The Qudditch World Cup and back to Hogwarts

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Today is the Quidditch World Cup. I got up and changed my clothes to go to the  World Cup.

This is the outfit you wore to the World Cup

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This is the outfit you wore to the World Cup.

After I got ready for the day I woke up Ginny.
"Good morning Ginny Wake up and get ready, so we can go to the World Cup"
"Good morning N/n Cute outfit"
"Thank you Ginny"
"You're welcome now please get out, so I can change my clothes"
"Ok I will wake up everyone else"
"Good morning Ron, Harry, and Mione. Time to get up. I know Mione is already up, so boys get up. Today is the World Cup " I said as I walked past Ron's room
"Good morning" All three of them said at the same time
"Good morning Charlie Today is the World Cup, so please get up" I said as I past his room
"Good morning N/n"
"Good morning Bill Today is the World Cup, Please Get up" I said as I past his room
"Good morning N/n"
"Good morning Freddie and George. Wake up today is the Quidditch World Cup" I said as I walked into their room
"Good morning Princess" Freddie said as he walked up to me to kiss me
"Good morning N/n"
"Come downstairs when you are finished getting ready for the day to eat breakfast" I said as I walked out of their room
"Good morning Molly and Arthur"
"Good morning N/n Can you wake up everyone?" Molly said/asked
"I already did wake everyone up"
"Oh Thank you N/n"
"You're welcome Molly"
"Good morning N/n" Arthur said
"Good morning Mum and Dad" All the Weasley's except Molly and Arthur said
"Good morning Molly and Arthur" Harry and Mione said at the same time
"Good morning everyone" Molly and Arthur said
"Breakfast is ready" Molly said

 Wake up today is the Quidditch World Cup" I said as I walked into their room "Good morning Princess" Freddie said as he walked up to me to kiss me"Good morning N/n""Come downstairs when you are finished getting ready for the day to eat breakfast"...

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"While you guys are at the World Cup I will be going to Diagon Ally to get your stuff. Oh here comes the owl with your lists now"
"Thank you for breakfast Molly"
"You're welcome N/n"
Everyone had finished eating, so we all left the burrow to meet the Diggory's before going to the World Cup and Molly left to go to Diagon ally.
"Good morning Everyone" Mr. Diggory said
"Good morning" Everyone except S/n and Cedric said at the same time
"Good morning N/n" S/n said
"Good morning S/n. I missed you so much"
"I missed you too. Did O/s/n write to you if you were right about who her boyfriend was or not?"
"No, Mum, Dad, Liam, B/n, and O/s/n came to the Weasley's and she told me if I was right at the burrow and I was right she is dating Liam"
"How did you figure it out so fast?"
"She sent me a letter and gave 2 hints on it that said he was a family good  friend and  he loves Dragons"
"That would make it easy for me too"
"I know Right. Next time she should make it just a little bit harder"
"Anyway How has your summer been?" S/n said/asked
"It is has been good What about you?" I said/asked
"Mine has been good too"
"Follow me everyone" Mr. Diggory said
"How are we getting to the World Cup" Arthur said
"We are going by Portkey" Mr. Diggory said
"What is a Portkey?" Harry asked
"A Portkey is kind of like Floo powder because it gets you to where you need to be except you don't need a fireplace. It transports anyone touching it to another location, like for example The World Cup" Cedric answered his Question
"We are here" Mr. Diggory said
"We have to touch that old boot over there to get to our location. That is disgusting" S/n and I said at the same time
"Agreed" Mione and Ginny said at the same time
"I don't want to touch that, but if I don't then I will have no way to get to the World Cup, so I guess I will touch it to get to the World Cup" Mione said as she touched the boot
"We don't either, but we will" Ginny, S/n, and I said as we touched the boot too
We got to the World Cup with the boot and everyone that had used a Portkey had landed nicely on the grass.
" Ow That hurt" Harry said because he had fallen on the grass
"Are you ok Harry?" S/n asked
"No, How does nothing on your body hurt right now?" Harry said/asked
"She has used a Portkey before, so it would make sense why her body doesn't hurt. She also landed nicely like some of us" I told Harry
"That makes sense" Harry replied

Time skip

"Feet off the table" Arthur said
"Feet off the table" The twins repeated as they put their feet on the table
"He said Feet off the table and you put them on the table" Harry said
"Yeah so" The twins said
"So take your feet off the table"
"I am bored. Does anyone want to learn a new language?"
"Like what?" George said
"Like Hawaiian (A/n: I am Hawaiian)"
"Yeah sure"
"Let's get started"
"Your first lesson is very simple. It is just words. For example. Um ʻAe. What do you think that means"
"Um Does it mean No?" Harry asked
" ʻAʻole"
"Oh Does what you just said mean No and ʻAe means the opposite which is Yes?" Mione asked
"Yes Mione it does. Good job"
"How did you know that?" Ron asked
"The Hawaiian Dictionary online. I was trying to learn Hawaiian. I tried remembering what those words meant and I remembered. Wehewehe is the name of the Dictionary on online"
"N/n is that actually a thing" Charlie asked
"Yes it is" I said, then we all heard something coming from outside, so we checked what it was and it was death eaters attacking everyone.
"If only we could use magic to stop them" Ginny said
"You guys can't, but we can" Bill and Charlie said at the same time
"Now find somewhere safe and stay there until we come to find you" Charlie said
"Let's go guys" Freddie said
"S/n and Cedric We have to find them" I said
"S/n Ced Where are you?" We all yelled
"Over here" We heard a familiar voice
"I see you" as we started walking towards them
"N/n Your ok"
"Yes Of course I am S/n. Why wouldn't I be?"
"They could've Avada Kedavraed you"
"S/n I can't even use magic outside of school anyway, so I didn't even go anywhere near them"
"Um What is that thing in the sky" Cedric said looking into the sky
"That is the death eaters mark, but how did it get up there" Harry said
"I don't know maybe it is just trying to tell us he who must not be named is back"

Time Skip to 1 September

We are back at the burrow now and it has been a few weeks, so we are going back to Hogwarts.
"Is everyone ready?" Molly asked
"Yes!!" We all yelled from upstairs
"Ok Everyone Time to leave to Kings Cross" Molly said
"We are here Let's go to the Platform now" Molly said
We got to the platform and everyone went in side the wall between platforms 9 and 10, but made sure there were no muggles looking at them. I was about to go in when I heard S/n and Cedric talking as they walked to the wall between platforms 9 and 10.
"Oh Hey N/n Wanna go together" S/n said
"Yes of course Let's go" I said as we both started running to the wall the get the the platform
"We are going back to Hogwarts and it is my last year" S/n after we got into the platform
"Let's go onto the train and find  somewhere to sit before it is time to leave" Cedric said as he walked up to us
"Ok" S/n said
"Let's go find the twins and Lee" I said

Time skip to when you found the twins and Lee

"Hello Lee How was your summer?" I said/asked
"My summer was good What about yours?" Lee said/asked
"Mine was good too"
"Anything off the trolley dears"
"No thanks we are fine" All the Hufflepuffs said at the same time (Cedric, S/n, and Y/n)

Time skip to Hogwarts after all the first years got sorted

"Welcome back everyone and Welcome to the new first years" Dumbledore said
"What do you think he is going to tell us this year?"
"I don't know, but it will probably be something stupid that everyone here already knows" S/n said
"Ok For our first years there is one thing that is off limits in this school and that is the Forbidden Forest. Now more importantly there we will be hosting the Tri- Wizard Tournament this year. There will be two other schools coming. These schools are Beauxbatons Academy and Durmstrang"
"Yayyyyyy We get to see Fleur again" S/n and I said
"Who is Fleur?" Ron asked
"Fleur is a friend from Beauxbatons. She is a Quarter Veela" S/n answered
"Oh and  only anyone 17 up can enter" Dumbledore said

Time skip to Common

"Hi Where is the girls dormitory" A random first year said
"I was just about to head there follow me. I am Y/n What is your name?"
"My name is Aria R/l/n (Roommates last name)"
"Are you Alyssa's sister?" I asked
"Yes I am"
"Here we are. You can go inside"
"What about you?"
"I don't share a dorm with you I have to go to my own dorm"
"Oh Ok Good night"
"Good night Aria" I said as I started walking to my dorm
"Hey N/n" Alyssa said
"Hey Alyssa I met your sister"
"You met Aria. How?"
"She came up to me as I about to come here and she asked me where the girls dormitory was and I took her to her dorm. She is really cute"
"She is isn't she. She is also really sweet"
"Yeah she is very sweet. She is going to have the best time here at Hogwarts"  I said as I layer down on my bed
"Good night N/n"
"Good night Alyssa"

Word count: 1753

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