Seventh Year: Back to Hogwarts

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"It's time to go back to Hogwarts" I said
"We're graduating soon" Freddie said
"You guys make Hogwarts way more fun and I barely know you guys" Eli said
"He doesn't usually talk to people he doesn't know, so you guys are lucky he talks to you" I said
"Who is that girl?" Eli asked as he saw a girl walk past
"I don't know I've never seen her" Fred said
"I don't know who she is either" I said "She looks like she's looking for somewhere to sit, but she can't find anywhere to sit" I said as I walked over to her "You can sit with my friends and I if you like"
"Thank you so much I just transferred here from Ilvermorny and I don't know anyone here. I'm from America. I'm a Pure-blood, but I'm not like other Pure-bloods. None of my family is. Are you Pure-blood, Half-blood or Muggle?" I said
"I'm a Pure-blood" I said "So are all of my friends, but we're not like most of the Pure-bloods we know" I said as I walked back to the compartment and she followed "What's your name?" I asked as we got into the compartment
"My name is Taylor" She said "What about you and your friends?" Taylor asked
"I am Y/n, This is my boyfriend Fred and his twin Brother George, their best friend Lee Jordan, My roommate and Lee's Girlfriend Alyssa, My ex Eli, My sister's boyfriend Cedric, and Angelina George's girlfriend"
"Where is your sister?" Taylor asked
"She graduated last year, so she's not here" Cedric said
"When is your birthday?" Freddie asked
"March 29, 1978" Taylor said
"That's my birthday too" I said
"Is it really?" She asked
"Yes it is" Freddie said
"Hey Guys We've got a problem with Ginny (Girl Stuff if you know what I mean)" Ron said as he came into the Compartment with Harry
"What is it?" Both her brothers said worried about their little sister
"It's girl stuff"
"We got this!!!!" Angelina, Alyssa, Taylor, and I said
"Who are you?" He asked looking at Taylor
"Oh I'm Taylor I'm American" She said
"Oh Hi Nice to meet you Taylor"
"Nice to meet you too What's your name?" Taylor said/asked
"My name is Ron and this is my best friend Harry Potter"
"What kind of girl stuff are you talking about Ron?" I asked
"I think you'll just have to follow us and see" Ron said
"Do you not want to say what it is?" I asked
"No It's not my business" Ron said as he left and all the girls followed
"Hey Ginny Are you okay?" I said/asked as we got to the compartment
"No I just started my Period and I don't have any pads" She said
"Okay I'll be right back" I said as I left and went back to the compartment with the boys "Hey Guys What are you talking about?" I asked as I got down my stuff, so I could get pads for Ginny
"We're just talking about what we think is wrong with Ginny" Eli said
"Okay Well it's nothing bad It's actually very normal if your a girl I mean" I said as I opened my suitcase and took out some pads for Ginny and put the suitcase back "I have to go now, but I'll be back" I said as I left "Hey Guys I'm back and Ginny I have some pads for you" I said "Do you have your robe to changed into it?" I asked
"Yes I do" She said
"Okay  I want you to change out of those dirty clothes that your wearing, then put robe on" I said
"Okay I can do that. May I have the pads please?" Ginny said/asked
"Yes You May Ginny" I said to her as I turned to the girls "Let's go Girls" I said as I left and they followed
"Hey Guys We're back" Angelina said as we got to the compartment
"Hey" The boys said in sync
"What did Ginny need?" Lee asked
"Um that's between the girls only Oh and Ron and Harry" Alyssa said "Anyway We're at Hogwarts, so we should be getting ready to leave"

In Hogwarts

"Before We start the feast we have a new Seventh year starting today. She is American and she just moved from New York to London" Professor McGonagall said "Taylor Graham"
"Okay An American" The sorting hat said "You would be great in Gryffindor. Your very Adventurous and Courageous" The sorting hat said "Gryffindor!!!!!!" The sorting Hat yelled
"What are your houses?" Taylor said as she came to the Gryffindor table
"Our House is Gryffindor" All the Weasley's that are still in school, Harry, Hermione, Angelina, and Lee said
"We're in Hufflepuff" Cedric, Alyssa, and I said
"Let the feast Begin" Dumbledore said as food appeared on the tables
"You're going to love Hogwarts. It may be my last year, but it's only my first year in Hogwarts and I love it here" Eli said
"It's only my third year in Hogwarts. It may be my last, but it's also my third" I said
"How big is your friend group?" Taylor asked
"Bigger than this. Trust me. We have all of their siblings, My siblings, Alyssa's little sister Aria, Lee, Angelina, Alyssa, Harry, and Hermione" I said as I motioned to the Weasley's for the first thing
"How many siblings do they (The Weasley's) have?" Taylor asked motioning to them
"Well there are only 4 of them here. They have 3 other siblings Bill, Charlie, and Percy" I said
"Wait so there are 7 Weasley Children?" Taylor asked
"Yes there is" Freddie said
"What about you Y/n? How many siblings do you have?" She asked
"I have 3. 2 sisters and a brother O/s/n, S/n, and B/n"
"I have 2 sisters, but no brothers" Taylor said "What about you Alyssa, Eli, Hermione, Cedric, Angelina, and Lee How many siblings do you have?" Taylor asked
"I'm an only child" Cedric, Hermione, Angelina, and Lee said
"I have a younger brother and sister" Alyssa said
"My little brother is 10 and my little sister is 12. She just turned 12 Yesterday actually"

Next time on The Gryffindor and Hufflepuff...

"I can't believe it's our last year" Freddie said as he came to the table
"I can't either. I'm really going to miss it here" Lee said
"Leaving here is going to be the hardest thing ever. I'm really going to miss it" I said
"This really is a great school and I just got here a few weeks ago, but I'll really miss it" Taylor said "You guys are amazing friends too  and Eli is very Cute too" Eli thinks she's cute too, but I'm not telling her because he didn't exactly tell me I just know by the way he looks her. It was the way he looked at me when we were dating. He looks at her with love in his eyes.

Word Count: 1179

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