Summer after sixth year

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"We're finally going home" I said
"We're actually going home this time too and Our boyfriend's are coming with us" S/n said
"I miss sleeping in my own bed and I bet Ginny misses sleeping in her bed"
"I really do. That floor is really uncomfortable" Ginny said
"That's why I keep asking if you want to sleep on your bed, but you always say No, then you say it is uncomfortable"
"Well We're at Hogsmeade station, so let's go onto the Train" Freddie said
"I can't wait to get back home. I miss my family" I said
"Let's go N/n, Ced, and Freddie" S/n said "Lee and George you can sit on the Train with us if you like"
"Thanks S/n" They said in Unison
"You're welcome"

On the Train

"It's going be really weird without Grandma there" I said
"I know, but you'll get used to it. I did. It was hard, but I did"
"That's the thing I don't know if I'll ever get used to it"
"Yes you will I know you will" S/n said as she put her arm around me
"Your the best sister you know that right" I told my older sister
"Yeah I know" S/n replied to me
"I wish I got to meet your Grandmother. She sounds really nice" Cedric said
"She was. She would always help us feel better when we were hurt. She would also teach us spells when we were having trouble with them" I said to Cedric
"Okay We'll It's time to get off of the train and go find your parents, so let's go" Freddie said
"I see them" I said "Mum and Dad I missed you both so much. You too B/n, O/s/n, and Liam" I said before I introduced Cedric to them "Mum, Dad, B/n, O/s/n, and Liam this is Cedric. He is S/n's boyfriend"
"Nice to meet you Cedric" Everyone Except Freddie, Liam, S/n, and I said
"Nice to meet you too"
"You are hurt and I Avada Kedavra you. That means both of you" Liam said to our boyfriends
"Liam Be nice" O/s/n told her boyfriend
"Let's just go home" Mum said
"What are we doing for B/n's birthday?" S/n asked
"When is your brothers birthday N/n?" Freddie asked
"It is on July 20th, 1985"
"We are having a party and all of my friends are invited" B/n said "I am so happy. It's my first party since grandma passed away. I didn't celebrate last year because I didn't want to without her, but now I am going to celebrate it this year. I miss her" B/n said about to cry.
"It's okay B/n/n Don't cry" I said
"We're home" Mum said as we pulled into the driveway of our house

"It's okay B/n/n Don't cry"  I said "We're home" Mum said as we pulled into the driveway of our house

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Your house

"You have a really nice Mr. and Mrs. Y/l/n" Cedric said
"Thank you Cedric"
"I'm going to show you my room" S/n and I said to Cedric and Freddie as we went up the stairs

 Y/l/n" Cedric said"Thank you Cedric" "I'm going to show you my room" S/n and I said to Cedric and Freddie as we went up the stairs

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