The Last Task

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"This is the last task. I really hope Ced doesn't get hurt or worse Die"
"He won't S/n/n. Just don't listen to Harry" Mione said
"Seriously Mione. I won't tell her something that will make her more worried than she already is"
"Harry You should really go get ready for the task" I said
"I know I will N/n"
"I can't wait for today to end, so your not worried about Ced all the time" Mione said
"Me too and I also want to see Mum, Dad, Liam, O/s/n and B/n" I said
"Okay Students sit down. It is time for the final task of the Tri-wizard Tournament. For this task they have to go through a Maze and find the Tri-Wizard Cup and Bring it back, but in this Maze they can possessed or sucked into the walls of the Maze" Dumbledore said
"Did he just say they can get possessed?" S/n said worried for her boyfriend
"Um Yes, but Cedric will be Okay S/n"

No one's POV

Harry is going around the Maze looking for the Tri-wizard cup, but then he hears something, so he turns around and he sees a dementor, so he tries to use Patronus Charm, but it doesn't work, so instead he uses Riddikulus and it works. He starts looking again, then he hears something again and it is Viktor, so he doesn't think anything of it and he just continues, but Viktor started attacking him and he tries to get out of Viktors grip, but he can, then Cedric hears something, so he goes to Harry and helps him. Viktor then drops to the floor. Harry and Cedric find the cup, so they go to the cup and grabs it, then they touch and it takes them to a grave yard.
"Woah It's a Portkey!" Cedric said
"Cedric We need to get out of here" Harry said as he looked at someone's grave and realized the last name was 'Riddle'
"Cedric Hide" Harry said because he saw Wormtail and Voldemort
"Why?" Cedric asked
"Crucio" Wormtail said and hurt Cedric and he passed out
"Cedric!!" Harry yelled
"Don't worry he's not dead he just passed out" Wormtail said as he did other stuff to bring Voldemort's true form back
"Harry Potter come to die" Voldemort said "I can touch you now Pottah"

Time skip after Harry sees his parents ghosts

Your POV

"Cedric!!!! Please don't be dead!!!!" S/n yelled as she ran down and I followed her
"He's not dead S/n and Mr. Diggory. He just passed out" Harry said "He's back You know who is back" Harry said as Cedric opened his eyes
"Cedric Oh my god your okay Never scare me like that ever again" S/n said
"I won't I promise" Cedric said "I love you too much" Cedric said to my sister who looked very surprised
"What did you just say?" S/n asked
"I love you too much"
"I love you too Ced"
"Yayyyyyyyyyy The Tournament is over which means we can go home and see Mum, Dad, Liam, O/s/n, and B/n"
"Seriously N/n"
"Yes I miss them"
"Hey Freddie and Ced do you want to come to our house for the summer" S/n asked our boyfriends
"Yes We would love to" They replied in unison
"Hey Kids" Molly said as she came up to us
"Hey Mum I was wondering if I could go N/n's house for the summer" Freddie asked
"Yes Of course"
"Can I go to Mum and Dad?" Cedric asked his parents
"Yes of course you can Ced" Mrs. Diggory said
"I'm going go write to Mum and Dad. S/n are you coming"
"Yeah Let's go"
The letter to our parents said...

Dear Mum and Dad,
We are coming home for the summer and we are wondering if we can bring Cedric and Freddie. Hey It's Y/n I miss you guys and I haven't been home in a while, so I'm coming home. Hey it's S/n and the last time I was home was before Grandma died and I'm just happy to be home, so I can see you both. We also really want to see O/s/n, Liam, and B/n.
Miss and Love you, S/n/n and N/n

Next time on The Gryffindor and Hufflepuff...

"We're finally going home" I said
"We're actually going home this time too and Our boyfriend's are coming with us" S/n said
"I miss sleeping in my own bed and I bet Ginny misses sleeping in her bed"
"I really do. That floor is really uncomfortable" Ginny said
"That's why I keep asking if you want to sleep on your bed, but you always say No, then you say it is uncomfortable"

Word Count: 810

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