First day of Seventh year

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"Hey I was looking for my friends, so I could sit next to them and I realized I had no friends on this train because no one from Durmstrang is here, so N/n Can I sit with you and your friends?" Eli said/asked as came to our compartment
"Yes of course You can. Let's see you know Fred. The boy right next to him is his twin George. The boy next to his twin is Lee Jordan. He is their best friend. You know S/n well this is her boyfriend Cedric and those girls behind behind you are Angelina, Alyssa, and Aria. Aria is starting her Second year. And before you ask No you can't date Angelina or Alyssa. They have boyfriends. Alyssa's boyfriend is Lee and Angelina's is George" I said
"Okay Thank you N/n" He said as he came in to the compartment and sat down
"Why did you guys break up?" Freddie asked
"We broke up because we were long distance and it was really hard" Eli said
"Don't you guys live a few blocks away from each other?" Freddie asked
"Yes We do, but I went to Beauxbatons and he went to Durmstrang and those schools are far away from each other, so we broke up and never got back together and we never will" I said

At Hogwarts

"We're back and it's our last year. It is not just Eli's last, but it's his first. I wanna laugh at him so bad for being up there with the first years. He's the tallest over there and the oldest" I said trying to keep in laugh, but I couldn't, so I started laughing (I am laughing while writing this because I actually do know someone with that name and I am imagining him with the first years and it is so funny)
"Eli Gomez (That is not his name in real life. I would never do that)" Professor McGonagall said
"Hm Difficult very difficult you could be in 3 of the four Hogwarts Houses" The sorting
"Huh That's what N/n said when I talked to her" He whispered so only the sorting hat could hear
"Well She is right. You would be best in Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Gryffindor" The Sorting hat said "Better be Hufflepuff!!!!" The sorting hat said as Eli came to the Gryffindor table because he didn't know anyone in Hufflepuff besides Cedric, Alyssa, and I and we were at the Gryffindor table.
"Hey Guys" Eli said as he got to the table
"Hey Eli You'll need to follow the Hufflepuff's to the common room when the feast is over" I said
"Can I just go with you to the common room? You know where it is" Eli said/asked
"Yeah I guess I could take you to the common room after the feast"

After the Feast on your way to the Common room

"I need friends at this school" Eli said
"Hey Look at me I am your friend, but you need more than just one friend so maybe your right. You do need friends" I said
"Hey N/n" Cedric said as he came up with the first years
"Hey Ced" I said
"Do you want help show the first years to the common along with the first year/seventh year next to you?" Cedric asked
"How could he be a first year and a seventh year?" One of the first years asked
"It's my first year at Hogwarts, but it's my last year of school, so I am a first year/seventh year" Eli said
"Oh Okay That makes sense I think" The same first year said
"Well We're here" I said as as we got to the Hufflepuff Common room "Okay first years and Seventh year pay attention. You see these barrels. You are going hit these barrels in the rhythm of Helga Hufflepuff. Like this" I said as I showed them "Now you see that door down there you have to crawl through there to into the common room"

In the common room

"There sure is a lot of plants in this Common room, but that is good because I love plants" A first year student said
"Okay Girls Dormitories are to the left and Boys Dormitories are to the right. Girls follow N/n and Boys follow me" Cedric said
"Oh and one more thing boys if you try sneaking into the girls common the stair are magical, so they won't let you in unless a girl, so Eli that means no coming into my dorm because the stairs know"
"That can't be true" Eli said as he tried going to the girls dormitory, but it turned into a slide and and made slip "Okay Never mind it is. Can the girls go into the boys dormitory?" He asked
"Yes we can watch" I said as I walked up the stairs and they didn't turn into a slide, so I didn't slip
"That is not fair" Eli said
"I know right I wish that slide appeared when the girls go up our stairs to our dormitory" Cedric said
"If it did you wouldn't have been able to be with S/n whenever she felt like seeing you and we both know how much you loved that. Both of us also know how much you'll miss it until you graduate Ced" I told my sister's boyfriend
"How do you know she did that?" Ced asked
"She's with you all the time when she can't sleep because when she can't sleep she'll go to wherever you are and cuddle with you because it makes her feel safe" I said "She told me she did that"
"She said I make her feel safe when she can't sleep"
"Yeah she did and I know whenever she can't sleep during the school year she'll wish you were with her"

The Next Day...

"Good morning Love" Freddie said
"Good morning Freddie" I said as I saw the mail coming and Bill's owl came to me with a letter for me. The letter said...

Dear N/n,
I asked Fleur out on a date and I want to know what she likes, so I can do things that she likes with her on our first date. Reply to As soon as you can. I know your probably thinking I can ask S/n, but she said she couldn't sleep last night and the only person that can help fall asleep when she can't Cedric. Please tell Ced that she can't sleep and that she misses him.
Thank you, Your favorite future brother-in-law

"Hey guys" Cedric said as he came to the Gryffindor table
"Hey Ced S/n couldn't sleep night without you and she misses you" I told him
"How do you know?" Cedric asked
"Bill sent me a letter telling me that she can't sleep and she told him the only person that can her fall asleep is you" I replied
"Why did he send you a letter?" Freddie asked
"He asked out Fleur on a date and he wants to know what she likes, so he can do something that she likes with her" I replied to my boyfriend "Does anyone have Parchment and A pen or quill?" I asked
"Here is a Parchment and quill N/n" Ginny said as she gave them to me
"Thank you Ginny"
"What do you need it for?" Mione asked
"I am writing a letter to Bill because it doesn't look like his owl is leaving without a letter telling him what Fleur likes" I said as I wrote the letter which said

Dear Bill,
Fleur likes hanging out with her family and friends. She also likes butter beer. She likes trying new things, so you could maybe take her to a place she hasn't been to or you could do something with her hasn't done before. By the way I won't have a favorite Brother-in-law when/if I marry your brother.
You're Welcome, Your favorite Future Sister-in-law

"Okay Eli What is your first class?" I asked
"My first class is Charms"
"Okay Um Which one of the Seventh years here have Charms for there first class of the day?" I asked my friends
"I do" Alyssa said as she raised her hand
"Alyssa Please show him to charms since you have it as your first class of the day"
"Okay I will" Alyssa said


"Good morning Students" Professor Umbridge said
"Good morning Professor" The whole class said
"Does she annoy you too N/n?" Freddie asked
"Yes She does, but there is nothing we can do about it"
"I wish there was. She thinks she's nice when she really isn't" Lee said
"Quiet back there and Listen. Today you will be reading chapters 1-5" Umbridge said "Now"
"Usually the Professors made class fun, but she is making it boring. We are just reading with her. We actually got to spells with them. With her we have to read 5 chapters. I hate her so much" Freddie said

Time skip to lunch time

"Eli How has your first day been?" I asked
"It's been good. What about you?" He said/asked
"It has been good other than that new DADA teacher" I said "She is the worst"
"She really is. I just had her and she kept yelling at me because she kept thinking I was talking" Angelina said
"Ange You would never do that" I said
"Yeah That's exactly my point"
"I wish she could get fired" Freddie said
"That would be nice" Everyone agreed with Freddie

Next time on The Gryffindor and Hufflepuff...

"I couldn't sleep last night" Eli said "It would be nice to have someone to cuddle up to"
"Happy Birthday Eli" I said as I got to the table
"Thanks N/n" Eli said "But you know my birthday isn't t until the 4 of November right"
"Yeah I know that's today" I said as I showed a calendar "See"
"Oh right sorry" Eli said "I'm just focused on other things. It would be nice to have a party with my friends from Durmstrang. I miss them so much"

Word Count: 1702

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