// 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬 (the people are judging)

10.1K 574 171

★ ─── 悪役

"I'm glad you could come over. I never know for sure when you're available with how busy your schedule is." [Y.Name] opened the door to his bedroom, offering out an arm to gesture at the slightly crowded space. "It's not much compared to your room, but—"

"Oh, it's perfect!" Adrien stated, stepping through the door. "It's very you."

"Thanks, I guess?"

The blond's eyes panned around, gazing at the wall of photos and the small stack of homework on the desk. He noticed the bookshelf just beside it, housing what [Y.Name] himself admitted to be a plethora of things he'd never read before. One or two plants livened up the space. It was inviting and comforting in a way he didn't quite understand.

Adrien stopped short, stunned into stillness when he spotted the animal laying on [Y.Name]'s pillow. The cat's eyes opened at the noise of someone walking into the room, and the unfamiliar sight caused them to sit up and stare.

[Y.Name] peaked his head over his shoulder, catching onto what he was looking at. "Oh, that's [C.Name]. Don't worry about them. They'll get used to you soon enough. Take a seat on the bed, I'll set everything up."

He walked over, his steps slow with care, and sat on the end of the bed without breaking eye contact with the animal. At the same pace as he moved, he turned his head away, awkwardly pretending to be uninterested. [Y.Name] laughed at him as he got to work.

After a minute, there was a soft bump against Adrien's arm. [C.Name] rubbed their head against him again. Adrien cautiously raised his hand from the sheets, to which the feline strode underneath it, pawing at and eventually curling up in his lap. He audibly cooed, running his fingers gently between their ears.

They looked so much like Plagg, he thought—before rationalising that all black cats did—which made him wonder if he'd get a few quips about trying to replace the kwami when he eventually went home. "You're so cute," he whispered, a giddy grin taking over his face.

[Y.Name] glanced over when he spoke, laughing as he stood away from the amp with the bass guitar in hand. "Well, that's a bit of a problem..."

"Do we have to practice right now?" Adrien pouted up at his friend.

"I—," [Y.Name] chuckled, gripping the instrument tighter to his chest. "I guess we can wait."

"Why don't you play something? Show me how it's done, you know, by a pro," Adrien then suggested, relaxing into the bed a bit more, still stroking the cat's head.

He picked at his lip with his teeth in heavy contemplation, staring over the bass with an even heavier weight pooling in his stomach. [Y.Name] felt sick, but knew he'd get nowhere if he put it off any longer. "I suppose I can do that. Yeah, um... yep, I'll uh, play something."

Swallowing the lump in his throat just to get the words out was difficult. Pulling over his desk chair, he sat on the edge of the seat and held the guitar in his lap. His fingers hovered over the strings, resting on different frets as he struggled to decide what to play. He eventually settled on one of the many rock songs that had been drilled into him when he was first learning.

The notes came easily once he got started. The amp was turned down to a moderate volume to not be too disruptive but still loud. [Y.Name]'s stare shifted between each of his hands, the music resonating throughout the room as he continued.

Until it stopped.

He stopped as it got more uncomfortable for him to keep going. The vibration from the amp was giving him a headache and his shoulders were stiff. [Y.Name] licked his lips, arms going slack to rest the bass in his lap to relieve some of the pressure on his back. He shifted to take in the expression of his friend.

𝐁𝐀𝐃 𝐆𝐔𝐘 • adrien agresteWhere stories live. Discover now