The Twins Birthday

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This morning when I woke up I got ready for the day, then went to get breakfast.

This is the outfit you are wearing

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This is the outfit you are wearing.

This is the outfit you are wearing

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This is the Waffles.

Today is the Fred and George's birthday. We are planning a surprise birthday  party for them. I know they will love it because it will have lots of their favorite pranks and all of their family will be there including Bill and Charlie. Breakfast today was Waffles. When I got to the Great Hall only George was there and Fred.
"Good morning George Happy birthday Where is Fred?" I said/asked
"He is on his way with Lee He will be here soon Thanks" George said
"Thanks George"
"Hello Beautiful" Fred said as he sat down
"Hi Happy birthday Freddie" I said
"Thanks" Fred said
Once I finished eating Angelina came to me and said we had to leave to set up the surprise birthday party in my ear because the twins were right next to me.
"Bye Guys I have to go with Angelina"
"Where are you going" George said
"Um she is going to Hogsmeade with Angelina" Lee said
"Um Ok" Fred said
"Thanks Lee" I mouthed
"You're welcome" Lee mouthed
"I have to go now" I said
"What took you so long to get here" Angelina said
" George asked where I was going with you, so I had to figure out what to say, but then Lee said we were going to Hogsmeade, so let's hope they don't see us" I said
"Ok Guys Now we are going to start setting up the Surprise Party while Y/n goes to get Bill and Charlie to tell them what is happening because we haven't told them about the surprise party yet I am in charge until Y/n gets back" Angelina said
"Angelina before I leave Can I talk to you for a second" I said
"Sure" She said
"Do you like anyone?" I asked
"Yes why?"
"Because when I see you near George I see the way you look at him. Is he the one you like?" I said/asked
"Yes he is the boy I like. You are very observant. You could tell that Lee liked Alyssa when he first met her" She said
"What can I say I come from a very observant family. Anyway I have to go now. Make sure the Twins don't see you" I said
"I will" Angelina said

Time skip

I found the closest fire place and floo powder and went to Bill and Charlie. I don't exactly know the name of the place Charlie works so I just said "Charlie Weasley" and hoped it worked which it did I was in a fire place and I saw Charlie. There other wizards with him I don't know.
"Hello Charlie" I said
"Oh Hi Y/n What are you doing here?"
"Who are you?" One of the Wizards said
"Are you his Girlfriend?" Another wizard said
"No she is not my girlfriend. She is my brothers Girlfriend" Charlie said
"Speaking of Fred today is the twins birthday and Angelina and I are planning a party for the twins, so I came to get you,so you could help set it up" I said
"Who is Angelina?" One of the Wizards said
"That doesn't matter, so are you coming or not" I said
" I mean if I have to then I will come" Charlie said
"Ok Let's go we have to go get Bill too"
I went back to the fire place and said "Gringotts Wizarding Bank" Charlie did the same
"Hi Can you tell me where I can find Bill Weasley" I said to a Goblin
"Follow me" He said and we followed him until we got to Bill
"Thanks" I said, but he just left without saying anything
"That is rude He didn't even say You're welcome" I said
"Let's go inside Y/n" Charlie said
We went inside the door and saw Bill doing what we thought was a meeting with Curse Breakers.
"Hi Bill" Charlie and I said at the same time
"What are you Guys doing here" Bill said
"We are here to tell that there will be a surprise party for the twins and we need your help to set it up" I said
"Do I have to go now I am kind of busy right now" Bill said
"Yes because I told the twins I was Hogsmeade with Angelina when Angelina is at Hogwarts getting ready for the party and I am here. If the twins see her and I'm not with her, then they will really suspicious and will think something is up" I said
"Ok I will come right now" Bill said
"Ok good Let's go" Charlie said We went back to the fire place we came from and got the Floo powder and said Hogwarts . We got to Hogwarts and Bill and Charlie followed me to where Angelina is.
"Angelina I am back with Bill and Charlie" I said
"I almost ran into the twins without you but they didn't see me" Angelina said
"Good it would bad if they saw you and I wasn't with you I am going go find Fred now, so I can distract him"
I went to find Fred and I found in the Great Hall with George and Lee.
"Hello I am back" I said
"Hello Beautiful" Fred said
"Hello Y/n" George said
"Hello Y/n" Lee said
"George Do you like anyone because I know someone that likes you" I said
"Yes" George said
"Who?" I asked
"Angelina" George said
"Ok" I said
"Who likes me?"
"I am not going to tell you, but I think you should ask out Angelina" I said
"Ok I will, but how do I ask her out"
"How about you prank her, then ask her out" Lee said
"Um No I am not doing that" George said
"And I wouldn't let you do that" I said
"How about you ask her on the Qudditch pitch. There will be something written on the floor in huge letters with rose pedals saying Angelina will you go out with me" Fred said
"You can both go on a broom, so she can see what it says" I said
"That is a really Good Idea Let's go set it up right now" George said
"Ok, but first we need roses" Fred and I said at the same time
" Where are we supposed to get roses though" Lee asked
"I know what to do we can just Accio some in front of us" I said
"How many roses will we need" Lee said
"How about we just 12 roses and see if that enough and if it isn't enough we accio more" I said
I got out my wand and said "Accio Roses"

 There will be something written on the floor in huge letters with rose pedals saying Angelina will you go out with me" Fred said"You can both go on a broom, so she can see what it says" I said"That is a really Good Idea Let's go set it up right n...

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This is your Wand

There were none with roses

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There were none with roses. Pretend it is roses.

We set up the roses and once we finished I got Angelina.

"Hi Angelina Follow me pls"
"Why? Where are you taking Me Y/n?" Angelina Asked
"Just follow me you will see You might need your broom by the way"
"Why do I need my broom?" She asked
"Just go get it"
When Angelina got her broom she started following me again and we got to the Qudditch Pitch.
"George Angelina is here"
"Hi Angelina" George said
"Hi Why am I here" she said/asked
"Please get on your broom and go up,then look down" George said
Angelina got on her broom and flew up, then she looked down. When she came down she said "Yes George I would love too go out with you I have to go now though, but I'll see you later" Angelina said
"I am going with her,but I will be right back" I said
I followed Angelina,so I could ask her a question.
"Angelina Wait How is the Decorating going?" I said/asked
"It is good we are almost finished" she said
"Ok I will come later and see if it is finished and if it is, then Lee and I will take the twins there"
"Ok Thanks Y/n"
"You're Welcome I'll see you later"
I went back to the twins and Lee, then I told Lee that Angelina and everyone else was almost finished with the surprise.

Time skip

I went to go check if the decorating was done and it was, so I went to get the twins and Lee.
"Hey Lee Let's take the twins to where Angelina is"
"Where is she?" The twins asked at the same time
"Follow us and you will see" Lee and I said at the same time
The twins followed us to the courtyard where Angelina was and everyone yelled Surprise.
"Y/n, Lee Did you guys know about this" Fred asked
"Yes We did" I said
"Where did you actually go when you said you were going with Angelina to Hogsmeade" George asked
"Turn around" Lee said
"Ok Why?" The twins said at the same time
"Just turn around" I said
"Ok fine" Fred said
"You got our brothers, but how did get them" Fred asked
"I used floo powder and went to where they both worked, so they were here and Angelina was here the whole time setting this up"
"Thanks Y/n and Angelina " George said
"You're welcome Now let's have fun"

Time skip

The party was over and we already had dinner at the party, so everyone went to there common rooms and got ready for bed.
"Hi Y/n I had so much fun" R/n said as she walked into our dorm
"The party was so fun" I said after I finished brushing my teeth
"Good night Alyssa"
"Good night Y/n"

Word Count: 1631

A/n: Sorry for taking so long to publish this. This weekend a lot of ideas popped into my head, so I might put those ideas in this book or in my Harry Potter Character Imagines book. Thanks for understanding.

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