Your 17th Birthday Surprise

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Special Birthday Breakfast: French Toast, We don't have that here at Hogwarts. By that I don't mean the French Toast. I mean the Special Breakfast. I wish we did. That would be nice. I want my Special Birthday Breakfast. If you're new here Hi, I'm Y/n, but my friends and family call me N/n and so can you. This year is gonna be different because my boyfriend isn't here to celebrate my birthday with me. I miss him. I just wish I could see him.

Meanwhile at the Great Hall

Angelina's POV

"Guys we have to make today perfect for N/n" I said "Lee, you have to go get her family. Taylor, you go get the twins. Eli, go to the Kitchen and ask the elves to make her Special Birthday Breakfast. Everyone else help me set up her party" I said as I saw N/n approaching.
"Okay" Lee, Taylor, and Eli said in Unison as N/n sat down at the Gryffindor table and as Eli left the table.

Your POV

"Good morning, N/n. Happy Birthday" Angelina said
"Thanks, Ange. What's for breakfast?" I said as I looked at her plate
"You're not having the same thing as us for breakfast. You'll be having something different. I love the outfit" Ginny said as she looked at my outfit "Happy Birthday"
"Thanks, Ginny"

 I love the outfit" Ginny said as she looked at my outfit "Happy Birthday""Thanks, Ginny"

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This is your outfit. Obviously if there's anything apart of the outfit that doesn't exist at this time because it's the 90s, then it's not a part of the outfit.

"Good morning, N/n. Happy Birthday" Eli said as he came over to the Gryffindor table with my Special Birthday Breakfast
"Good morning, Eli. Thanks" I said as I looked at the Special Birthday Breakfast "Is this for me?" I asked
"Yes, it is" Taylor said
"I've been having a great birthday so far"
"That's good. We want you have a great birthday even if the twins aren't here with you, especially Freddie" Angelina said
"I have to go. I'll be back in 10 minutes" Lee said as he got up and exited the Hall
"Let's go, Princess" Eli said to Taylor as they left the Great Hall
"Where are they going?" I asked
"You'll find out soon enough" Ron said
"Happy Birthday, N/n. I hope your having a wonderful day" Luna said as she came over to the Gryffindor table
"Thanks, Luna" I said as Dean and Seamus came to the Gryffindor table
"Good morning, N/n. Happy Birthday" The two best friends said as they sat down at the Gryffindor table
"Thanks" I said
"Happy Birthday, N/n" Harry, Ron, and Hermione said
"How has your day been so far?" Hermione asked
"It's been great, but it would be better with Freddie here" I said as S/n and O/s/n snuck up behind me and S/n asked
"What about me sis?" As Cedric came over to the Gryffindor table and said
"Happy Birthday, N/n. I see you have your Special Birthday Breakfast. Good morning Darling" he said the last part as he turned around to look at S/n
"Thanks, Ced. S/n, my dear sister we both know I love you, but Freddie is my boyfriend and it's just not the same without him"
"Happy Birthday, N/n" all 3 of my siblings (O/s/n, S/n and B/n) said
"Thanks guys" I said to my siblings as I looked at the doors to the Great Hall and saw Taylor and Eli walk in with the twins and jumped into Freddie's arms
"I take it you missed me" Freddie said as he caught me
"Yes, I did, but hey don't blame me. I'm your girlfriend. I'm going to miss you when I'm away from you for a while"
"I missed you too, Princess"
"We should hangout for the rest of the day. Just the two of us"
"Yeah, we should. Happy Birthday"
"Thanks, Freddie"
"What should we do?" Freddie asked
"We could go to Hogsmeade and get some Butter beer"
"Happy Birthday, Y/n. You don't have to go to classes today" Dumbledore said as he came up to us
"I hope you have a great day" Dumbledore said as he left
"Let's go to Hogsmeade" I said to my boyfriend
"Yeah! Let's go to the Three Broomsticks" Freddie said as we exited the Great Hall

At Hogsmeade

Your POV

"Let's get Butter Beer, Freddie"
"Okay, we'll do whatever you want" Freddie said "Today is about you" Freddie said as I went into The Three Broomsticks
"Your Butter Beer will be with you in 10 minutes, N/n. Happy Birthday" Madame Rosmerta said
"Thanks" I said as Madame Rosmerta left. A few minutes later Madame Rosmerta came back and gave us our Butter beers. "Thanks, Madame Rosmerta"
"You're Welcome, N/n and Happy Birthday. I hope you have a great day" She said as she walked away still looking at me
"What should we do after we finish our butter beer, darling?" Freddie asked
"Let's go to Madame Pudifoot's Tea Shop"

Meanwhile with Angelina and friends setting up the party

Angelina's POV

We're setting up the party for N/n. We're going to make sure it's perfect for her. We're inviting all her family and friends from Beauxbatons.

Time skip to the party

Your POV

"It's time to go back to Hogwarts Darling" Freddie said
"I wonder what everyone was doing when we were at Hogsmeade" I said
"You'll see what they were doing when we get back. It will be pretty easy to figure out what they were doing once you see it" Freddie said as he opened the door to the Great Hall where I saw all my friends and family. When I saw family I was happy because I haven't seen them in a while. I missed them so much. My mum made some (Favorite Cake Flavor). The cake was really good.

Time skip to after the party in dorm

"I hope you had an amazing time N/n" Alyssa said
"I had the best time Alyssa. Anyway Good night" I said as I went to bed
"Good night N/n"

Word Count: 1034

A/n: I know I said this would be published on March 29, but I had writers block and I forgot that I had to publish this chapter. I'm sorry for the late chapter.

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