// 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐮𝐩 𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐬 (to protect your people)

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don't even talk to me about this chapter, i've had enough. i'll finish up editing it tomorrow >:(

★ ─── 救い主

There were many things that [Y.Name] could say with confidence about his best friend; one was that he knew, without a doubt, that they would be there for each other in any situation. A second was that Luka had a knack for disclosing one's innermost feelings and desires through music, plucking away at his guitar like the 'vibes' of an emotion were a splay of notes running along a staff.

The most recent thing, however, was that they seemed to have a wildly distinct taste in romantic partners.

[Y.Name] could understand why someone might say his is rather conventional: good looking and sweet, just like his current interest. Or maybe the conventionality came from the fact that he was dating the most sought-after, teenage heartthrob in France; hundreds of people shared his interest in Adrien, and he was simply the lucky bastard that the model fell for.

On the other hand, Luka—his closest confidant, the person he spilled every minute detail of his life to—had emerged from his bedroom, guitar in hand as they prepared for the national music festival, with an air of giddiness. His face was calm, his gait oozing a sense of contentment as he came to a stop within [Y.Name]'s personal bubble.

"Marinette's pretty funny," was all that came out of his mouth.

[Y.Name] raised a brow and glanced over Luka's shoulder, watching as said girl came stumbling through the same doorway, bashfully pawing at her own cheek. Marinette and Alya sat near the stage, their discussion partially masked by the noise produced by Kitty Section's practice. The only words he picked up were compass and statue, and [Y.Name] had spent more than enough time on board the boat to know what the insinuation might've meant.

He looked back at Luka, unimpressed. "Really?" The 'do you remember how she treated me?' went unspoken, but the other picked up the hint.

"You were close before Adrien was in the picture."

"I feel like that's beside the point." Was Adrien even out of the picture? Not even two weeks ago, Marinette was openly fawning over the charm bracelet he'd gifted her for her birthday, and she still appeared to worship the very ground he walked on. It was way too soon, way too easy, for her to have completely given up on the blond before switching targets. Anyone who could disrespect his own personal boundaries about how Marinette had done didn't deserve the time of day from Luka. A relationship between the two was bound for disaster, but [Y.Name] wasn't exactly one to hold someone back from making and learning from their mistakes.

[Y.Name] patted him on the shoulder, tensely stepping away from the stage to take a seat in the audience. "You do you, man..."

He flopped down beside Nino and slipped on a pair of noise cancelling headphones, praying that he could make it out of this festival with his eardrums intact. [Y.Name] loved his friends dearly—really, he did—but their music wasn't exactly kind to listen to, especially when the speaker they were connected to was loud enough to create short waves in the river.

Throughout the commotion raised between Anarka and the police, [Y.Name] sat staring at his phone, mulling over the message he'd received from Adrien about his inability to join them.

He sincerely hoped that the slew of curses falling from his lips reached Gabriel.

Adrien's lips pressed into a thin line, the tips of his fingers resting tentatively over the keys. He had already disappointed Gabriel before, one wrong note having prevented him from attending his friends' concert. Despite the lack of compassion his father had recently shown, Adrien hoped that basking in the music together could help bridge the emotional gap that had formed since his mother disappeared. He wished, with every fibre of his being, for a sign that he still mattered to him.

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