// 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐢𝐧 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 (a rock and a hard place)

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as you'll find out, i've aged up the miraculous characters to match the maturity of the plot, to 17-18 years old

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as you'll find out, i've aged up the miraculous characters to match the maturity of the plot, to 17-18 years old. i couldn't really picture this story happening with a bunch of 14-year-olds lol. we're getting into some of the more interesting story beats tho, so i'm very excited to move on

★ ─── 救い主

Maybe he had overestimated his ability to be ignorant.

Is it the same ring?

The fixation he'd brought upon himself clung to his ever-changing thoughts like a vice, holding tighter the more he tried to force it away; the need for an answer, a way to prove himself correct, pressed at his consciousness until the strain inevitably caused a headache.

There was no argument that could make the likelihood totally impossible. [Y.Name] had seen both rings with his own eyes, and it was only shoved in his face again and again with a collective of news articles, billboards, and even a statue featuring one of two people who may very well be one and the same.

A miraculous doesn't change its shape between activation. His own watch merely fades between silver and copper tones, so who's to say the same doesn't happen for the black cat?

It was especially gut wrenching to become hyper aware of Adrien's constant flaking in the middle of class or while they were hanging out together.

His excuses were flimsy at best and outright unbelievable at worst, with akumatized victims always appearing at the same time. If he truly wanted, he could tail him, but a tiny voice keeps him firmly planted where he was.

Because, despite the signs, the selfish part of him continues to avoid it, if only to circumvent confronting the guilt pooling in the pit of his stomach.

[Y.Name] picked at the packed lunch he'd brought, the nearby voices of his friends drowned out by his depressing cycle of self-deception, until a light tap at his wrist brought his attention up.

Juleka withdrew her hand and glanced at Rose, who stared at him with a determined sparkle in her eye, and Alya hovering by his shoulder. All of their heads were leaned in, and [Y.Name] realised they wanted him to join their huddle.

"What's going on?"

"I thought you were just pretending to be uninterested, but you really weren't listening," Alya chastised with a laugh. "I need your help to organise a party for Marinette."

[Y.Name] sat up slightly in surprise, gaze shifting to watch Alya's expression. She continued in her hushed demands, giving everyone, including himself, something to do or bring to the party, with an innocent, excited grin. When they made eye contact, Alya appeared to have everything but malicious intent.

He turned his head away. Did Marinette not tell her best friend about their last exchange?

Subtly shaking himself out of it, [Y.Name] remained quiet for the rest of Alya's spiel. If she didn't tell her, he certainly wasn't going to.

"Alright, you guys got it?"

"Yes! See you at the park then." Rose waved as Alya took her leave. "Wow, a surprise party! I can't wait."

[Y.Name] nodded along, feigning enthusiasm. "Yeah, me too."

He can already imagine what Marinette's reaction will be when she sees him there.

The soft swirling of his drink, fizzing away in the disposable plastic cup, had him mesmerised. Those around him shared their gifts and banter with the birthday girl, who kept meeting his eyes, looking away immediately with a tense strain in her brow.

He'd been floating around between groups since the party officially started, and had separated himself to take a short break by the food tables when the fluffy blond hair that had plagued his mind all week appeared before him.

[Y.Name] smiled over the lip of his cup as he took a sip of his drink. "Having fun?"

"Definitely! Birthday parties are so much more relaxed when nobody has been akumatized."

[Y.Name] choked on the fluid in his mouth when he couldn't contain his abrupt laughter. "I suppose that's right. It wasn't a great impression for your first ever party."

"Well, hopefully I can attend a few more. Like, hmm... maybe yours?" Adrien batted his lashes at him sweetly, hands clasped together and pressed to his collarbone.

He pushed his face away with a snicker. "I'll think about it."

"Aw..." The teen recovered quickly, fixing his pout into one of his renowned blinding smiles. "Have you given Marinette your present yet?"

[Y.Name] folded his arms loosely and looked at the wrapped box on the table beside him. "Ah, no, not yet."

"Neither have I. Let's go over together," Adrien insisted, stealing the cup from [Y.Name]'s hand and downing the last mouthful. He cringed into himself as soon as it hit his tongue. "Gah! What's in that?"

"Alcohol. Something you are not supposed to be drinking," he teased, poking his arm playfully and taking the cup back, setting it on the table. "'s karma for taking what's not yours."

The blond waved a hand in dismissal, coughing a few times for good measure. "Nevermind that. Come on... hey, everyone!"

Marinette flinched at the exclamation. She looked over with her eyes as wide as saucers and her jaw slack, before turning her face away from Adrien with a bashful blush dusting her cheeks.

[Y.Name] huffed to himself at the display, which was covered by the light music playing through the speakers nearby. Mari had a million chances to tell Adrien how she felt, and now he's stood before her, without her knowledge, as a taken man. Gosh, how embarrassing would it be if she were to confess now?

The thought made the grin on his face all the more genuine as he presented his gift. "Here, Marinette, happy 17th. I didn't get the chance to give it to you before. I hope it's okay."

It wasn't anything major; just a single wick candle that smells a little too sweet for his own personal taste, but something he suspected Marinette would like. Her reaction to it was positive, the thanks kept as minimal as possible.

Funnily enough, his present didn't hold a candle to what Adrien handed over. Just the box had her jaw falling open once more, her hands shaking in anticipation. Adrien could hand her a clump of grass from under his foot, and she'd probably gush about it for weeks.

[Y.Name] didn't get to find out what it really was before a more heavily accented voice flew above them, singing to themself. He quickly stepped back, hoping to avoid the conflict between Marinette and her akumatized grandmother.

"That makes it two for two," he muttered, remembering his prior conversation with Adrien.

[Y.Name]'s heart stopped when an all too familiar voice called out amidst the commotion, "Plagg, claws out!"

In a flash of green, Chat Noir was springing out from behind the bush and circling into the fray.

His mouth went dry, and his palms grew sweaty. The humour of the hiding place was completely lost to him as the sickening guilt he'd just managed to set aside came crashing into him like a tsunami, destroying every argument he'd tried to build against the possibility of Adrien being the hero.

[Y.Name] couldn't tell if the sudden need to throw up was from his overconsumption of alcohol or the realisation.

What the fuck was he meant to do now?

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