wait and see what it is or" Taylor said as she turned to Fred "Fred can you tell me"
"No I can't if N/n would tell you I definitely would, but since she isn't, I'm not, so I'm very sorry, it looks like your going to have to wait and see what it is"
"Okay then I guess I'll wait" Taylor said "Unless one of the other boys or girls will tell me"
"We can't We're sorry" They all said at the same time
"Oh Okay Bye I guess" Taylor said as she left
"Bye Taylor" We all said
"I kind of want to tell her" Ange said as he we all looked at her with a look that said 'You better not' "But I won't I just want to. I promise I won't tell her"
"We all have to promise not to tell Taylor until she actually knows what it is" I said
"We promise" Everyone else except Angelina said because she had already said it
"She is going to love it I hope" Ange said as Eli came over to the table
"I need help" Eli said
"What do you need help with exactly?" Ange said as Eli sat down
"There are no beaches around here" Eli said
"Why don't you use the Floo Network to go to the beach?" Freddie said
"Because the Floo network in Hogwarts is shut down, but the only Floo network that isn't shut down is in her office and if I go in there she could catch me trying to leave and think it is something to do with Dumbledore" Eli said
"Why don't you take her to the Black Lake?" Mione asked
"Because I want to take her to the beach to make it perfect" Eli said
"You don't have to take her to the beach to make it perfect. She likes Music. You could write her another song and sing it to her" Ange said
"Because I did that when I asked her out on a date and I don't want to do that again when asking her to be my girlfriend" Eli said as I looked at him with a look that said 'Please Just Write Another song for her and sing it to her'
"Okay Fine I will, but only because I like writing music"
"Okay Thank you Do you need any help?" I said/asked
"Yeah All of you Can help this time" Eli said "Let's Go"

Dumbledore's Office

"Why are we writing the song in here?" Harry asked
"Because this is the only place in the whole castle Umbridge can't get inside of" Eli said
"She doesn't know the password" Mione said
"And this is the last place Taylor would think to look for all of her friends" Freddie said
"How should we start this song off?" Harry said as Eli took out a pen and started writing
"Oh That is really good Eli"

Time skip to after you guys finish writing the song (By the way I'm not actually going to write a made up song instead I am going to put the one that Xander sings to Emma when he asks her out in Bunk'd. If you don't know what Bunk'd is it's the spin-off of the Disney show Jessie. In this the Ross Children go to a camp called Camp Kikiwaka which is the place their parents met. Xander is Emma's Boyfriend in this show. I'm changing Emma to Taylor and Please Emma will you go on a date with me to Please Taylor will you be my girlfriend. Anyway Back to the story)

"Hey Taylor I have a surprise for you. Let's go" I said
"Okay Where are we going?" Taylor asked
"Just follow me"
"Where were you guys N/n? I've been looking for you" Taylor said/asked
"You'll see Just continue following me"
"Okay" She said as we stopped in front of Dumbledores office
"Sherbet Lemon" I said, then the doors to the office opened, so we went inside
"There's a song stuck in my head, but all the words just go unsaid, so here I am with all my courage to say something without turning red. You make me feel like smiling. I dream of you all the time. I hope the stars are shining on your reply oh oh oooh. Please Taylor will you be my girlfriend oh oh oooh I'm hoping you won't make me wait oh oh oooh oh ooh Please Taylor will you be my girlfriend" Eli sang as he played his guitar
"Yes Eli Of course I'll be your Girlfriend" Taylor said "That's a really good song by the way"
"Thank you We helped" Everyone except Eli and Taylor said
"Is this what you guys wouldn't tell me earlier when I kept asking?" Taylor asked
"Yes it was" Ange said "I wanted to tell you, but I didn't because everyone except Eli looked at me like 'You better not' so I didn't tell you plus I only just wanted to I wasn't going to tell you"
"Anyway It's dark outside, so we better get to dinner, then go to bed" I said as we left Dumbledore's office

Next time on The Gryffindor and The Hufflepuff...

"I can't wait for later, but at the same time I'm kind of sad because I won't get to see my boyfriend everyday" Angelina said
"I know what you mean Ange, I'll miss George too, but Freddie just a little bit more"
"I'm going to miss them too they are my best friends"
"Hey Guys" Hermione said as she came to the table
"Hey Hermione"
"Do you have any idea what Fred and George are doing later?" She asked
"We do, but We can't tell you" Lee said
"Why?" Harry asked
"We promised we wouldn't tell anyone and that it would be a surprise"

The Gryffindor and Hufflepuff (Fred Weasley x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now